June 4 Transaction News


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Re: June 4 Transaction News

Post by Bobster »

From the guy who brought us Heller, Santana and Bruihl, Cherington made these comments on his radio show, essentially admitting that his plan to build a bullpen is to throw a lot of crap against the wall and see what sticks. Doesn't sound like a GM who's trying to compete now.

"We’re going to keep taking shots on less-proven guys who have pitch qualities that we believe can translate to major-league success. Some of those are gonna be younger pitchers like Carmen Mlodzinski and Kyle Nicolas, who come up through the system. Some are gonna be external. And over time, we're gonna hit on enough of those and it's gonna add up to a good bullpen.”

Over time??? Does he know the season's already going on as we speak? But he's gonna spend the season taking shots on less proven guys. Brilliant! There's always time to rebuild but never time to compete. Cherington is one of the worst things to ever happen to this franchise. I'd put Shelton in that category too, except that he probably takes his orders from Cherington.
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PooperScooper !
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Re: June 4 Transaction News

Post by PooperScooper ! »

A real hitting prospect would be great but BC can`t identify them. That`s a huge problem.
Seth Beer AAA ,should be given a shot.
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Re: June 4 Transaction News

Post by bucs607179 »

Not transaction news but a guy was telling me about Braxton Ashcraft. TBH, first I heard of him. Told he had to have TJ surgery but seems to be doing well. I just met the guy golfing and turns out he is avid Buc fan. He hopes the 2025 rotation looks like this, Skenes, Jones, Keller, and Ashcraft.

And he added to have hitters who can stay above .200 ;)
PooperScooper !
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Re: June 4 Transaction News

Post by PooperScooper ! »

BC can`t hide with all the Skenes attention much longer. Media is taking notice of Bucs lack of offense.

Skenes could bring a haul could get a few blue chips and mlb starters. Just get it over with now.
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Re: June 4 Transaction News

Post by 3pirates3 »

"The Pirates are telling teams they will trade pitching prospects for big-league bats." - Heyman

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Re: June 4 Transaction News

Post by bucs607179 »

We will trade our pitchers for bats then complain we have no pitching. ;)

I think we all know Skenes and Jones won't be Bucs to long. Hell with saving their arms. Not going to benefit us.
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