Huntington radio show yesterday...


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Huntington radio show yesterday...

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People know I am a big fan, so they bring up the Pirates a lot. I hate when they say "I don't follow the Pirates because they don't spend money". I usually stop talking as I know they don't know a thing. But it can be fun (depending on the person) to ask them about Liriano, McCutchen, Burnett, Cervelli, Marte, Polanco, Harrison, and Kang and how they were brought in or extended.

Usually, those guys don't count. Ha ha...
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Huntington radio show yesterday...

Post by SammyKhalifa »

It doesn't happen that much these days, but my cue to exit a conversation was the old "we always trade away all our GREAT players."  I mean, if we had all of these great players we probably wouldn't have sucked for 20 years.

Huntington radio show yesterday...

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7A4844445062414845404F48290 wrote: It doesn't happen that much these days, but my cue to exit a conversation was the old "we always trade away all our GREAT players."  I mean, if we had all of these great players we probably wouldn't have sucked for 20 years.

I get that too. McCutchen should have been a Yankee years ago. I heard Cole is already there.

Huntington radio show yesterday...

Post by SteadyFreddy »

I like Huntington being blunt I have no problem with it at all. I just didn't like his tone yesterday when Glasnow was brought up. It's almost like he was happy he failed up here just so he can tell all the fans who have been calling for him to come up here "see I told you so". Like I stated in my original posts the fans can say and feel however they want. It's not our job to determine whether Glasnow is ready to pitch or not. And just the way Huntington and his tone came off yesterday he seemed happy about it. That's just the way I took it listening to the whole show.
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Huntington radio show yesterday...

Post by Wrathchild »

436475717469566275747469100 wrote: I like Huntington being blunt I have no problem with it at all. I just didn't like his tone yesterday when Glasnow was brought up. It's almost like he was happy he failed up here just so he can tell all the fans who have been calling for him to come up here "see I told you so". Like I stated in my original posts the fans can say and feel however they want. It's not our job to determine whether Glasnow is ready to pitch or not. And just the way Huntington and his tone came off yesterday he seemed happy about it. That's just the way I took it listening to the whole show.

I didn't hear him, but, IF he seemed somewhat happy, I doubt it was because he proved something to the fans. My bet is that the organization is having some difficulty getting through to Glasnow about the things he needs to do to be successful at the major league level. It may just be that a butt kicking is what they think he needs. I personally wasn't as bothered about the results as I was about what I saw from Glasnow. He seemed confused and overwhelmed to me. I have a feeling that the continued success at AAA has made him think he's ready and is hindering his own development. That may have been the face and demeanor of someone that simply couldn't believe what was happening. Of course, this is all speculation, but the telecast mentioned that he has been perceived as somewhat unfocused at Indianapolis as well.

Huntington radio show yesterday...

Post by SteadyFreddy »

63667162344546070 wrote: Maybe his 2 starts were this way due to injury. Maybe not.

I can say that when I've seen him pitch, I've seen spotty command. Not unlike what he's shown in the majors, he's just been exposed by better hitters. Not many people who have actually watched him pitch should be surprised.

The people who are surprised are the people who look at the stats and say ' this guy is unbelievable, Huntingtons an idiot. We need Glasnow in this rotation right now!' Those are also the people who should be noting that there's a flaw in their thinking. However, I'm fully those are the same people who clambered for Polanco early, etc. those people never seem to learn that there's more than just stats that go into this.

All of that said, I still expect Glasnow to be an excellent major league starting pitcher. It's just not going to be this year. Might not even be next year. Be patient.

Yeah, I think he'll still be good.  Hopefully some of that bomb of an outing was due to the "discomfort."  Also hopefully that "discomfort" doesn't turn into the dreaded "forearm tightness." 

I guess the whole "call him up yesterday" thing wouldn't have annoyed me as much if we hadn't seen the same exact thing every single time we've gotten close to getting one of these touted prospects. 

I mean seriously, every single time.  It's like we totally forget what happened last time and react the same exact way. 

Yeah, it's tiring. I'm also tired of the whole 'time to throw in the towel' motto in May, followed by the 'let's go all in, call up the prospects and trade for every big name while DFAing anybody who's gone cold in the past month' mentality in July. It's resulted in me not posting as much, that's for sure. It's the same arguments every year. And every year for the past 3 here we are contending...

Well it's a message board and people can posts and say whatever they feel as long as it's in good taste and baseball related. I'm happy the Pirates are contending more then anybody but I want them to do more then contend. I want them to win a playoff series at least and get to the NLCS. I don't think that's asking a lot. And the front office just doesn't seem like they are all that interested in getting this team over the hump and getting to that next level.

I stated before the Pirates are one of only four teams since 1979 to not win a pennant and at least make the World Series. Getting to the postseason is nice but at some point here soon it's not gonna be good enough anymore. This team has the talent and the financial resources to go out and get another player or two that can help them get to that NLCS and maybe win that pennant for the first time in 37 years. They need to quit talking about doing it and actually go do it.

Huntington radio show yesterday...

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That is what is tiring: Saying that management doesn't care.

It sucks as a fan. The Pirates have been close. They haven't done enough, but to say they don;t care is tiring at times The Front Office and the whole organization benefits a lot more in winning than you and I ever will as fans.

Why do you think they don't care? Just because it hasn't happened? Only four teams play for the League Championship every year. It is actually tough to do. It is tough to get there. There are no automatic bids, even the Cubs know that.

They care. They care a lot more than me and you. They are more involved and will benefit a ton more than you and any other fan. If they didn't care, why would they do anything? Why don't they just draft guys who they can sign and put them right into the majors? Why give any player $1 million? Yet $60 million?

Sorry, but at times it is tiring. I am not just singling you out either. I know we are all die hards here and want to win more than anyone. I just assume that we understand the process a little more than some guy in the corner chair at the local dive bar.

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Huntington radio show yesterday...

Post by ChitownBucco »

7E4C40405466454C41444B4C2D0 wrote: It doesn't happen that much these days, but my cue to exit a conversation was the old "we always trade away all our GREAT players."  I mean, if we had all of these great players we probably wouldn't have sucked for 20 years.

You have to follow up with reminding them Most everyone we traded after Aram sucked immediately or soon after being traded.

Jack Wilson

Freddy Sanchez

Xavier Nady

Matt Capps



Jason Kendall


Mike Williams

Bay had 1-2 good years after leaving

They had the fundamental right Idea in trading this guys and they timed it pretty well. They just very rarely got good scouting on who they were getting back

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Huntington radio show yesterday...

Post by PMike »

7D767E7277766D282E596078717676377A76190 wrote: That is what is tiring: Saying that management doesn't care.

It sucks as a fan.  The Pirates have been close.  They haven't done enough, but to say they don;t care is tiring at times  The Front Office and the whole organization benefits a lot more in winning than you and I ever will as fans. 

Why do you think they don't care?  Just because it hasn't happened?  Only four teams play for the League Championship every year.  It is actually tough to do.  It is tough to get there.  There are no automatic bids, even the Cubs know that.

They care.  They care a lot more than me and you.  They are more involved and will benefit a ton more than you and any other fan.  If they didn't care, why would they do anything?  Why don't they just draft guys who they can sign and put them right into the majors?  Why give any player $1 million?  Yet $60 million?

Sorry, but at times it is tiring.  I am not just singling you out either.  I know we are all die hards here and want to win more than anyone.  I just assume that we understand the process a little more than some guy in the corner chair at the local dive bar.

Yes! Thank you for writing this. I, too, get really tired of that line.
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Huntington radio show yesterday...

Post by dave3BA »

04233236332E11253233332E570 wrote: Maybe his 2 starts were this way due to injury. Maybe not.

I can say that when I've seen him pitch, I've seen spotty command. Not unlike what he's shown in the majors, he's just been exposed by better hitters. Not many people who have actually watched him pitch should be surprised.

The people who are surprised are the people who look at the stats and say ' this guy is unbelievable, Huntingtons an idiot. We need Glasnow in this rotation right now!' Those are also the people who should be noting that there's a flaw in their thinking. However, I'm fully those are the same people who clambered for Polanco early, etc. those people never seem to learn that there's more than just stats that go into this.

All of that said, I still expect Glasnow to be an excellent major league starting pitcher. It's just not going to be this year. Might not even be next year. Be patient.

Yeah, I think he'll still be good.  Hopefully some of that bomb of an outing was due to the "discomfort."  Also hopefully that "discomfort" doesn't turn into the dreaded "forearm tightness." 

I guess the whole "call him up yesterday" thing wouldn't have annoyed me as much if we hadn't seen the same exact thing every single time we've gotten close to getting one of these touted prospects. 

I mean seriously, every single time.  It's like we totally forget what happened last time and react the same exact way. 

Yeah, it's tiring. I'm also tired of the whole 'time to throw in the towel' motto in May, followed by the 'let's go all in, call up the prospects and trade for every big name while DFAing anybody who's gone cold in the past month' mentality in July. It's resulted in me not posting as much, that's for sure. It's the same arguments every year. And every year for the past 3 here we are contending...

Well it's a message board and people can posts and say whatever they feel as long as it's in good taste and baseball related. I'm happy the Pirates are contending more then anybody but I want them to do more then contend. I want them to win a playoff series at least and get to the NLCS. I don't think that's asking a lot. And the front office just doesn't seem like they are all that interested in getting this team over the hump and getting to that next level.

I stated before the Pirates are one of only four teams since 1979 to not win a pennant and at least make the World Series. Getting to the postseason is nice but at some point here soon it's not gonna be good enough anymore. This team has the talent and the financial resources to go out and get another player or two that can help them get to that NLCS and maybe win that pennant for the first time in 37 years. They need to quit talking about doing it and actually go do it.

Honestly, if you can't see the problems with what you're saying here, I'm not going to be able to convince you otherwise. In my view, you've got two major issues, seemingly:

1. You've convinced yourself there is a possibility the GM of a MLB team actually cares more about proving fans wrong than bringing up a useful piece of the puzzle during a playoff race in July.

2. You've convinced yourself management is not interested in winning games.

I strongly believe both of those have a 0% chance of being true. If you actually believe either of these things are true I'd encourage you to find another team to root for, as this clearly isn't doing you any good.
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