Is Jordy injured?/Game thread 7/6


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Is Jordy injured?/Game thread 7/6

Post by CarolinaBucco »

He better be, because if he's not this makes ZERO sense.

Why on earth is Hurdle RESTING Mercer today, and starting Moroff at SS?

1. Mercer just RESTED on Saturday.

2. Mercer is about to REST for 4 straight days.

3. Moroff is not very good.

Like I said, unless Mercer is injured, this decision is absolutely ridiculous.

Is Jordy injured?/Game thread 7/6

Post by Bobster21 »

CBS is reporting it's a "standard day off." Hurdle has a different standard than most. ... -thursday/

I give up. :-?

Is Jordy injured?/Game thread 7/6

Post by CarolinaBucco »

That's actually funny (in a sad way). The link says that Mercer is getting "a standard day off" after "starting 4 straight games" at shortstop.

Wait, what? FOUR STRAIGHT GAMES?? Seriously?

That's inhumane. THANK GOODNESS he is going to get a good rest today since the All-Star break is still THREE WHOLE DAYS away. No way in the world you could expect him to play 8 straight games heading into the break.

Smart move by Hurdle to make sure Mercer is fully rested headed into his off-week next week, so that he can fully enjoy his vacation.
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Is Jordy injured?/Game thread 7/6

Post by ScottinMass »

Moroff has 13 AB's in the last week (since 6/28)

Something CH never gave to Hanson.

Moroff is 1 for his last 17 and 2 for his last 23. Ouch!

Is Jordy injured?/Game thread 7/6

Post by CarolinaBucco »

He has also been a bit shaky in the field.

I would MUCH rather have Gift in that role if Moroff is going to go about 1 for 20.

Gift can go 1-20 while playing elite defense.

Of course Gift is on the DL right now, but I think he's better suited for this role than Moroff, who has showed me absolutely nothing since he's been up.

Is Jordy injured?/Game thread 7/6

Post by »

I'd rather have Moroff. Moroff is a good fielder and a much better hitter than Gift. I think Moroff is a fine back up infielder. I know he hasn't hit in the majors, but he will hit enough to keep the back up role.

Is Jordy injured?/Game thread 7/6

Post by »

The Pirates have played 85 games and Mercer has started 80 of them. I don't always agree with the rest, but having six days off before the break isn't very many.

Is Jordy injured?/Game thread 7/6

Post by Bobster21 »

The frightening thing is that Hurdle sees no sense of urgency in any games. Sunday on the verge of being swept at home by SF and just 6 days after the team had a day off, he wrote and embarrassing lineup that had no chance and SF competed the sweep. SF flew cross-country on the day prior to that series, used the same lineup all 3 days except for a change at 3B in game 3, and miraculously were not too tired to sweep the well-rested Bucs. I'm sure they appreciated facing the JV team that Sunday. Today is the difference between trying to make up for the disadtrous SF series by taking 3 of 4 from the terrible Phillies or treading water with a split. But no urgency here. Mercer gets a routine day off after being off June 26, July 1, and 4 days next week. I don't know why I should even care anymore. Hurdle doesn't.

Is Jordy injured?/Game thread 7/6

Post by CarolinaBucco »

I'm with Bobster on this one.

Unless Hurdle and FO have already mailed in the season (maybe they have), then these games are relevant and important if you consider yourself to still be playing meaningful games.

There's no way Mercer NEEDS a day off. Instead, management just THINKS he needs a day off, and in the process they are outsmarting themselves.
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Is Jordy injured?/Game thread 7/6

Post by RichD »

See i look at it this way Moroff needs some work .If your on the team you need to play. if you suck like he has, you get sent back down.Need to find out. He was the minor league player of the year few years back AA and he was leading AAA in Hr this year.

Mercer will get his chance to drop his bating avg 20 points soon enough. I do like Mercer tho, he is steadily avg.
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