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5/2 Game Thread - Glasnow v Reds

Posted: Wed May 03, 2017 1:37 am
by Ecbucs
7345445358594351725F4343300 wrote: I'm really enjoying this...these guys have been really annoying to us lately...

Plus 1 million to this post.

5/2 Game Thread - Glasnow v Reds

Posted: Wed May 03, 2017 1:41 am
by CarolinaBucco
My apologies to Hanson.

And to this rag-tag lineup.

And props to Glasnow for surviving the 1st.

Hopefully our bullpen can hold a 9-run lead vs. the Fightin' Billy Hamiltons.

And despite Hanson's night I'm still a big believer that Gift should be our regular 2B.

5/2 Game Thread - Glasnow v Reds

Posted: Wed May 03, 2017 2:08 am
by SCBucco
After the first, Glasnow settled down and looked pretty good. Hopefully, he can build on this.

REALLY impressed with Osuna. I was intrigued about him once he was called up. He might not have the homer power, but he has some gap power that will help.

Gift ... I don't see him as a starter, but rooting for him. He gets on base.

Harrison ... more homers already then last year.

5/2 Game Thread - Glasnow v Reds

Posted: Wed May 03, 2017 2:35 am
by skinnyhorse
113C31202736216162530 wrote: Broken bat double to the warning track by Osuna. The guy is strong! I guess that'll ensure his spot on the bench the next few games.
Guaranteed, I defy anyone to explain Hurdle's rationale, the guy is awful, and getting paid well to boot.

5/2 Game Thread - Glasnow v Reds

Posted: Wed May 03, 2017 11:16 am
by Quail
676C64686D6C773234437A626B6C6C2D606C030 wrote: Bad line up, wow.  Watch them put up 8 runs.

How about a dozen? Even Dog's unbridled optimism was dwarfed by the actual production of this unheralded lineup. And how about Glasnow's response to Searage's pep talk in the first!

Great game and a clear reminder that Yogi knew that from which he spoke. :)

Beat 'em Bucs!

5/2 Game Thread - Glasnow v Reds

Posted: Wed May 03, 2017 1:26 pm
The Pirates won another Glasnow start. The Pirates have won more of his starts than any other pitcher. Probably why he is still in the rotation.

Glasnow had a rough first inning, but then had a very good next five innings.

Hurdle said he wanted the bats in the line up and he was right. The Pirates scored 12 runs.

Harrison is hitting the ball which is a great sign.

I would run out the same line up again tonight.

5/2 Game Thread - Glasnow v Reds

Posted: Wed May 03, 2017 1:31 pm
by CutchisaBoss
Has anyone heard an explanation of why Glasnow sometimes is 96-99 with the fastball and 92-93 at others? I know they said they added a 2-seamer this offseason. I also noticed that pitch/fx has trouble identifying his pitches as it had him throwing no change ups last night, but a few it seems like it's having trouble distinguishing his pitches.

Are those 92-93 offerings just bad 2-seam fastballs that don't do much? Or is it a result of him trying to throw a strike? I think that would be interesting to know and it would provide a lot of insight to his issues so far.

One interesting terms of hard contact, Tyler is the best at limiting it in our rotation at 15.9%. The next closest is Taillon at 27.3%. Also, he draws the most soft contact of anyone at 27.5%.

There are encouraging signs...if he can just cut that walk rate down to 4 BB/9 innings he'd be in business. Almost all of the damage against him has been self inflicted.

5/2 Game Thread - Glasnow v Reds

Posted: Wed May 03, 2017 1:50 pm
Maybe some WAR guys can answer those questions? Very interesting with the hard contact considering he has been hurt by the long ball.

Glasnow has to get his pitches down. Less walks will help that for sure. Last night he averaged 17.5 per inning. He has been around 23.5 all season.

5/2 Game Thread - Glasnow v Reds

Posted: Wed May 03, 2017 3:51 pm
by CutchisaBoss
That 15.9% of hard contact for Glasnow is actually the lowest of any starter in baseball that's thrown at least 20 innings. The soft contact rate of 27.5% is good for 3rd.

5/2 Game Thread - Glasnow v Reds

Posted: Wed May 03, 2017 9:17 pm
by iabucco
Bryant's homer off Glasnow should add about 10% to that hard contact rate. That ball was hit hard. ;D

I wanted Glasnow in the lineup because I think he was going to go through this at the mlb level regardless of another year in the minors. It took Randy Johnson awhile to get acclimated and I think Glasnow will be the same. We have seen glimpses of what he has and I think/hope he will get there. These numbers help back that up.