Managerial Candidates???


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Managerial Candidates???

Post by IABucFan »

4D7E626360685E6378647F786965620C0 wrote: I think we could do worse than Neil Walker.

Has he retired? I absolutely think Neil will get into coaching when he retires and will probably manage one day. He’s got a great baseball mind. You could hear that in his interviews.
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Managerial Candidates???

Post by SCBucco »

7E4D5150535B6D504B574C4B5A56513F0 wrote: I think we could do worse than Neil Walker.

Maybe he could bring Jon Neise in as the pitching coach. :)
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Managerial Candidates???

Post by fjk090852-7 »

Since Ben Cherrington is the new GM, there have been a couple comments about possibly John Farrell getting an interview for the manager position. Farrell and Cherrington worked together with the Red Sox.

Managerial Candidates???

Post by Bobster21 »

333F3E656C656D60677862550 wrote: Since Ben Cherrington is the new GM, there have been a couple comments about possibly John Farrell getting an interview for the manager position. Farrell and Cherrington worked together with the Red Sox.
IIRC, Farrell's name was being discussed when Hurdle was hired.
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Managerial Candidates???

Post by fjk090852-7 »

634E43525544531310210 wrote: Since Ben Cherrington is the new GM, there have been a couple comments about possibly John Farrell getting an interview for the manager position. Farrell and Cherrington worked together with the Red Sox.
IIRC, Farrell's name was being discussed when Hurdle was hired.

I would prefer one of the younger candidates be given the manager position.
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Managerial Candidates???

Post by fjk090852-7 »

Just read on MLB Trade Rumors that Cherington has some familiarity with Kotsay, and Shelton. Shelton was a coach in Toronto in 2017 whenever Cherington was there, and Kotsay played for Boston whenever Cherington was GM. Possibly those two candidates may have a better possibility of becoming manager than the other candidates. Then there is always the possibility that Cherington will bring in people who he feels can be managers.
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Managerial Candidates???

Post by SCBucco »

072A27363120377774450 wrote: Since Ben Cherrington is the new GM, there have been a couple comments about possibly John Farrell getting an interview for the manager position. Farrell and Cherrington worked together with the Red Sox.
IIRC, Farrell's name was being discussed when Hurdle was hired.

I would say with Cherrington, we are building the prospect pool and possibly going to have young teams for a while. Farrell is a name. How would he do in this situation? Not sure.

Managerial Candidates???

Post by LumberCo »

read somewhere that Cherington said something about filling the manager job in a week or something to that effect, guessing next Monday to next Friday would be my guess. Winter meetings are between the 8th and 12th so guessing he wants this out of the way and will start shopping Marte to the other teams there. My guess of course :) Thinking Derek Shelton
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Managerial Candidates???

Post by SammyKhalifa »

7049515E594E7F533C0 wrote: read somewhere that Cherington said something about filling the manager job in a week or something to that effect, guessing next Monday to next Friday would be my guess.  Winter meetings are between the 8th and 12th so guessing he wants this out of the way and will start shopping Marte to the other teams there.  My guess of course :)   Thinking Derek Shelton
Thanksgiving week? I mean maybe but I wouldn't count on it.

Managerial Candidates???

Post by DemDog »

44767A7A6E5C7F767B7E7176170 wrote: read somewhere that Cherington said something about filling the manager job in a week or something to that effect, guessing next Monday to next Friday would be my guess.  Winter meetings are between the 8th and 12th so guessing he wants this out of the way and will start shopping Marte to the other teams there.  My guess of course :)   Thinking Derek Shelton
Thanksgiving week?  I mean maybe but I wouldn't count on it.

I hope it is done by the end of next week. I am really tired of all the BS around this major change in management and how behind the team is in getting stuff set up for next season in scouting and development.

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