Reynolds Requests Trade


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Reynolds Requests Trade

Post by DemDog »

6E484F5A535F485E563D0 wrote: The reality is that he's going to be traded. Not this year, maybe, but certainly next year or the year after. The Pirates won't keep until he's able to walk away. The real question is what we get in return. The important thing to remember there is that he's a wasting asset. He won't be worth as much next year as this year (one less year of benefit to the acquiring team), nor next year as opposed to the year after. So, do we think the extra wins that would come from having him in 2023 outweigh the talent we might get instead. This is what keeps general managers awake at night.
My preference would to be keep him because of the years of control. But now that he's a liar and a quitter, I say trade him now. Problem is, if he were to be traded I wanted it to be a Major League trade, enough of prospects already. Do a package where we get a 2/3 type starter with some control. But I think he just tanked that with his hissy fit.

I don't think of him as a quitter or liar. With the ownership situation in Pgh not willing to pony up some serious $'s to buy out the rest of his arb years and at least 2 FA years, I can't blame him for wanting out. The old Branch Rickey axiom with Ralph Kiner doesn't go with today's game.
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Reynolds Requests Trade

Post by Ecbucs »

6A4B436A41492E0 wrote: The reality is that he's going to be traded. Not this year, maybe, but certainly next year or the year after. The Pirates won't keep until he's able to walk away. The real question is what we get in return. The important thing to remember there is that he's a wasting asset. He won't be worth as much next year as this year (one less year of benefit to the acquiring team), nor next year as opposed to the year after. So, do we think the extra wins that would come from having him in 2023 outweigh the talent we might get instead. This is what keeps general managers awake at night.
My preference would to be keep him because of the years of control. But now that he's a liar and a quitter, I say trade him now. Problem is, if he were to be traded I wanted it to be a Major League trade, enough of prospects already. Do a package where we get a 2/3 type starter with some control. But I think he just tanked that with his hissy fit.

I don't think of him as a quitter or liar.  With the ownership situation in Pgh not willing to pony up some serious $'s to buy out the rest of his arb years and at least 2 FA years, I can't blame him for wanting out.  The old Branch Rickey axiom with Ralph Kiner doesn't go with today's game. 

one thing I find interesting is that I thought he signed a two year deal last year so there wouldn't be drama this off season. 

It sounds like they have been negotiating a long term deal since last year and Reynolds is thinking it isn't going to happen.

Reynolds Requests Trade

Post by 2drfischer@gmail.c »

I like Brian Reynolds and wish that what he said about wanting to be here when the team wins again was still true.  But if he’s changed his mind and wants out, I’m all for honoring his request.  He’s obviously no longer totally committed to helping the Pirates win.  Instead, his loyalty is now to himself, not his teammates.  BC can’t afford to have that attitude around the young players.
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Reynolds Requests Trade

Post by MaineBucs »

I am a bit startled by some of the comments about how Reynolds is a liar, a quitter, and that his attitude may be a problem around the younger players.

Reynolds is involved in contract negotiations. If every comment from a politician, a corporate executive, a union representative, or hell, even my wife was taken within this framework the entire world would be on fire.

Last time I looked, there are Hall of Famer's who performed well for a team over a series of years and even one year, and even helped their team win a championship, but when it came time for free agency, they turned their backs on their teammates and the fans (who they stated they loved, which likely was somewhat of an honest statement) and accepted a contract from another team.

Reynolds wants more than Nutting is allowing BC to offer. My guess (nothing more than a guess) is that the offer was really low based on what today's market is. Reynolds and his agent look at the situation and determine that the gap is so wide between what they believe he is worth and what the Bucs offered that the best route would be for the Pirates to trade him to another team (and through a trade the Pirates would receive something of value, which isn't the case with free agency). But, in the end, if the Bucs upped their offer I bet Reynolds would be the fawn about how much he loves playing in Pittsburgh and that he is excited to be with the team as they work to win a championship.

Frankly, after reading the article, I am not concerned in the least regarding his comments.

P.S. Kevin Newman clearly stated that he wanted to remain a Pirate and to be with the team as they turn the corner and become a winner. How did the Bucs reward that loyalty; they traded him to the Reds. In short, comments and negotiations such as these are the world of baseball.

Reynolds Requests Trade

Post by 2drfischer@gmail.c »

08242C2B2007302636450 wrote: I am a bit startled by some of the comments about how Reynolds is a liar, a quitter, and that his attitude may be a problem around the younger players. 

Reynolds is involved in contract negotiations.  If every comment from a politician, a corporate executive, a union representative, or hell, even my wife was taken within this framework the entire world would be on fire.

Last time I looked, there are Hall of Famer's who performed well for a team over a series of years and even one year, and even helped their team win a championship, but when it came time for free agency, they turned their backs on their teammates and the fans (who they stated they loved, which likely was somewhat of an honest statement) and accepted a contract from another team.

Reynolds wants more than Nutting is allowing BC to offer.  My guess (nothing more than a guess) is that the offer was really low based on what today's market is.  Reynolds and his agent look at the situation and determine that the gap is so wide between what they believe he is worth and what the Bucs offered that the best route would be for the Pirates to trade him to another team (and through a trade the Pirates would receive something of value, which isn't the case with free agency).  But, in the end, if the Bucs upped their offer I bet Reynolds would be the fawn about how much he loves playing in Pittsburgh and that he is excited to be with the team as they work to win a championship. 

Frankly, after reading the article, I am not concerned in the least regarding his comments. 

P.S.  Kevin Newman clearly stated that he wanted to remain a Pirate and to be with the team as they turn the corner and become a winner.  How did the Bucs reward that loyalty; they traded him to the Reds.  In short, comments and negotiations such as these are the world of baseball.

The difference in this situation, however, is that Reynolds isn’t a free agent. He’s still with the club and would be playing with guys he’s said he now no longer wishes to be with. Leaving when a player reaches free agency is one thing, a player saying he wants out while he’s still on the team is another.
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Reynolds Requests Trade

Post by GreenWeenie »

liar and quitter my hind end.

He's among the better players in the game and deserves the same rewards as others receive.  If he can't get it from the Pittsburgh Pirates, he will get it from a competitor.

The Pirates- as always- have the money.

Does anyone truly think that Reynolds is asking for >30 mpy?  I don't.

He's doing his club a favor.  He's telling them that if they have no plans to pay him, then they're better off dealing him.  And, he's correct.

The Liars are anyone who has told us that they'll spend money when the time is right.

The Liars told us that the stadium would make us competitive.

The Liars told us that we'd be consistently competitive for championships.  We can't even win a division championship.

Be realistic. Most of the players who follow Reynolds have the same desire.  They know the Pirates.  Everyone does.


Reynolds Requests Trade

Post by maher.timothy20@gm »

4A666E696245726474070 wrote: I am a bit startled by some of the comments about how Reynolds is a liar, a quitter, and that his attitude may be a problem around the younger players. 

Reynolds is involved in contract negotiations.  If every comment from a politician, a corporate executive, a union representative, or hell, even my wife was taken within this framework the entire world would be on fire.

Last time I looked, there are Hall of Famer's who performed well for a team over a series of years and even one year, and even helped their team win a championship, but when it came time for free agency, they turned their backs on their teammates and the fans (who they stated they loved, which likely was somewhat of an honest statement) and accepted a contract from another team.

Reynolds wants more than Nutting is allowing BC to offer.  My guess (nothing more than a guess) is that the offer was really low based on what today's market is.  Reynolds and his agent look at the situation and determine that the gap is so wide between what they believe he is worth and what the Bucs offered that the best route would be for the Pirates to trade him to another team (and through a trade the Pirates would receive something of value, which isn't the case with free agency).  But, in the end, if the Bucs upped their offer I bet Reynolds would be the fawn about how much he loves playing in Pittsburgh and that he is excited to be with the team as they work to win a championship. 

Frankly, after reading the article, I am not concerned in the least regarding his comments. 

P.S.  Kevin Newman clearly stated that he wanted to remain a Pirate and to be with the team as they turn the corner and become a winner.  How did the Bucs reward that loyalty; they traded him to the Reds.  In short, comments and negotiations such as these are the world of baseball.

I agree with everything you say. It could turn out to be nothing more than a brilliant negotiating tactic. In theory he's put the Pirates in a bind. They'll either have to pay him what he wants or accept what will probably be a lower offer than they would have gotten a week ago (b/c teams know they're under pressure to trade). Anything other than signing him will be a PR nightmare.

I only say "in theory" because there's little evidence that the Pirates give a shit about PR nightmares, or that Bob ever feels the slightest qualms about looking like an asshole to the fans.
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Reynolds Requests Trade

Post by GreenWeenie »

When BOB gets handed $30 million in allowance, he can afford to take a PR hit. Visiting fans will help keep him afloat.

And, Henry Davis is next.
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Reynolds Requests Trade

Post by Surgnbuck »

764354545F6654545F5854310 wrote: liar and quitter my hind end.

He's among the better players in the game and deserves the same rewards as others receive.  If he can't get it from the Pittsburgh Pirates, he will get it from a competitor.

The Pirates- as always- have the money.

Does anyone truly think that Reynolds is asking for >30 mpy?  I don't.

He's doing his club a favor.  He's telling them that if they have no plans to pay him, then they're better off dealing him.  And, he's correct.

The Liars are anyone who has told us that they'll spend money when the time is right.

The Liars told us that the stadium would make us competitive.

The Liars told us that we'd be consistently competitive for championships.  We can't even win a division championship.

Be realistic. Most of the players who follow Reynolds have the same desire.  They know the Pirates.  Everyone does.

He's a liar and a quitter. Pure an simple. He's over rated here as a defender. Reynolds gets a free pass for everything he does and doesn't do. I wonder why that is? He can't drive in a guy from third base for 4 months, not a peep. Hayes throws some seeds in his mouth, and he's villifed for life.

Real fair and balanced around here.
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Reynolds Requests Trade

Post by JollyRoger »

For the record I am OK with trading BR.

However it is imperative that BC hits a HR with the return for BR

Cannot have another Josh Bell giveaway, or to a lesser degree the return for Taillon. We need highly rated pitching prospects and a future can’t miss All Star position player.

It is extremely disheartening that once again ownership fails to keep our own players. It appears that Willie “Pops” Stargell will be the very last player that played his entire career as a Pirate!
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