1992 Clemente article SI has pulled from he vaults


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1992 Clemente article SI has pulled from he vaults

Post by UtahPirate »

http://www.si.com/vault/1992/12/28/1278 ... n-his-game

I continue to be amazed every time I read something about my personal hero. And I often learn something new. This poem left me with tears streaming down my face. Until I read this, I never knew that Clemente wrote poetry...

"Who Am I?

I am a small point in the eye of the full moon. I only need one ray of the sun to warm my face. I only need one breeze from the Alisios to refresh my soul. What else can I ask if I know that my sons really love me?"

I'm so connected. I have no idea why an 8-year old boy from Utah would become so completely enamored with Roberto. But in 1963 that connection was made. My children know I hardly ever cry, but run some highlights of Clemente playing and the tears overflow.

Reading about his many good deeds continues to influence my life and what I try to do with it. This is another wonderful tribute to a man who understood there is greatness — and happiness and joy — in just trying to be a good person.

One of my three sons sent this to me today. Read that poem again and tell me you wouldn't start blubbering too...
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1992 Clemente article SI has pulled from he vaults

Post by iabucco »

Thanks, I can never get enough of Clemente articles and information about him.
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1992 Clemente article SI has pulled from he vaults

Post by Quail »

Great article- thanks for posting!

I'm truly grateful that I had the opportunity to watch him play. The morning I found out that he had died is still one that I remember as one of the saddest days of my life.

1992 Clemente article SI has pulled from he vaults

Post by DemDog »

Like Quail and a few others on OBN I got to see pretty much Roberto's entire career. Got to see the great plays. Got to see him twist his neck and say he was not feeling good after going 4 for 4 at the plate. Got to see how he played all out every minute of the game. You think JHay hustles, well Roberto must have been his idol growing up.

But the most satisfying thing I remember about Roberto was his love for his family and other Latin players. He was often misconstrued as a complainer etc by the press and even some fans but that was due to the language barrier. Some times he could say what he meant in English.

I always got a kick out of two things Roberto did in the field on a regular basis. First when he caught a fly ball for an out and there was no one on base he would just toss the ball back in underlanded. Yep, Roberto could thrown the ball further underhanded than some guys could throw it overhand. Now the second thing I saw but not as often was the 9-3 play when a guy would hit a hard one hop hit into RF and Roberto would often grab the ball and unload it to the 1Bman for the out. What a player he was.
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1992 Clemente article SI has pulled from he vaults

Post by ChitownBucco »

How was he regarded his first handful of years?!

Did people know of his potential when he arrived via the rule v draft? Was their impatience that he was taking awhile to develop?
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1992 Clemente article SI has pulled from he vaults

Post by Quail »

0823223F243C25093E2828244B0 wrote: How was he regarded his first handful of years?!

Did people know of his potential when he arrived via the rule v draft? Was their impatience that he was taking awhile to develop?

That's a great question! Unfortunately I was too young to really follow the Pirates during Roberto's first 3 years. The Pirates were a terrible team for a handful of years preceding and including 1955 (his debut year). My guess would be that the fan base might have been down on the team in general and perhaps that included Clemente initially. On the other hand the colorful radio voices of the Pirates in those days, Rosey Rowswell and Bob Prince, might have kept the fans interest and enthusiasm far above what the team's on-field performance warranted. But honestly I don't know.

I started following them with avid interest in 1958. In my experience he was highly thought of by the fans at that point in his career. For most of my baseball loving friends he was their favorite player with the most coveted baseball card.
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