Watson out as closer


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Watson out as closer

Post by NJBucsFan »

Watson out, Rivero and Nicasio committee in. "“We’re going to use the bullpen to win games,” manager Clint Hurdle said."


http://www.post-gazette.com/sports/pira ... 1706090191

Watson out as closer

Post by Bobster21 »

I prefer Nicasio to close because I think it is less important than putting out fires like Rivero can do. Hurdle's comments seem to suggest he agrees. But Watson is so bad he has to be replaced. At least Hurdle is willing to use two players in that role which frees up Rivero for some earlier inning fireman work.
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Watson out as closer

Post by NJBucsFan »

785558494E5F48080B3A0 wrote: I prefer Nicasio to close because I think it is less important than putting out fires like Rivero can do. Hurdle's comments seem to suggest he agrees. But Watson is so bad he has to be replaced. At least Hurdle is willing to use two players in that role which frees up Rivero for some earlier inning fireman work.

Agreed all around, and this approach if honestly followed would give so much more flexibility around game situation. Nicasio most of the time, probably, with Rivero a possibility as well. This lets you deal with fires that may or may not come up, as well as the makeup of the lineup in the 9th. I'd love to see Hurdle manage for the win instead of save collection.
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Watson out as closer

Post by dmetz »

There it is. Was only a question of when. Now after we have blown 3-4 games we otherwise could have won, we are going to commit to using the best two relievers in the highest leverage spots whenever they occur.

Watch and see Watson recover now that he isn't closing only.

Watson out as closer

Post by CarolinaBucco »

Glad he made the move ... two games too late, but at least he did it.

Watson out as closer

Post by CarolinaBucco »

Not that this week hasn't been bad enough already, but we have potential for major embarrassment tonight and Sunday. It's Worley tonight and Locke on Sunday, and losses to either or both of them is going to be pretty brutal. Worley is lsomething like 0-2 with a 6.50 ERA, so he is exactly the type of picture that shuts down the Pirates.

Watson out as closer

Post by dogknot17@yahoo.co »

I like this move. I hope they use match ups to close out games considering their arms they pitch with.

I just hope a third guy can step up. That is what is needed the most. Can that be Watson? Hudson? Those two can be used in situational too.
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Watson out as closer

Post by UtahPirate »

Are Hurdle/Huntington growing a set? When does the Glasnow experiment end? Some tweaks to this lineup would really help. Right now I have confidence that Nova is going to keep us in a game. I "hope" when Williams takes the mound.

But Glasnow? I hid my eyes in terror. I don't think we're doing him any favors right now.


Watson out as closer

Post by CarolinaBucco »

Right now we can feel confident in our starting pitching 1 out of every 5 days.

That is not good.

Watson out as closer

Post by dogknot17@yahoo.co »

I agree about Glasnow. Kuhl saved himself the last few starts, so I would send down Glasnow. Keep Williams, Taillon returns.

There are plenty of guys to bring up who are pitching well in Indy.
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