New pitching coach?


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New pitching coach?

Post by Leyland1948 »

Does it seem strange to anyone else that the team has not named a new pitching coach. Seems strange that they have not found someone by now or is it that they are having problems finding someone who is interested?
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New pitching coach?

Post by PMike »

1F362A3F323D37626A676B530 wrote: Does it seem strange to anyone else that the team has not named a new pitching coach. Seems strange that they have not found someone by now or is it that they are having problems finding someone who is interested?

I wish they would have found someone by now. Someone pointed out in another thread that FA pitchers may not want to sign with a team if they don't know who the pitching coach would be. That's probably why we missed out on Cole...

I definitely disagree that it is because of lack of interest in working for the Pirates. There are only 30 jobs like that in the world. I am confident that there are always more than enough high level possibility when a MLB gig opens. For whatever reason, they just haven't hired anyone.
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New pitching coach?

Post by BenM »

Cherington talked about the search earlier this week. It sounded like they have a very specific type that they are looking for. One that combines analytics with the ability to teach mechanics. It sounded like the delay is because they are being very selective. Which I like.

This process is going to be a marathon, so I don't mind the delay.
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New pitching coach?

Post by SammyKhalifa »

Yeah, I mean he was hired like three weeks ago.
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New pitching coach?

Post by fjk090852-7 »

5F7873501D0 wrote: Cherington talked about the search earlier this week. It sounded like they have a very specific type that they are looking for. One that combines analytics with the ability to teach mechanics. It sounded like the delay is because they are being very selective. Which I like.

This process is going to be a marathon, so I don't mind the delay.
I too think this new management group is very selective in the decisions they make whether it is staff, or trades. I am guessing by early next week a pitching coach will be hired.
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New pitching coach?

Post by Quail »

596B67677341626B66636C6B0A0 wrote: Yeah, I mean he was hired like three weeks ago. 

Precisely! I can't blame Cherington for being deliberate in selecting and hiring the coaching staff. I'm sure he's still deep into the process of evaluating every aspect of the organization's assets and needs. I'm also of a similar mind regarding his approach to player acquisition; better to make the right decision later than to make a less informed hasty one.
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New pitching coach?

Post by Ecbucs »

6A4E5A52573B0 wrote: Yeah, I mean he was hired like three weeks ago. 

Precisely! I can't blame Cherington for being deliberate in selecting and hiring the coaching staff. I'm sure he's still deep into the process of evaluating every aspect of the organization's assets and needs. I'm also of a similar mind regarding his approach to player acquisition; better to make the right decision later than to make a less informed hasty one.

Especially for 2020, I will go into the season with low expectations for on field performance.  BC doesn't have a lot to work with and he needs to make good moves, and some of those may not be possible until later. I am also curious as to what the changes throughout the system will be. Brian Graham (I think he was farm director under DL) had spoken about how there was a plan for every player and that they worked on doing things the same way throughout the system.

However, it seemed that wasn't really the case as NH and company came in and said they were changing to that (and it also sounds like they didn't get 100% buy in on that either based on some of minor league managerial changes).
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New pitching coach?

Post by skinnyhorse »

I hope he's being super careful in evaluating this entire organization. It was obvious that the previous staff weren't very good at evalutating or developing players. I say take your time and get it right. It's easy to hire people, firing them is much harder, I know from experience. I don't know how he can evaluate players until ST. I guess you can visit with them and get some ideas but until you see them perform it seems impossible.

We have some players who may just need the right coach, everyone knows what has happened to several players we gave away who became elite talent and we never got that out of them. It makes me sick to see all the players we had in the playoffs now playing for other teams. That should never happen again.
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New pitching coach?

Post by TBird »

I'd like to see Joel Hanrahan be the pitching coach.. Heard he did great in Altoona.

Somewhat an off topic but in the same train of thought.

Even tho Numbnut kept most of the coaches from last year can the new mgr replace them with guys he knows and feels confortable with?

New pitching coach?

Post by DemDog »

From yesterday's online edition of the Trib.

On Pirates Pitching Coach Search

BC and KS are indeed thinking outside of the usual Pirates box this time around.
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