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Game Thread: 5-28-18 Bucs vs. Cubs, Memorial Day

Posted: Tue May 29, 2018 5:48 pm
by CarolinaBucco
Not quite sure which bothers me most today ...

My anger / hatred toward Maddon and the Cubs for last night and the Jung Ho play (yes I'm still holding that grudge) and just the Flubs in general.

Or my disappointment in the Pirates and the fact that this could be the beginning of the end. The season could be slipping away at this point unless they get this ship turned around, and fast.

One thing I do know and this probably irks me more than anything. I believe with 100% certainty that if the roles had been completely reversed last night, with a Pirates player sliding into a Flubs catcher under identical circumstances, it would have been ruled an illegal slide and a double-play. I absolutely believe that, and that really bothers me.

Game Thread: 5-28-18 Bucs vs. Cubs, Memorial Day

Posted: Tue May 29, 2018 5:52 pm
by UtahPirate
4D606D7C7B6A7D3D3E0F0 wrote: I don't see how you can say baseball insiders think Rizzo was wrong.  The umps, replay and analysts for MLB say he was ok. I think he was wrong  and want the Bucs to slide hard into any cub they can.  But apparently it was legal.   to me this is example of a bad rule

Rule 7.13 states A runner may not run out of a direct line to the plate in order to initiate contact with the catcher, or any player, covering the plate. If he does, the umpire can call him out even if the player taking the throw loses possession of the ball.

Rizzo changed his path from the direct line he was on from 3B to home in order to slide in FRONT of the plate so that he could make contact with Diaz. He ended up in front of and perpendicular to the plate as he touched it with his arms while using his legs to go after Diaz's ankles. Rizzo admitted he was trying to break up the DP. So he admitted he was not just trying to get to the plate but he was also trying to make contact with Diaz. Diaz was not on the plate. He had stepped in front of it to avoid the contact the Rizzo forced by deviating from his path.  A few years ago, I would have called that a heads up, smart play by Rizzo. But after someone did that to Buster Posey and broke his leg, MLB deemed it illegal. This is not the first time umps got something wrong or replay did not correct a bad call. The video is plain as day. The slide was illegal. The umps and replay blew it. At least Diaz did not get hurt as Rizzo changed his course to admittedly go after him (to break up the DP). I guess according to those umps and replay, it's open season on catchers. Unless Posey gets hurt again. 

The rule covers preventing collisions at the plate. In all my years of watching baseball, I have never seen a player purposely slide into the back of a catcher to "break up a double play." It's not done that I know of, so the interpretation of this rule doesn't cover what Rizzo did.

Breaking up a double play includes having the fielder facing you so you can react and make a decision on how to avoid the slide. And even rules on it changed because it had gotten so out of control.

"Breaking up a double play" at home is an attack to the back of a fielder who has no clue that you are going to slide into him. It's pure Chicken Sh$t baseball. It is exactly the kind of crap you'd expect from a team managed by Maddon.

I am so furious over this. It was dirty. Worse it was completely cowardly. Blind siding any player in baseball is flat dirty. This play doesn't happen because even "hard-nosed, old-fashioned" players are above sliding into players that have their backs turned to them. Just Cub crap. We should hit more than just Rizzo, and we should have started it last night.

Game Thread: 5-28-18 Bucs vs. Cubs, Memorial Day

Posted: Tue May 29, 2018 5:53 pm
4260736E6D686F60437462626E010 wrote: Not quite sure which bothers me most today ...

My anger / hatred toward Maddon and the Cubs for last night and the Jung Ho play (yes I'm still holding that grudge) and just the Flubs in general.

Or my disappointment in the Pirates and the fact that this could be the beginning of the end. The season could be slipping away at this point unless they get this ship turned around, and fast.

One thing I do know and this probably irks me more than anything. I believe with 100% certainty that if the roles had been completely reversed last night, with a Pirates player sliding into a Flubs catcher under identical circumstances, it would have been ruled an illegal slide and a double-play. I absolutely believe that, and that really bothers me.

I do too. I believe if reversed a different outcome. I know we shouldn't think that way, but I certainly do. I know I watch more Pirates games than any other team by a huge margin, but so many calls against the Pirates in my opinion.

The Pirates led the league in getting hit by a pitch a few years ago and they were the ones warned when they hit a batter. That crap was unreal to me. I know it is bias, but it happened.

Game Thread: 5-28-18 Bucs vs. Cubs, Memorial Day

Posted: Tue May 29, 2018 6:31 pm
by Ecbucs
634E43525544531310210 wrote: I don't see how you can say baseball insiders think Rizzo was wrong.  The umps, replay and analysts for MLB say he was ok. I think he was wrong  and want the Bucs to slide hard into any cub they can.  But apparently it was legal.   to me this is example of a bad rule

Rule 7.13 states A runner may not run out of a direct line to the plate in order to initiate contact with the catcher, or any player, covering the plate. If he does, the umpire can call him out even if the player taking the throw loses possession of the ball.

Rizzo changed his path from the direct line he was on from 3B to home in order to slide in FRONT of the plate so that he could make contact with Diaz. He ended up in front of and perpendicular to the plate as he touched it with his arms while using his legs to go after Diaz's ankles. Rizzo admitted he was trying to break up the DP. So he admitted he was not just trying to get to the plate but he was also trying to make contact with Diaz. Diaz was not on the plate. He had stepped in front of it to avoid the contact the Rizzo forced by deviating from his path.  A few years ago, I would have called that a heads up, smart play by Rizzo. But after someone did that to Buster Posey and broke his leg, MLB deemed it illegal. This is not the first time umps got something wrong or replay did not correct a bad call. The video is plain as day. The slide was illegal. The umps and replay blew it. At least Diaz did not get hurt as Rizzo changed his course to admittedly go after him (to break up the DP). I guess according to those umps and replay, it's open season on catchers. Unless Posey gets hurt again. 

Bobster, I agree that your interpretation is right but few in baseball other than those connected with the Pirates have said that is the case. To me, the intent of the Posey rule was to prevent injuries.  Allowing slides like Rizzo's flies in the face of that.

ON the clip Ron Darling says we don't see this play much but in his day it was common enough to slide to try and take the catcher out. I think he and Byrnes and the replay officials were wrong. The Pirates should be arguing if that was a legal play it is one that needs to be addressed and removed from the game.

I wouldn't mind if the Bucs hit every Cub in the line up tonight.

Game Thread: 5-28-18 Bucs vs. Cubs, Memorial Day

Posted: Tue May 29, 2018 7:31 pm
by IABucFan

Game Thread: 5-28-18 Bucs vs. Cubs, Memorial Day

Posted: Tue May 29, 2018 7:52 pm
by Ecbucs
41494A7D6B4E6966080 wrote: huh...imagine that. ... terference

its funny that Chicago paper has reported this as well as ESPN yet hasn't. Being scooped on their own statement.

Game Thread: 5-28-18 Bucs vs. Cubs, Memorial Day

Posted: Tue May 29, 2018 7:55 pm
by Bobster21
I hope Hurdle isn't fined for being ejected for being right.

Game Thread: 5-28-18 Bucs vs. Cubs, Memorial Day

Posted: Tue May 29, 2018 8:18 pm
I wish Hurdle would have appealed the call. Is he allowed to do that after video replay? Was this a judgment call or was the rule wrong by the umpire(s)/official(s)?

When was the last time there was an appeal?

Game Thread: 5-28-18 Bucs vs. Cubs, Memorial Day

Posted: Wed May 30, 2018 2:20 pm
by dmetz
So now the bigger issue is that the entire team basically came out and said it wasn't dirty, minus Diaz. 

Cervelli, one of the biggest crybaby primadonnas the city of Pittsburgh has ever seen, praises Joe Maddon's teams as "playing hard" and specifically said it's not up to the fans and they aren't playing MMA when it comes to enforcing the code.  If cervelli gets brushed back, he throws a 2 minute "look at me" hissy fit, let alone run into and here this guy is not backing his fellow backstop who is on record as saying he felt it was dirty and could have ended his career.  Unbelievable.  What a fake tough guy Cervelli is, all hat and no cattle. Just a guy I cannot stand (he's killing the baseball though, so I'm all in!)  

They've put Diaz out on an island on this "issue".

So much for all that team "chemisty" eh?  Easy to have chemistry when you're winning.   It's when times don't go so good that the true colors show through.