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Post by BenM »

The league just announced suspensions for the Reds/Pirates fight.

Kela 10 games

Osuna 5 games

Crick 3 games

Hurdle 2 games

For Cincinatti

Bell 6 games

Garret 8 games

Hughes 3 games

Puig 3 games

For me, the biggest surprise is Bell. He got kicked out of the game earlier, but came back out of the clubhouse to get involved.

Kela pitched how many innings between the two game team suspension and the latest league suspension?


Post by Bobster21 »

Why was Hurdle suspended?


Post by WiffleballHero »

795459484F5E49090A3B0 wrote: Why was Hurdle suspended?

Because the false narrative has been allowed to propagate that Hurdle instructs his pitchers to pitch "up and in," as if the Pirates are the only ones who pitch that way or that pitchers haven't pitched up and in since they stopped pitching underhanded during the Rutherford B. Hayes administration.

Sounds to me like Maddon, Bell, and probably a number of other NL (and particularly NL Central) opponents bellyaching off-record to sportswriters and league officials about the Pirates because they don't think their batters should be intimidated by a collection of low-talent AAAA pitchers the Pirates seemingly have clogging up the mound every year. This narrative has now been cemented in and will stick to Hurdle as long as he's in the dugout.


Post by CarolinaBucco »

To me the biggest surprise is Garrett not getting the most games ... and I mean the most games BY FAR. He charged the opposing dugout like an idiot and basically started a riot. Until that moment everything had been mostly "typically stupid baseball things." He single-handedly took it to another level entirely. He should have gotten 10-15 games in my opinion.
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Post by Ecbucs »

436E63727564733330010 wrote: Why was Hurdle suspended?

for not fighting back.

I'm guessing for not controlling his team.

I don't see why Kela got the most games since he didn't hit anyone and as far as I'm concerned his pitch wasn't even that difficult for batter to avoid. Garrett should have gotten longest suspension (if not Bell).
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Post by SammyKhalifa »

547273647262110 wrote: Why was Hurdle suspended?

for not fighting back.

I'm guessing for not controlling his team. 

I don't see why Kela got the most games since he didn't hit anyone and as far as I'm concerned his pitch wasn't even that difficult for batter to avoid.  Garrett should have gotten longest suspension (if not Bell).
I am out and about so I can't dig up the quote, but he blatantly said after the game that he threw at the guy, and he did it because he did it because he wasn't around to do it last time. Well deserved imo


Post by WiffleballHero »

5B6965657143606964616E69080 wrote:

I am out and about so I can't dig up the quote, but he blatantly said after the game that he threw at the guy, and he did it because he did it because he wasn't around to do it last time.  Well deserved imo

Kela sure seems to be a lot of trouble for what he's been worth. Maybe they can trade him to the Raiders.
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Post by iabucco »

I agree that I think Kela's comments cost him some games. I didn't think the pitch was that close but his comments made it worse. He and Garrett should have had the same amount and Bell should have had the most. He is a manager, who came back out to the field and had to be restrained from going after an old man who moves like he is an older man.
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Post by PMike »

33010D0D192B08010C090601600 wrote: Why was Hurdle suspended?

for not fighting back.

I'm guessing for not controlling his team. 

I don't see why Kela got the most games since he didn't hit anyone and as far as I'm concerned his pitch wasn't even that difficult for batter to avoid.  Garrett should have gotten longest suspension (if not Bell).
I am out and about so I can't dig up the quote, but he blatantly said after the game that he threw at the guy, and he did it because he did it because he wasn't around to do it last time.  Well deserved imo

Specifically he said that he threw up and in at Dietrich but had no intention of hitting. He said he was sending a message. He also said that if he wanted to hit Dietrich, he would have.
Posts: 352
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Post by iabucco »

Also, it seem like kind of a weasily decision to have each team suspended 20 games of play. If one team was more guilty in this make a hard decision. This is too equitable.
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