Imagine the Yinzer Rage if the Pirates did this?


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Imagine the Yinzer Rage if the Pirates did this?

Post by SammyKhalifa » ... 2012280070

Penguins defend accepting $4.8 million loan through pandemic-related government loan

What if the Pirates applied for a loan meant to bail out small businesses a few days after news that the owner bought Michael Jackson's Neverland Ranch?

Imagine the Yinzer Rage if the Pirates did this?

Post by DemDog »

All I have to say is that businesses like the Pens, the LA Lakers who had the balls to apply for these loans should face the piper. With these unusual circumstances throughout the sports world to see a guy who helped Mario keep hockey in Pittsburgh would feel socially responsible to spend some of his millions on keeping the SAB afloat while we wait out the pandemic. The Lakers did return the money they got from the PPP. Now, will Lemieux Gp LLC do the same? They sure should if they want to remain the #2 sports team in Yinzer World.
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Imagine the Yinzer Rage if the Pirates did this?

Post by SammyKhalifa »

I hope you're right.

I also hope that the Mark Maddens and the DKs and the "Nutting is Cheeps" of the world will hold the Penguins to the same standard as they would the Pirates. I'm not holding my breath though. This wouldn't be relegated to a page 2 story if everyone's favorite punching bag did it.
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Imagine the Yinzer Rage if the Pirates did this?

Post by GreenWeenie »

I'm not sure that I would criticize the Pirates for applying for a loan, as long as the loan was made by rules that were created by the government and lender. If there was preferential treatment, that might be another story.

Don't loans need to be repaid at some point? I'm not sure what the big deal is here if other sports teams are doing it.....or, if organizations of any kind do.

I'm sure that some need the money more than others, but, that's not a team's fault.
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Imagine the Yinzer Rage if the Pirates did this?

Post by MaineBucs »

Loans become grants if certain terms are met.
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Imagine the Yinzer Rage if the Pirates did this?

Post by BellevueBuc »

FOM (friends of Mario) consistently get a pass in Pittsburgh. Mario himself will surely get one as well.

Imagine the Yinzer Rage if the Pirates did this?

Post by Bobster21 »

21060F0F06151606211600630 wrote: FOM (friends of Mario) consistently get a pass in Pittsburgh.  Mario himself will surely get one as well.
Well, when you can hit like Mendoza there are going to be perks. ;)
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Imagine the Yinzer Rage if the Pirates did this?

Post by SammyKhalifa »

To be fair it was Ron Burkle that bought the Michael Jackson place not Mario. The point still stands though. If the Pirates had railroaded through the demolition of the Civic Arena and kept it a parking lot for ten years there would have been Hell to pay.
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Imagine the Yinzer Rage if the Pirates did this?

Post by Surgnbuck »

Five year plans and new deals,

wrapped in golden chains.

Then I wonder, still I wonder,

who'll stop the rain?
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Imagine the Yinzer Rage if the Pirates did this?

Post by BellevueBuc »

Now imagine if the Pirates put giant logos on their helmets.
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