Cole has an elbow problem.


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Cole has an elbow problem.

Post by Bobster21 »

444F474B4E4F541117605941484F4F0E434F200 wrote: I don't think he would throwing that hard with a bad elbow. Like I said, just speculation on my part. Just sounds fishy. It will get the fans and media off of him as he had that " not healthy" label.
Yeah, well I'm not about to believe your speculation over the team's decision that further medical evaluation is necessary. Under your theory, are they going to lie and pretend that a medical condition was found even if if wasn't? That would satisfy PR purposes. Because otherwise, if they test him and no damage is found, they are back to square one. If this is all a hoax to satisfy the public because he's not pitching well, what do they do if no damage is found? Good grief, Dog!!!

Cole has an elbow problem.

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Like teams have never faked an injury before. Ask Taillon about his DL stint. You don't believe the reasoning why they traded Liriano? I said what Huntington said before he said it (maybe Hutchison was the wanted man). You think they "lied" before. Why not now?

It's a way for Cole to miss a start. A way to give him a physical and some time off in his home town. Pittsburgh has some of the best hospitals in the country. He isn't seeing Dr. Andrews.

I know it is just speculation on my part. I just find it weird that he was hitting 97 on the gun with a bad elbow.
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Cole has an elbow problem.

Post by SammyKhalifa »

4A676A7B7C6D7A3A39080 wrote: I don't think he would throwing that hard with a bad elbow. Like I said, just speculation on my part. Just sounds fishy. It will get the fans and media off of him as he had that " not healthy" label.
Yeah, well I'm not about to believe your speculation over the team's decision that further medical evaluation is necessary. Under your theory, are they going to lie and pretend that a medical condition was found even if if wasn't? That would satisfy PR purposes. Because otherwise, if they test him and no damage is found, they are back to square one. If this is all a hoax to satisfy the public because he's not pitching well, what do they do if no damage is found? Good grief, Dog!!!

Now I don't think it has been made up as some sort of show for the fans. But what I could see is that nothing is wrong, but Cole is searching for something--anything--that could be causing his issues. He gets a phantom "discomfort" that he thinks might be it and reports it. In thatt case it's nothing, but who hasn't felt "something" that turned out to be nothing? He's searching for answers and reports it and gets these opinions on it.

Not saying that's the case or that Cole is a hypochondriac but I think it's not impossible.

Cole has an elbow problem.

Post by Bobster21 »

5F545C5055544F0A0C7B425A5354541558543B0 wrote: Like teams have never faked an injury before. Ask Taillon about his DL stint. You don't believe the reasoning why they traded Liriano? I said what Huntington said before he said it (maybe Hutchison was the wanted man).  You think they "lied" before. Why not now?

It's a way for Cole to miss a start. A way to give him a physical and some time off in his home town. Pittsburgh has some of the best hospitals in the country. He isn't seeing Dr. Andrews.

I know it is just speculation on my part. I just find it weird that he was hitting 97 on the gun with a bad elbow.
Taillon admitted his shoulder felt tired. There has been no indication the team lied. Liriano was traded for reasons having nothing to do with health. NH admitted they wanted to shed that contract to obtain "financial flexibility." So I did not disbelieve the reasoning for the trade. I merely did not agree with giving away prospects to obtain that "flexibility." Cole could miss a start for any reason. They could simply skip him or say his arm is tired after so many bad games. No need to send him to a specialist in LA. In fact, they said they did an MRI and found nothing. The specialist is a precaution in case the MRI missed something. Yet you attribute this to a PR hoax. That seems like reasonable speculation to you???
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Cole has an elbow problem.

Post by Tintin »

7256424A4F230 wrote: What is Cole's contract status? If TJ is called for, that means next year is a lost year. Is he a free agent after that year or the following one?

Cole is eligible to become a FA in 2020.

They could option himdown to AAA, and place him on minor league DL. He gets Tommy John'd. We put him on the minor league DL in 2017. He's a FA in 2021.

Btw, this would be a major league jackass move and we would probably never sign a free agent again.

Cole has an elbow problem.

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705D50414657400003320 wrote: Like teams have never faked an injury before. Ask Taillon about his DL stint. You don't believe the reasoning why they traded Liriano? I said what Huntington said before he said it (maybe Hutchison was the wanted man).  You think they "lied" before. Why not now?

It's a way for Cole to miss a start. A way to give him a physical and some time off in his home town. Pittsburgh has some of the best hospitals in the country. He isn't seeing Dr. Andrews.

I know it is just speculation on my part. I just find it weird that he was hitting 97 on the gun with a bad elbow.
Taillon admitted his shoulder felt tired. There has been no indication the team lied. Liriano was traded for reasons having nothing to do with health. NH admitted they wanted to shed that contract to obtain "financial flexibility." So I did not disbelieve the reasoning for the trade. I merely did not agree with giving away prospects to obtain that "flexibility." Cole could miss a start for any reason. They could simply skip him or say his arm is tired after so many bad games. No need to send him to a specialist in LA. In fact, they said they did an MRI and found nothing. The specialist is a precaution in case the MRI missed something. Yet you attribute this to a PR hoax. That seems like reasonable speculation to you???

Taillon originally said that he didn't know he was hurt and join on the DL. Then he said he had "fatigue". He missed a few starts and rested.

Huntington on the Liriano trade:

"Because of the delay with the Liriano announcement, we weren't able to articulate ‘the why' early in the process,” Huntington said. “Many people jumped to incorrect conclusions. Our primary motivation was to acquire Drew Hutchison. ... Instead, it came out that we moved two prospects to move Liriano's contract. Now I can't tell you that wasn't a part of the motivation, but the primary motivation was to acquire a quality pitcher.”

“We understand even if we'd been the first voice heard, there would still be speculation that we were not being truthful, that we were not being forthright in what our motivation was. But because we were essentially the last voice heard, the perception was already built. ... Opinion becomes fact when it gets repeated enough.”

Not many believed Huntington and said it was a salary dump. With that said, there are times where teams stretch the truth. My theory on Cole is just a theory. Not many players can throw 97 mph consistently. Not many can do it with a bad elbow. If nothing is wrong, I just see it a way to give him a rest and not a benching. The media would have a field day if the "ace" was benched. Social Media already gets on Cole and the season he is having as the team's "ace".
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Cole has an elbow problem.

Post by Ecbucs »

3F343C3035342F6A6C1B223A3334347538345B0 wrote: Like teams have never faked an injury before. Ask Taillon about his DL stint. You don't believe the reasoning why they traded Liriano? I said what Huntington said before he said it (maybe Hutchison was the wanted man).  You think they "lied" before. Why not now?

It's a way for Cole to miss a start. A way to give him a physical and some time off in his home town. Pittsburgh has some of the best hospitals in the country. He isn't seeing Dr. Andrews.

I know it is just speculation on my part. I just find it weird that he was hitting 97 on the gun with a bad elbow.
Taillon admitted his shoulder felt tired. There has been no indication the team lied. Liriano was traded for reasons having nothing to do with health. NH admitted they wanted to shed that contract to obtain "financial flexibility." So I did not disbelieve the reasoning for the trade. I merely did not agree with giving away prospects to obtain that "flexibility." Cole could miss a start for any reason. They could simply skip him or say his arm is tired after so many bad games. No need to send him to a specialist in LA. In fact, they said they did an MRI and found nothing. The specialist is a precaution in case the MRI missed something. Yet you attribute this to a PR hoax. That seems like reasonable speculation to you???

Taillon originally said that he didn't know he was hurt and join on the DL. Then he said he had "fatigue". He missed a few starts and rested.

Huntington on the Liriano trade:

"Because of the delay with the Liriano announcement, we weren't able to articulate ‘the why' early in the process,” Huntington said. “Many people jumped to incorrect conclusions. Our primary motivation was to acquire Drew Hutchison. ... Instead, it came out that we moved two prospects to move Liriano's contract. Now I can't tell you that wasn't a part of the motivation, but the primary motivation was to acquire a quality pitcher.”

“We understand even if we'd been the first voice heard, there would still be speculation that we were not being truthful, that we were not being forthright in what our motivation was. But because we were essentially the last voice heard, the perception was already built. ... Opinion becomes fact when it gets repeated enough.”

Not many believed Huntington and said it was a salary dump. With that said, there are times where teams stretch the truth. My theory on Cole is just a theory. Not many players can throw 97 mph consistently. Not many can do it with a bad elbow. If nothing is wrong, I just see it a way to give him a rest and not a benching. The media would have a field day if the "ace" was benched. Social Media already gets on Cole and the season he is having as the team's "ace".
Huntington on Liriano: primary objective to acquire Hutchison, that may have been so but you will never be able to convince me that the only way they could get him was to deal Liriano, Ramierez and McGuire.

Cole has an elbow problem.

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You might be right. Why I said I don't really believe the Cole situation either if all is good? I sure hope nothing is wrong with Cole.
Posts: 3631
Joined: Fri Jul 01, 2016 4:19 am

Cole has an elbow problem.

Post by SammyKhalifa »

Cole to 15 day DL.

Cole has an elbow problem.

Post by Bobster21 »

5A51595550514A0F097E475F565151105D513E0 wrote: You might be right.  Why I said I don't really believe the Cole situation either if all is good?  I sure hope nothing is wrong with Cole. 
All part of the hoax, eh Dog?
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