8/17 Game Thread Super Nova Giant Killer....


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8/17 Game Thread Super Nova Giant Killer....

Post by Quail »

7D7A6C646A7D3A364F68626E6663216C60620F0 wrote: Is it just my imagination or has Cutch made a slight adjustment to his stance?  Something seemed different.  I didn't see the game- only the highlight- but it appeared slightly different. Maybe standing up more

Don't know about his stance, but for sure he's adjusted his swing.  I replayed the home run from today's game and the swing was compact and easy, whereas his swings this summer have been big and violent.  today the ball leaped off the bat without trying to knock the cover off.

Whatever adjustment Cutch has made it's obviously helping. His plate discipline over the last 12 games reveals 12 BBs vs 8 Ks. For the year his numbers are 47 BBs vs 115 Ks. He's squaring the ball up when he hits and he's being more selective. His defense and baserunning have been better too. It's all good!

If it continues the Pirates will remain in the thick of the WC race.

8/17 Game Thread Super Nova Giant Killer....

Post by dogknot17@yahoo.co »

I heard on the radio broadcast that he was 9 for 23 on this road trip. That is a .391 average.

Huntington said it best when he said at the deadline they already might have guys who can produce. I thought he meant Kang and McCutchen.

Shame on some of you for giving up on this team. There is plenty of baseball left.
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8/17 Game Thread Super Nova Giant Killer....

Post by Tintin »

68636B676263783D3B4C756D646363226F630C0 wrote: I heard on the radio broadcast that he was 9 for 23 on this road trip.  That is a .391 average. 

Huntington said it best when he said at the deadline they already might have guys who can produce.  I thought he meant Kang and McCutchen. 

Shame on some of you for giving up on this team.  There is plenty of baseball left.

He also walked 5 times. He had five walks in July. He already has 12 in August.
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8/17 Game Thread Super Nova Giant Killer....

Post by MaineBucs »

I essentially gave up on the team and suggested making a number of deadline deals because:

McCutchen performed at a below replacement level player level for the first 4 months of the season.

Kang had done little since his initial flurry after his return.

Cervelli and Jaso were cratering, and Cervelli's defense was slipping.

Harrison was not hitting.

Cole has often been bad, and only Tallion had shown any signs of helping the rotation.

Now --- if this recent short road trip through the West represents the real life version of the Bucs, and using a line from the movie Armageddon--- Sure glad to see you boy!

But, in looking at what just happened, we defeated 2 pitchers in LA who just came off the DL.

We eventually caught up with Cain after he nearly no-hit the team through 4, and Cain is having a really bad year. We also missed the Giants' 2 very good starters.

The post All-Star break Giants are not playing like the pre All-Star break Giants and have the worst record in the NL since the break.

Does a rotation that consists of an inconsistent Cole, 2 rookies, Vogelsong (who no one wanted this off-season and who most didn't want to return to the team after his horrific injury, and Nova, really instill confidence.

Don't get me wrong, I was fist pumping at 4:00 this morning when I watched the game I taped and saw Watson survive the 9th, for a second night in a row. I am ecstatic that McCutcheon is looking more and more like the player that we have all known and idolized. That Cervelli has raised his average 20 points in a week, that Harrison is doing more in the lead-off spot than he was in the lower part of the order, and that even Jaso contributed to the last 2 wins.

I want to believe. I relish getting to watch winning ball and the team playing for the wild card. Hope that this recent spurt continues on this homestand and that the team can win at least 2 of 3 from the Fish. I am not yet convinced that we are there, and sure hope that I am wrong.

Go Bucs.
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8/17 Game Thread Super Nova Giant Killer....

Post by Quail »

436F67606B4C7B6D7D0E0 wrote: I essentially gave up on the team and suggested making a number of deadline deals because:

McCutchen performed at a below replacement level player level for the first 4 months of the season.

Kang had done little since his initial flurry after his return.

Cervelli and Jaso were cratering, and Cervelli's defense was slipping.

Harrison was not hitting.

Cole has often been bad, and only Tallion had shown any signs of helping the rotation.

Now --- if this recent short road trip through the West represents the real life version of the Bucs, and using a line  from the movie Armageddon--- Sure glad to see you boy! 

But, in looking at what just happened, we defeated 2 pitchers in LA who just came off the DL.

We eventually caught up with Cain after he nearly no-hit the team through 4, and Cain is having a really bad year.  We also missed the Giants' 2 very good starters. 

The post All-Star break Giants are not playing like the pre All-Star break Giants and have the worst record in the NL since the break.

Does a rotation that consists of an inconsistent Cole, 2 rookies, Vogelsong (who no one wanted this off-season and who most didn't want to return to the team after his horrific injury, and Nova, really instill confidence.

Don't get me wrong, I was fist pumping at 4:00 this morning when I watched the game I taped and saw Watson survive the 9th, for a second night in a row.   I am ecstatic that McCutcheon is looking more and more like the player that we have all known and idolized.   That Cervelli has raised his average 20 points in a week, that Harrison is doing more in the lead-off spot than he was in the lower part of the order, and that even Jaso contributed to the last 2 wins. 

I want to believe.  I relish getting to watch winning ball and the team playing for the wild card.   Hope that this recent spurt continues on this homestand and that the team can win at least 2 of 3 from the Fish.   I am not yet convinced that we are there, and sure hope that I am wrong.

Go Bucs.         

Maine- your thoughts seem to mirror mine to a great extent. I agree with your cautionary view of this team's chances of success. Are we seeing merely the illusion of significant improvement in our offense and starting pitching simply because we managed to face the Dodgers when they had almost an entire roster on the disabled list, and the Giants when they were going through the depressed phase of the always manic/depressive baseball season? It does give one pause...

Still the one thing that gives me the most optimism is that as crappy as this team has played for extended periods this year they still have hung around in the WC race. Other teams have sucked as badly as the Pirates this season. I suspect many of us are spoiled by the 98 win team we saw last year. This Pirate team isn't as good but neither is the competition this year. The WC teams this season are not going to win 98 or 97 games. We need to view this season not through the prism of a 98 win season but through the rose colored glasses of an all we have to do is be better and stay healthier than the mediocre WC competition.
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8/17 Game Thread Super Nova Giant Killer....

Post by iabucco »

The concerns are valid and makes it iffy that even if we make the playoffs that we can put a run together in the playoffs. However, to me, Cutch is the key to the playoffs. If this is the beginning of Cutch playing like himself and not reverting to what he has been this year that will be huge for the team. That will make Marte, Polanco, Kang and Freeze better. I agree the pitching is still iffy and the other concerns but Cutch really can make a difference in the last month

8/17 Game Thread Super Nova Giant Killer....

Post by dogknot17@yahoo.co »

The talent is there and the other teams aren't pulling away.

I thought if the players who were counted on to produce started to perform, they had a chance. That is happening with Harrison, McCutchen, Kang, and Cervelli.

Other teams' fans have to be pretty disappointed too.
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8/17 Game Thread Super Nova Giant Killer....

Post by UtahPirate »

476B63646F487F69790A0 wrote:

I want to believe.  I relish getting to watch winning ball and the team playing for the wild card.   Hope that this recent spurt continues on this homestand and that the team can win at least 2 of 3 from the Fish.   I am not yet convinced that we are there, and sure hope that I am wrong.

Go Bucs.         

I think a lot rests with Cole. He has got to step up and get his game to match Cutch's, Kang's and JHay's. With him solid being followed by Taillon and Kuhl keeps us in most games. Volgelsong will probably be a little up and down and I think Nova's game translates very well at PNC. It's not great, it's not bad.

Keep in mind, no one seems to want the WC. We were playing so bad and neither the Cards or the Fish put a move on us. Now we have SF coming back towards us. It may not be the best baseball for any of these teams, but it is getting really fun!
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