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DH To National League

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2022 11:08 am
by GreenWeenie
That's the beauty of baseball: An unlimited number of things not to like about it, yet here we are.

DH To National League

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2022 12:56 pm
by 2drfischer@gmail.c
774549495D6F4C45484D4245240 wrote: I`m cool with the DH, about time.

Nobody wants to watch a Pitcher hit. And all that strategy that will will now miss.

Boo Hoo, we all complain about how MGRS. suck making decision's anyway.

Playball  8-)
But nobody wants to see a big guy run, either.  And there are no cries for Designated Runners.  Because, you know, running to a base is part of the game.  That would be stupid.

Beautifully said. Why stop at a designated hitter? Why not have players designated to do everything, like run, catch, or throw? Or having guys who come into pitch only when runners are on second and third with one out on a Tuesday night?

Trying to justifying the DH with the argument that fans only want to see match-ups between the best pitcher and the best hitter is extraordinarily naive. How often does the best face the best in a baseball game made-up of 80-120 plate appearances? Baseball games are filled with match-ups between guys who are ordinary and replaceable by others who're ordinary and replaceable.

DH To National League

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2022 3:45 pm
by GreenWeenie
Some arguments are so absurd that the white flag would've saved time.

Took 100 years for a league to implement something.

Another 47 or so for another league to get with the program.

So, they'll have designated thisses and designated thats the day after tomorrow.

DH To National League

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2022 4:12 pm
by Bobster21
182D3A3A31083A3A31363A5F0 wrote: Some arguments are so absurd that the white flag would've saved time.

Took 100 years for a league to implement something.

Another 47 or so for another league to get with the program.

So, they'll have designated thisses and designated thats the day after tomorrow.
OTOH, the current owners have shown a willingness to make drastic changes. We've had ghost runner at 2B in extra innings, 7 inning D/H games, minimum 3 batters for a reliever, and soon to be a pitch clock, a ban on shifts and a series against every team in the other league at the expense of games vs division opponents. At this point, nothing the owners propose would surprise me.

DH To National League

Posted: Sat Mar 12, 2022 4:17 pm
by GreenWeenie
Depends on what's considered "drastic."

Good examples.  They showed that, relax!- the world hasn't come to an end.  Not yet, anyway.  We'll get over it eventually.

Some were temporary and implemented under unusual conditions.

They probably bellyached after they put cork inside baseballs.

DH To National League

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2022 1:23 am
by SammyKhalifa
1F2A3D3D360F3D3D36313D580 wrote: That's the beauty of baseball:  An unlimited number of things not to like about it, yet here we are.
Amen to that, haha.

DH To National League

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2022 1:27 am
by SammyKhalifa
062B26373021367675440 wrote: Some arguments are so absurd that the white flag would've saved time.

Took 100 years for a league to implement something.

Another 47 or so for another league to get with the program.

So, they'll have designated thisses and designated thats the day after tomorrow.
OTOH, the current owners have shown a willingness to make drastic changes. We've had ghost runner at 2B in extra innings, 7 inning D/H games, minimum 3 batters for a reliever, and soon to be a pitch clock, a ban on shifts and a series against every team in the other league at the expense of games vs division opponents.  At this point, nothing the owners propose would surprise me.
Yeah, I kind of got some of the the changes during the weird pandemic times. Especially the ones that saved pitchers a bit after so long of not doing anything.

The new things for this year are a mixed bag for me:

Pitch clock--I like it. The year I had my PST plan I swear I saw Steve Trachsel start three times. No need to relive that horror.

Banning shifts--I don't like it at all. Baseball should have more strategy not less.

Bigger bases--Eh. Doesn't do much for me either way. Why? I know they say it's because they want more stolen bases but I don't see it.

DH To National League

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2022 5:38 pm
by IABucFan
I just don’t see why people think changing the game is better for the game. This isn’t like the NFL trying to make the game safer. It’s the constant tinkering with the game between the lines to somehow make it better. And I just don’t see it. I’ve never been less excited about the start of the season. I was out of the country for ten days and honestly didn’t even know the lockout ended.

I don’t know any of the details of it, other than the NL is no longer playing NL baseball. I also see they worked out new TV deals with Apple and Peacock, as if anyone actually subscribed to that service. Instead of getting rid of blackouts and making it easier for fans to watch, MLB somehow managed to make it more difficult for fans to watch their favorite team.

Sorry, but MLB is all but dead to me. I’m just not interested anymore. I didn’t go to a game last year. Heck, I don’t think I watched a single game last year.

Maybe I’m using this forum to vent my disappointment. I don’t know…but I just can’t get excited about opening day, certainly not opening day for the Pirates.

DH To National League

Posted: Sun Mar 13, 2022 5:58 pm
by GreenWeenie
Certainly not, indeed, but, for me, it has zilch to do with any agreements or changes. It has to do with the culprit.. I always look forward to baseball season. Beats winters hands down.

DH To National League

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2022 1:23 pm
by IABucFan
I’ve studied the need CBA a little bit. I honestly can’t find one single thing I like about it. MAYBE 12 team playoffs. But besides that, I can’t find one thing that benefits the Pirates. I can’t find one thing that makes it easier for fans to watch games. Somehow, MLB actually made it more difficult and you now need to subscribe to like four streaming services, one of which is only available to Apple users, if you want to watch all of your teams' games. I see plenty of things about changing the game between the lines, none of which I would consider good. Again, MAYBE a pitch clock, but even there, I don’t see a huge difference being made.

I want to be an MLB fan. I WANT to root for the Pirates. But it’s really, really difficult right now. I hate what MLB is becoming. In an effort to save the game, I fear they’re ruining it. Not ruining it as in, the league will fold or something. That won’t happen. But they’re ruining it for longtime fans, particularly fans in small markets.