5/20 vs Phillies (Bob Walk Bobblechair Day)


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5/20 vs Phillies (Bob Walk Bobblechair Day)

Post by Ecbucs »

3B30383431302B6E681F263E373030713C305F0 wrote: Will Ortiz replace Jaso in RF with this lead? 

It should happen with the way Hurdle works.

with Jaso moving to first?

5/20 vs Phillies (Bob Walk Bobblechair Day)

Post by rucker59@gmail.com »

Another very good start by Nova. Amazing how good he's been.

5/20 vs Phillies (Bob Walk Bobblechair Day)

Post by dogknot17@yahoo.co »

Watson with his first clean inning?

Raise it.
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5/20 vs Phillies (Bob Walk Bobblechair Day)

Post by RichD »

Nice win. Caught the end of the game. Frazier is a real nice player and needs to play everyday.

Nova just likes pitching for the Pirates ...He is comfortable .

Cutch stuck out bases loaded late after being ahead in the count .

He is totally lost right now ..I feel for the guy and that feeling means he needs to bat lower down in the order .Right know we are hoping he connects on the long ball.

5/20 vs Phillies (Bob Walk Bobblechair Day)

Post by SteadyFreddy »

Yea don't know what is going on with Cutch. We heard about how he was going to have a bounce back year and everything and I'm not seeing it and it's just not happening. We just might have to accept the fact that Cutch is just a player on the downside of his career that just can't get it done at the level he once used to. I don't know if Cutch is still bothered and upset at the Pirates about trading him but his body language at times out there just does not look the same as it used too. One this is for certain Cutch's trade value has definitely gone down from a year ago and it's very concerning to me now what they might get back for him because I don't think it's gonna be much.
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