Glasnow needs more time in Minors


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Glasnow needs more time in Minors

Post by Ecbucs »

15050433252529460 wrote: Glasnow is young. No way do they give up on him. I wouldn't call him a disappointment. He just isn't ready. The Pirates said this all along. They were right. It's not a money issues.

Here is the problem.  Many Pirate fans I know have already pencilled him into the rotation next year out of the gate.  He isn't ready.  Sad thing is, why do I have a feeling we will see him if the Pirates fail to extend Nova? On second thought, knowing this organization, we will sign Kyle Lohse or Aaron Harang.

I think many fans have him pencilled in for next year because of what he did in 2015. After all it looked like the Pirates off season plan this year was to just try and hold the rotation together and then either Glasnow or Taillon (or both) would be big boosts for the rotation. Couple that with talk of 2016 being a bridge year from the GM makes it seem like the team was expecting both to be in the rotation in 2017.

Now based on what Glasnow has shown so far it is more questionable that he will be ready. Pmike has pointed out his leg kick and slide step (improvement) could make him ready for next year.

A couple years ago, it seemed like it was pretty easy to identify team needs and areas for improvement and what the plan was to put together a good team.

Now it is more mysterious than ever to me.

Glasnow needs more time in Minors

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4A6E7A72771B0 wrote:

Nutting said he will spend when the time is right. Still not good enough. Still hear how cheap he is and doesn't want to win. Yet, he spent so much money in extensions, drafts, foreign players. But he doesn't want to win.

No matter what this Management team says, people will believe what they want.

Dog- I'm willing to admit that Pirate management had insights into Glasnow that fans didn't. That NH was right in saying Glasnow, and before him Polanco weren't ready when fans clamored for them.

But are you willing to concede that Nutting's statement regarding spending money "when the time is right" is utter hogwash? It is you know. How do I know? I know because the Pirates' organization ranks 18th and 9th in revenue and operating income respectively, and they have a payroll that ranks 25th. They are coming off a 98 win season and yet did not spend enough on payroll to adequately compete for a playoff spot this year. If they were willing to spend money on payroll simply in line with their revenue they'd have been able to acquire talent to their starting rotation that would have given them more than Jon Niese. Of course most fans don't believe Nutting. Why should we? If he wasn't going to loosen the purse strings after a 98 win season to try to win a championship when will he ever think that the time is right? When do you think the time will be right? 

Well, I don't believe payroll is the way you win. I do believe in not over paying. I think the Pirates have been good in that department overall. Sure, they missed some. Sure, I would have wanted other moves.

The Pirates were built from nothing. Of course their payroll will be low. It's a young team. Players were brought in. They were paid very well.

But people would rather be the Phillies or the Angels and their high payroll. But how come the Pirates don't get credit for what they have done with their low payrolls? Three year playoff run. Other teams should follow their lead. But instead, they are mocked.

When most people get a good deal on something, they brag about it. They are proud. Tell me again about that great sale price you got or do you insist on paying the regular price? The Pirates, for some reason, don't get that praise.
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Glasnow needs more time in Minors

Post by Quail »

Dog- You're avoiding the facts and the question.

No one. I repeat, no one is saying that the Pirates should spend like the Dodgers, Cubs, Red Sox or Yankees. All I'm saying is that the team should be spending money on payroll that is more in line with their revenue and income standing in the context of MLB especially when they are on the cusp of greatness.

It was fine for the Pirates to be the bargain basement barons of baseball when they were rebuilding a moribund franchise into a winner. Kudos to them for being smart and thrifty. But when you reach the playoffs 3 years in a row and can't move forward it's time to ditch thrifty and spend up to the limit of your means to advance because there's a rare opportunity for a championship. The answer to "when to spend" for most fans was last offseason, for that very reason.

So I repeat the question: When do you think the time will be right for the Pirates to spend the money commensurate with their level of revenue and operating income?
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Glasnow needs more time in Minors

Post by SCBucco »

4266727A7F130 wrote: Dog- You're avoiding the facts and the question.

No one. I repeat, no one is saying that the Pirates should spend like the Dodgers, Cubs, Red Sox or Yankees. All I'm saying is that the team should be spending money on payroll that is more in line with their revenue and income standing in the context of MLB especially when they are on the cusp of greatness.

It was fine for the Pirates to be the bargain basement barons of baseball when they were rebuilding a moribund franchise into a winner. Kudos to them for being smart and thrifty. But when you reach the playoffs 3 years in a row and can't move forward it's time to ditch thrifty and spend up to the limit of your means to advance because there's a rare opportunity for a championship. The answer to "when to spend" for most fans was last offseason, for that very reason. 

So I repeat the question: When do you think the time will be right for the Pirates to spend the money commensurate with their level of revenue and operating income?

That is the problem.  Dog thinks when posters want the Pirates to spend $$$, he thinks we go Dodgers, or Cubs, or Red Sox.  No one has said that.  They want ownership/the FO to go out and get one good player to help, not the next retread to save money.  Pittsburgh missed a golden opportunity to sustain momentum from those three wild card appearances.  Right now, it was necessary to continue to build, not rest on your laurels with retreads as the building mechanism.

Glasnow needs more time in Minors

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No, I am not avoiding the question. I am not saying the Pirates have to spend like the big dogs. I am pointing out how payroll doesn't mean you automatically win. The Pirates have been smart with their money. And they are winning.

Marte, McCutchen, Polanco, Kang, Harrison, Cervelli and all locked up. No money to spend there. Only SS and 1B isn't loocked up long term. A new 1B was brought in, money spent. Jaso just didn't perform.

Pitching is very young. They paid Liriano, Volquez, Morton and Burnett over the years. Money was spent. They have increased payroll at the trading deadlines too.

There just isn't much room to add payroll, to add smart payroll. Sure, a pitcher would have been nice to bring in. They made offers, they went elsewhere.

What if they gave Volquez that contract? What if it was a five year deal? What if they gave Liriano a five year deal? But everyone brings up Happ assuming he wanted to stay and the Pirates didn't sign him. So many predicted the season Happ had too after his average career.

That is my issue. They are winning with a low payroll. They have added pieces over the years. It isn't easy to make the playoffs three years in a row, yet four. I am disappointed this season. I didn't like the offseason moves, but I understood them. I am not worried going forward. The team is set up to win. Like they have always done, they need a few more pieces. I have faith that they will add them.

Glasnow needs more time in Minors

Post by Bobster21 »

Here's what Huntington said about the trade:

“Because of the delay with the Liriano announcement, we weren't able to articulate ‘the why' early in the process,” Huntington said. “Many people jumped to incorrect conclusions. Our primary motivation was to acquire Drew Hutchison. ... Instead, it came out that we moved two prospects to move Liriano's contract. Now I can't tell you that wasn't a part of the motivation, but the primary motivation was to acquire a quality pitcher.” ... on-liriano

So, like Dog, we can accept it at face value with no questions asked and steadfastly defend the deal as nothing more than a successful attempt to acquire Drew Hutchison because he's a quality pitcher and denying that it was a  salary dump.

Or we can analyze the comment. In the same sentence, NH admits that dumping Liriano's contract was part of the motivation. So there's that. NH's flat out confession. Then there's the fact that Drew Hutchison-in over 400 innings for Toronto-was never a quality pitcher. He had a 4.92 ERA and a 1.358 WHIP and was sent back to AAA this year despite winning 13 games in 2015 with a horrible ERA of 5.57.  His career AAA ERA is 3.97. Hardly anything to get excited about or to suggest he would be a quality MLB pitcher. In his few games as a Pirate, his pitching has been consistent with the terrible results in MLB with Toronto and his less than impressive numbers in AAA. If this is the kind of quality player they're going to be trading top prospects for, we can expect another 20 year losing streak.

So there is nothing whatsoever to suggest that Hutchison ever was or could be a quality pitcher and was worth a struggling Liriano AND two of the organization's top 10 prospects. And there is NH's own admission that dumping Liriano's salary was part of the motivation for that trade. Arguably, a struggling Liriano for a struggling Hutchison might have made sense. But as NH admitted, the Pirates were motivated to dump Liriano's entire salary this year and next year. They sweetened the pot with McGuire and Ramirez to make the deal. This was even reported in the PG.

For years, Huntington was criticized for his unwillingness to part with prospects in order to fetch big leaguers who might make an immediate impact. He argued the draft is the Pirates’ best avenue to premier talent, and it was in the franchise’s best interest to keep that talent in-house. In this trade, though, the prospects served as incentive for the Blue Jays to eat the contract of a fading starter. ... 1608010150

Glasnow needs more time in Minors

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You don't like Management so that is what you heard.

I trust Management, based on their success, and heard it differently. Like I said, we don't really know. "If you want Reese, you have to take Liriano". But that is impossible to believe because you don't like Management.

No one ever answers why they extended all those players if they are saving money and don't want to win. Wouldn't Nutting have more money in his pocket if he didn't extend anyone and let them walk? Or traded to the Yankees (popular saying)?

It also doesn't mean they should overspend for players because they have extra money. Do you do that? Does your business do that?

I know people can post and think what they want. But crying "won't spend money" over and over gets tiresome as they have proved over and over they are spending money. It just isn't good enough unless they win the World Series. I wear a Pirates hat a lot and many strangers say that to me over the years. They usually have no comment when I bring up the extensions and ask them why they did that? "They won't sign McCutchen". They did. Gave him the highest salary in franchise history. Are people mad they got McCutchen signed before the big boom in salaries? They got him for $60 million instead of $100 million. I feel people are mad at that.

It is just tiresome. No disrespect to anyone here, but my answers/points and my unanswered questions will be posted too. It is sad that one negative gets noticed over ten positives. Make a mistake on purpose at work or in front of others and see the response. People will certainly forget all the good you did prior to that mistake.

Glasnow needs more time in Minors

Post by Bobster21 »

272C24282D2C377274033A222B2C2C6D202C430 wrote: You don't like Management so that is what you heard. 

I trust Management, based on their success, and heard it differently.  Like I said, we don't really know.  "If you want Reese, you have to take Liriano".  But that is impossible to believe because you don't like Management. 

No one ever answers why they extended all those players if they are saving money and don't want to win.  Wouldn't Nutting have more money in his pocket if he didn't extend anyone and let them walk?  Or traded to the Yankees (popular saying)? 

It also doesn't mean they should overspend for players because they have extra money.  Do you do that?  Does your business do that? 

I know people can post and think what they want.  But crying "won't spend money" over and over gets tiresome as they have proved over and over they are spending money.  It just isn't good enough unless they win the World Series.  I wear a Pirates hat a lot and many strangers say that to me over the years.  They usually have no comment when I bring up the extensions and ask them why they did that?  "They won't sign McCutchen".  They did.  Gave him the highest salary in franchise history.  Are people mad they got McCutchen signed before the big boom in salaries?  They got him for $60 million instead of $100 million.  I feel people are mad at that. 

It is just tiresome.  No disrespect to anyone here, but my answers/points and my unanswered questions will be posted too. It is sad that one negative gets noticed over ten positives.  Make a mistake on purpose at work or in front of others and see the response.  People will certainly forget all the good you did prior to that mistake.

No, I heard what NH said because he said it. You love management and put a positive spin on everything even if you have to disregard what management has clearly said. Why are you ignoring NH's quote that moving Liriano's contract was part of the motivation for the trade?

Your "proof' that this wasn't a salary dump is that they extended contracts! Why wouldn't they? They have to field a team! All extensions were for team friendly amounts and enabled the Pirates to maintain one of the lowest payrolls in MLB. If they didn't extend players to team friendly contracts, they would have to pay replacements and unless they used minimum salaried rookies, they'd be paying even more for veterans from other teams. But even though they extended Liriano, they found a way to avoid paying him. Which refutes your argument that giving extensions is proof that trading Liriano was not a salary dump.

Dog, we're all devoted Pirate fans here. Even when we don't like some things the FO does. If we weren't such fans, those things wouldn't bother us. Waving the banner for the FO and supporting everything it does doesn't make you a more devoted fan than anyone else. It's ok to be critical.

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Glasnow needs more time in Minors

Post by Quail »

555E565A5F5E450006714850595E5E1F525E310 wrote: You don't like Management so that is what you heard. 

I trust Management, based on their success, and heard it differently.  Like I said, we don't really know.  "If you want Reese, you have to take Liriano".  But that is impossible to believe because you don't like Management. 

No one ever answers why they extended all those players if they are saving money and don't want to win.  Wouldn't Nutting have more money in his pocket if he didn't extend anyone and let them walk?  Or traded to the Yankees (popular saying)? 

It also doesn't mean they should overspend for players because they have extra money.  Do you do that?  Does your business do that? 

I know people can post and think what they want.  But crying "won't spend money" over and over gets tiresome as they have proved over and over they are spending money.  It just isn't good enough unless they win the World Series.  I wear a Pirates hat a lot and many strangers say that to me over the years.  They usually have no comment when I bring up the extensions and ask them why they did that?  "They won't sign McCutchen".  They did.  Gave him the highest salary in franchise history.  Are people mad they got McCutchen signed before the big boom in salaries?  They got him for $60 million instead of $100 million.  I feel people are mad at that. 

It is just tiresome.  No disrespect to anyone here, but my answers/points and my unanswered questions will be posted too. It is sad that one negative gets noticed over ten positives.  Make a mistake on purpose at work or in front of others and see the response.  People will certainly forget all the good you did prior to that mistake.

Exactly how much less could Nutting spend and still put 9 players on the field.? You're acting as if team friendly extensions of contracts are an expense that is discretionary. In reality it's not because the alternative (in theory) for a team that is already 25th in spending in MLB would be to call up a AAA league minimum player at every position every year to replace a more expensive veteran player.

But this would alienate the fan base to the point that the Pirates would start to lose gate and merchandise revenue. It would significantly lessen the value of the upcoming new TV deal where literally tens of millions of dollars are at stake. It would lessen the value of the franchise itself (where Nutting has already gained 10 times the equity he invested in the original purchase). And finally it would in all likelihood have Nutting answering questions from the Commissioner's Office regarding the integrity of the game's competitive nature a la Charles Finley.

The Pirates are spending nothing more than the bare minimum that they need to in order to keep their 'investment' an increasingly lucrative one. And it's not that they "don't want to win". It's just that it's not as important as making a big return on investment. I'm sure they believe winning would be a nice bonus but not at the expense of profit.

Glasnow needs more time in Minors

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They are WINNING. They are being COMPETITIVE.

But people want them to spend more just to spend more. It will look like they care.

The Cervelli signing is a good example. He gave them a price, the Pirates said No. The Pirates gave him a price, Cervelli said Yes. They got him cheaper. But they are being cheap, not smart, right?

The team is built. Marte is signed, McCutchen is signed, Polanco is signed, Harrison is signed, Kang is signed, Cervelli is signed. All those guys are locked up. But they are now "team friendly" deals and they get ripped on for that? Really? But if they gave Marte $70 million for the same amount of years, people would have been happier because they spent money? I don't get that thought process. Players agree to these deals and the Pirates are being cheap. They didn't have to sign them. The Pirates didn't have to offer them either.

Such bad business by getting players cheaper and winning and being competitive at the same time. Crazy thought process.
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