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Adam Frazier

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2020 10:43 am
by 2drfischer@gmail.c
62454C4C45565545625543200 wrote: So --- You want to keep Polanco?

Keeping Polanco is not a bad idea.  No one will trade for him, they have no prospects to play RF and Polanco's issue was clearly due to lack of playing time.  His K rate was extremely abnormal for him, playing winter ball is a big deal. He was destroying the ball at times, he gets on track he is a player to keep, not get rid of for some random minor leaguer.

We may not have any prospects to play RF but that doesn't preclude the club from trading for a player to replace him.

Polanco's issue wasn't due to a lack of playing time.  He's overrated.  He isn't that good.  He's proven it over seven years with his maddening inconsistency.

Nearly every major league player "destroys" the ball at times.  We were told Polanco would do it on a regular basis.  It hasn't happened.  He'll hit for four days and then disappear for two weeks.  And that's when he stays healthy, which is a rarity.

Time to part ways with him.  It'll be addition by subtraction.

Thats not accurate.  Polanco was very good a few years ago, and has been injured since.

They are paying him $11M next year either way, they might as well play him. This team is going to be terrible next year anyways. They can also trade for a player during the season if Polanco still stinks.  They also can wait until after winter ball. At this point, they should play him.

Polanco did not destroy the ball at times, and every major leaguer does not do that. Polanco almost never made soft contact last year, that is not even close to normal. It was most certainly a timing thing with Polanco due to lack of playing time, not liking him does not change that.

How is he inconsistent? He struggled, played well and then got hurt. How is he over rated?  Who is rating him high? He is a solid starting RF when healthy, which he has been in 3 of his 4 full seasons.

One thing is 100% certain, this team should not waste their few assets on someone that can play RF next year.

We see Polanco through very different eyes. If Polanco was "very good", it was for the briefest of periods. He's been a mostly below average player throughout his career.

When you write "They are paying him $11M next year either way, they might as well play him", I see it the other way: they don't have to play him because he gets paid anyway. I don't believe he's going to improve next year, the only year he's likely to be here. My choice would be to find someone else as quickly as possible.

As for his consistency, throughout most of his career, he's been terribly inconsistent. He'll hit well for 4-5 games then be awful for two weeks. It's who he is. Whether he plays everyday or is in and out of the line-up due to his many injuries, he's unreliable. And I'm not impressed with hard contact. His batting average and other hitting statistics are the facts. He's a below average hitter.

The Pirates overrated him. We were told from the beginning that he was a special player. He hasn't been.

He's not, and never has been, a "solid" right fielder. I hold my breath every time a ball is hit his way.

Adam Frazier

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2020 10:45 am
by 2drfischer@gmail.c
10373E3E37242737102731520 wrote: ... fferently/

Polanco was missing meatballs down the middle.  He had very obvious swing issues and did not look comfortable. Trading or releasing him because he costs too much would be unwise. [highlight]He is exactly the player the Pirates should be trading FOR, not trading away.[/highlight]

So you want the Pirates to continue winning less than a third of their games?

Adam Frazier

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2020 1:30 pm
by shedman
I view Polanco as a 20 HR/,246 career BA guy.  I would much rather have a 40HR/.310 BA, but there aren't too many of those kind of guys around.  Thus, I would rather have Polanco then putting another LMG out there and "see what he has", while we punt another season away.

Adam Frazier

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2020 2:26 pm
by Bobster21
39222F2E272B244A0 wrote: I view Polanco as a 20 HR/,246 career BA guy.  I would much rather have a 40HR/.310 BA, but there aren't too many of those kind of guys around.  Thus, I would rather have Polanco then putting another LMG out there and "see what he has", while we punt another season away.
I get that. It's certainly one school of thought. But it's also just another way of kicking the can.

Like it or not (definitely NOT!), this team will not be improved by adding established, productive players. Nutting will not pay for that. He won't even pay for Polanco when he has a chance to buy him out in 2022 for 3 million instead of paying him 12.5 mil to stay.

So our limited choice is to just maintain the status quo with a marginally talented, lame duck player for 1 more losing, irrelevant year or look for an unproven player who might be a better option for years to come during which, if enough such players can be found (and at least we have a different regime looking and developing), we might have a few seasons of relevancy.

Shedman, I know how much you hate kicking the can by always looking for new young players instead of acquiring proven talent. It's a fair point. I also know the Pirates are not going to build the way you want and that if there's ever going to be a chance at improvement it has to be to find GOOD young talent-and not just because they make LM salary.

So far they have not chosen your way and have failed at their way. So it's darned if they do; darned if they don't. And we are probably the most demoralized fan base in MLB. :(

Adam Frazier

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2020 2:43 pm
by shedman
745954454253440407360 wrote: I view Polanco as a 20 HR/,246 career BA guy.  I would much rather have a 40HR/.310 BA, but there aren't too many of those kind of guys around.  Thus, I would rather have Polanco then putting another LMG out there and "see what he has", while we punt another season away.
I get that. It's certainly one school of thought. But it's also just another way of kicking the can.

Like it or not (definitely NOT!), this team will not be improved by adding established, productive players. Nutting will not pay for that. He won't even pay for Polanco when he has a chance to buy him out in 2022 for 3 million instead of paying him 12.5 mil to stay.   

So our limited choice is to just maintain the status quo with a marginally talented, lame duck player for 1 more losing, irrelevant year or look for an unproven player who might be a better option for years to come during which, if enough such players can be found (and at least we have a different regime looking and developing), we might have a few seasons of relevancy.

Shedman, I know how much you hate kicking the can by always looking for new young players instead of acquiring proven talent. It's a fair point. I also know the Pirates are not going to build the way you want and that if there's ever going to be a chance at improvement it has to be to find GOOD young talent-and not just because they make LM salary.

So far they have not chosen your way and have failed at their way. So it's darned if they do; darned if they don't. And we are probably the most demoralized fan base in MLB. :( 

This is a very good post that pretty much sums up my position. I agree with you that these cheapskates may never field a competitive team. Even so, as a Pirate fan, it doesn't mean that I accept it. I will rush to my keyboard to commend Cherington anytime he adds a major league ball player to the roster (even players that many would find as marginal major league ball players). Like wise, I will continue to criticize Cherington for lack of action and promising a future that will never arrive in Pittsburgh. While some fans may find solace in pumping this prospect or that prospect, that way of operating is doomed for failure after abject failure.

Adam Frazier

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2020 3:02 pm
by BellevueBuc
524944454C404F210 wrote: I view Polanco as a 20 HR/,246 career BA guy.  I would much rather have a 40HR/.310 BA, but there aren't too many of those kind of guys around.  Thus, I would rather have Polanco then putting another LMG out there and "see what he has", while we punt another season away.

That is what he is, and there is nothing wrong with that. There are many very good players with those stats

Adam Frazier

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2020 11:29 pm
by skinnyhorse
3B202D2C252926480 wrote: I view Polanco as a 20 HR/,246 career BA guy.  I would much rather have a 40HR/.310 BA, but there aren't too many of those kind of guys around.  Thus, I would rather have Polanco then putting another LMG out there and "see what he has", while we punt another season away.
I'm with you unless we have someone I haven't seen he's the best we got, yes I'm frustrated by him but it is what it is.

Adam Frazier

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2020 5:15 pm
by 2drfischer@gmail.c
5671787871626171566177140 wrote: I view Polanco as a 20 HR/,246 career BA guy.  I would much rather have a 40HR/.310 BA, but there aren't too many of those kind of guys around.  Thus, I would rather have Polanco then putting another LMG out there and "see what he has", while we punt another season away.

That is what he is, and there is nothing wrong with that.  There are many very good players with those stats

No, there's nothing wrong with that if the player wasn't hyped as one who was projected to do much better. And there are no "very good" players with those stats. Those are below average stats for "very good" players.

Adam Frazier

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2020 2:46 pm
by BellevueBuc
6E382E3A352F3F34392E1C3B313D3530723F5C0 wrote: ... fferently/

Polanco was missing meatballs down the middle.  He had very obvious swing issues and did not look comfortable. Trading or releasing him because he costs too much would be unwise. [highlight]He is exactly the player the Pirates should be trading FOR, not trading away.[/highlight]

So you want the Pirates to continue winning less than a third of their games?

They are going to lose most of their games next year no matter who the RF is.

Adam Frazier

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2020 2:47 pm
by BellevueBuc
0254425659435358554270575D51595C1E53300 wrote: I view Polanco as a 20 HR/,246 career BA guy.  I would much rather have a 40HR/.310 BA, but there aren't too many of those kind of guys around.  Thus, I would rather have Polanco then putting another LMG out there and "see what he has", while we punt another season away.

That is what he is, and there is nothing wrong with that.  There are many very good players with those stats

No, there's nothing wrong with that if the player wasn't hyped as one who was projected to do much better.  And there are no "very good" players with those stats.  Those are below average stats for "very good" players.

Who is hyping him?