8/28 Game Thread - Nova v the House of Horrors


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8/28 Game Thread - Nova v the House of Horrors

Post by MaineBucs »

As folks debate the issue of 2 years vs. 3 years, this small tidbit on Nova buried among the list of upcoming free agents who could potentially get 4 years ----

"Ivan Nova, 30 in January. Nova is a long shot for four years, but he’s been great since coming over to the Pirates, and teams can act irrationally in free agency."

My guess is that Nova will not be on the Pirate roster come spring training. That said, his walk rate and his overall efficiency in pitching has been really encouraging since he came over from the Yankees. Only 75 pitches after 6 innings when he was yanked yesterday. Liriano and Cole always seemed to be bordering on 75 pitches in the 4th.
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8/28 Game Thread - Nova v the House of Horrors

Post by Tintin »

162428283C0E2D24292C2324450 wrote: Well Happ came with a little better of a history.  I was leery of the three year deal (which might still be an issue, we'll see) for Happ.  Nova is younger, though.  I don't know that I'd offer a deal right this moment, but it it might be the time to strike (before he hits FA).  It could end up being a mistake long term but IMO not a fatal one.

Happ was crappy when he came to Pittsburgh, had ten good starts and now he's Cy Young.  Happ hadn't been good since 2010 and even then he wasn't great.  He wansn't worth 12 million over three years after eleven starts.
The FO made mistakes last year but giving Happ 36 million wasn't one of them.
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