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Bucs Need to Get a Better Seventh Inning Pitcher

Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2017 3:48 pm
by fjk090852-7
There is no way that Benoit should pitch another seventh inning in a close game for the Pirates. He is down right awful! Possibly Shugal can fill the void, or possibly recall Brault to fill that role. After two appearances from Benoit there is no way I trust him in a close game.

Bucs Need to Get a Better Seventh Inning Pitcher

Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2017 4:08 pm
by dave3BA
Don't you think 2 appearances is a little too soon to have such a strong opinion? I mean, the guy's 40. He has years of track record to point to. I'm not saying you're wrong, he could very well be washed up and there's a reason we got him for basically nothing, but only basing it off 2 appearances seems impatient.

Bucs Need to Get a Better Seventh Inning Pitcher

Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2017 4:32 pm
by Bobster21
52574053057477360 wrote: Don't you think 2 appearances is a little too soon to have such a strong opinion? I mean, the guy's 40. He has years of track record to point to. I'm not saying you're wrong, he could very well be washed up and there's a reason we got him for basically nothing, but only basing it off 2 appearances seems impatient.
2 games is too few to cut the guy but I would not use him in the back end of the BP until/unless he starts getting hitters out. Marinez has been doing well lately (1 run in last 7.1 innings). I'd rather see him in the later innings than Benoit.

Bucs Need to Get a Better Seventh Inning Pitcher

Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2017 6:48 pm
S-Rod is back. Didn't he pitch before? The guy can do it all.

Bucs Need to Get a Better Seventh Inning Pitcher

Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2017 7:03 pm
by JollyRoger
272B2A7178717974736C76410 wrote: There is no way that Benoit should pitch another seventh inning in a close game for the Pirates. He is down right awful! Possibly Shugal can fill the void, or possibly recall Brault to fill that role. After two appearances from Benoit there is no way I trust him in a close game.
Well, they just claimed Kontos from the Giants

Bucs Need to Get a Better Seventh Inning Pitcher

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2017 7:28 pm
by mouse
In the Sunday game, with the Pirates up 4 - 2, and a runner on first with two out, the announcers were saying the Pirates would go with a pinch hitter if Taillon's spot came up (he was one batter away). The camera showed a shot of the bullpen warmup process. It looked a lot like the word "Benoit" on the back of the shirt of the guy warming up. Stewart, fortunately, bounced to third so we'll likely never know. Hopefully Taillon is a good 7th inning guy.

Bucs Need to Get a Better Seventh Inning Pitcher

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2017 7:50 pm
LeBlanc came in. Nicasio in the eighth.

Bucs Need to Get a Better Seventh Inning Pitcher

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2017 9:04 pm
by mouse
Yes, it must have been LeBlanc I was seeing. The view was from behind a fan standing above the warm-up area.

Bucs Need to Get a Better Seventh Inning Pitcher

Posted: Sun Aug 06, 2017 11:14 pm
by johnfluharty
Beniot looked a lot better today.