DH To National League


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DH To National League

Post by fjk090852-7 »

If they ever ratify a new CBA, the designated hitter is coming to the National League. The Pirates could use Yoshi as their DH, and Michael Chavis could be another possibility. I am sure dreaming, but if the Bucs could sign an agreement with Cutch, I think that would be a signing that some Pirate fans would be happy with. Having a bat like his would make the lineup much stronger. A heart of the lineup with Hayes, Reynolds, Yoshi, Cruz, and Cutch would be difficult for opposing pitchers to pitch around.
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DH To National League

Post by IABucFan »

This is extremely disappointing. The DH makes for a worse game. "I don't want to watch pitchers hit .075 for 162 games!" Great. Neither do I. Which is why most managers will PH for their pitcher at some point. The DH makes your bench more or less useless. It eliminates any type of strategic chess game between opposing managers. It makes for a more boring, predictable, product. But hey...it's 15 more full time jobs, so the players are happy, it protects owners $150 million investments in the top pitchers, and it attracts new, young fans (or so the thought process goes) because, well, "chicks dig the long ball," right?

I loathe the DH. I loathe that they forced this on the NL. And I really can't stand that people who happen to think like me are simply dismissed and mocked, and told to "get over it." NL baseball, as far as I'm concerned, is dead. This constant tinkering with the game...I can't stand it. But I'm just an old fuddy duddy, right? (Hint...I'm a millennial...the very generation that MLB is trying to attract!)

My sincere hope is that this drives me away from being a fan. I'm not sure if my fandom can be killed that easily, but I hope so. I feel that passionately about this.

DH To National League

Post by 2drfischer@gmail.c »

747C7F485E7B5C533D0 wrote: This is extremely disappointing. The DH makes for a worse game. "I don't want to watch pitchers hit .075 for 162 games!" Great. Neither do I. Which is why most managers will PH for their pitcher at some point. The DH makes your bench more or less useless. It eliminates any type of strategic chess game between opposing managers. It makes for a more boring, predictable, product. But hey...it's 15 more full time jobs, so the players are happy, it protects owners $150 million investments in the top pitchers, and it attracts new, young fans (or so the thought process goes) because, well, "chicks dig the long ball," right?

I loathe the DH. I loathe that they forced this on the NL. And I really can't stand that people who happen to think like me are simply dismissed and mocked, and told to "get over it." NL baseball, as far as I'm concerned, is dead. This constant tinkering with the game...I can't stand it. But I'm just an old fuddy duddy, right? (Hint...I'm a millennial...the very generation that MLB is trying to attract!)

My sincere hope is that this drives me away from being a fan. I'm not sure if my fandom can be killed that easily, but I hope so. I feel that passionately about this.

This falls under the category of "things I wish I wrote". Well done. I'm not opposed to introducing changes but I am against any rule change that severely alters the core of the game, like the DH, Interleague play, and the replay system. Those three, in particular, have challenged my fanhood and have made the game worse for me. I've paid less attention as a result of each of those changes.

DH To National League

Post by ArnoldRothstein »

. I loathe that they forced this on the NL.

Nothing's forced on the NL. They've refrained from adopting it for years because it was valuable as a labor bargaining chip. Now they've thrown in the chip.
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DH To National League

Post by skinnyhorse »

131B182F391C3B345A0 wrote: This is extremely disappointing. The DH makes for a worse game. "I don't want to watch pitchers hit .075 for 162 games!" Great. Neither do I. Which is why most managers will PH for their pitcher at some point. The DH makes your bench more or less useless. It eliminates any type of strategic chess game between opposing managers. It makes for a more boring, predictable, product. But hey...it's 15 more full time jobs, so the players are happy, it protects owners $150 million investments in the top pitchers, and it attracts new, young fans (or so the thought process goes) because, well, "chicks dig the long ball," right?

I loathe the DH. I loathe that they forced this on the NL. And I really can't stand that people who happen to think like me are simply dismissed and mocked, and told to "get over it." NL baseball, as far as I'm concerned, is dead. This constant tinkering with the game...I can't stand it. But I'm just an old fuddy duddy, right? (Hint...I'm a millennial...the very generation that MLB is trying to attract!)

My sincere hope is that this drives me away from being a fan. I'm not sure if my fandom can be killed that easily, but I hope so. I feel that passionately about this.
I'm right there with you.  But some so called fans think baseball is flourishing.  It's another example of greed, not good enough to play the game but still collect a big pay check.  If we are not careful baseball will flourish so much we will have base runners for the DHers so they won't have to run around the bases after their hits.  It also protects owners long term contracts with guys like

Harper, Pujols, everybody wins except real baseball fans. Disgusted with the whole thing.
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DH To National League

Post by GreenWeenie »

I would think that those of us who enjoy MLB are fans. Those of us who are disgusted by it are something else.
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DH To National League

Post by SyrBucco »

I thought Colin Moran should have been offered a contract just for this likelihood. A Moran/Chavis platoon at 1B would be effective. Yoshi would be better off as a DH.

But ultimately the DH will work against the Pirates. It's just one more player position where the Bucs will be outbid for talent. It's a lousy spot for a young player, where the Bucs would compete better.

I guess my dream of a "designated pinch hitter" compromise rule will never come to pass.

DH To National League

Post by Bobster21 »

1B2E3939320B39393235395C0 wrote: I would think that those of us who enjoy MLB are fans.  Those of us who are disgusted by it are something else.
I may have missed the news that someone was appointed the czar of fandom. IMHO, I believe it's very possible to love something and become disgusted at the direction it is taking. We can love MLB without licking the boots of the decision makers who want to change the game and submissively lapping up any and all changes they decide to make.
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DH To National League

Post by GreenWeenie »

I didn't see that anyone was appointed czar of anything. "I would think" is giving an opinion. It's an opinion. So, we have different opinions. That's life.

Must be perfectly fine to go around using terms like "so called fans," though.
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DH To National League

Post by Surgnbuck »

It's been a foregone conclusion for a long time. Like night games were going to ruin the game. And domes. And astroturf. Larger gloves. Steroids. Spider tack. Expansion. Lowering the mound. Replay. Corked bats. Analytics. First ballot entry into HOF. Pay per view playoffs. Expanded playoffs. Every WS game played at night. Tobacco ban. Persons of color. Women broadcasters. Women coaches. The shift. Long games. Mascots. Every game televised (blackout restrictions apply). Longer season. Divisional baseball. Brewers to the NL. Astros to the AL. Free agency. The "area" play. The Posey rule. The "unwritten rules". Bat tosses. Challenges. Three batter minimum. Runner on second in extras. Higher ticket prices. Higher concession prices. In game entertainment. Wifi. The Red Sox and Yankees "always" on Sunday night baseball. Batting gloves. Batting helmets. And so many more.

So many jumping off points where people say "The game is ruined". Yet there's MLB still rocking the changes and few have jumped off, at least if one can believe the continuing increase of revenues.

No game is the same. It was always better the way we learned to like a game. I don't believe people leave but I do think their interest level wanes. I do believe people quit spending on it but yet they still follow there team.

And others learn to accept the changes, still enjoy being consumed by the game and still have that certain air of knowing the young fans today will be saying the same things when they get older.

As David Bowie once sang, "I watch the ripples change their size, but they never leave the stream Of warm impermanence. So the days float through my eyes, but still days seem the same. And these children that you spit on, as they try to change their worlds. They're immune to your consultations, they're quite aware of what they're going through."

I just hope if you find a jumping off point you think back to what you enjoyed and not focus on the issue where you said, "Enough." If you can't carry with the game, carry the joy you did have and share that instead.
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