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Post by Bobster21 »

063B3C263B3C520 wrote: This team won't sniff 84 or 85 wins IA not gonna happen. Right now they would have to go 54-41 in their last 95 games remaining just to win 84 games. Has this team shown you anything this season to make you believe they can play 13 games above .500 for the remainder of the season?? The Cubs at some point are going to catch fire here it's just a matter of time. They have too much talent and are too good of a team for us to realistically expect them to be a .500 or just below .500 team the rest of the season. If that happens which it most likely will sooner rather then later this season is over.

The bad part about this also is the 2nd wildcard is not even an option for the Pirates this season seeing how good both the Dodgers and Diamondbacks and even the Rockies are in the NL West.  Normally playing right around or even below .500 even until August will at least keep you in the 2nd wildcard race but that's not happening this season as the Pirates have no chance what so ever of getting a wildcard spot at this point as they are already 11.5 games back not even halfway into the season. They have no chance of making up that kind of deficit.

This management team stinks.

Guys, it's ten years since this group has been hired. The drafting and player development just isn't good enough to make a team with a Nutting budget a legit contender.

Bob Nutting is 100% satisfied with the disaster that his team is because wins and losses don't matter when the value of your franchise increases by $50 million per year.

So who do you replace the management team with?  I want names.
Just because fans aren't acquainted with people in the business doesn't mean they shouldn't want better management. Are fans supposed to know every assistant GM? Every personnel director? I would like better management of this team but I am not in a position to know precisely who in the industry is available and what their resumes look like. But that doesn't mean I should therefore be satisfied with what we have.

That said, however, I don't think any GM working for Nutting can succeed. Too many financial constraints. I hope that is the reason for the GM's inactivity the last 2 off seasons and after Kang and Marte were lost. I hope that's on Nutting because if NH could have made moves but didn't then he's not a good GM. Hurdle is another story. Consistently bad decisions to get even less out of his roster than he should be getting. Send me the resumes of all MLB and AAA coaches and managers and their availability and I'll name names. Otherwise, I'll leave it to the GM to do his job and find the best manager for the team.

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Post by SteadyFreddy »

I agree it's not the fans job to find a good GM or good Gameday manager that's on guys like Bob Nutting and Frank we will spend money on the team  when this team gets good again Coonelly to find those kinds of people. I've seen more then ever this year some people on this board and people that call radio shows being constant apologists for this Pirates team and management team and its starting to get old. It's not the fans fault this team stinks and won't try to get better. Tired of people acting like Hurdle and the front office are above criticism.
Posts: 926
Joined: Tue Jul 05, 2016 1:19 am

Here we go

Post by skinnyhorse »

07203135302D12263130302D540 wrote: I agree it's not the fans job to find a good GM or good Gameday manager that's on guys like Bob Nutting and Frank we will spend money on the team  when this team gets good again Coonelly to find those kinds of people. I've seen more then ever this year some people on this board and people that call radio shows being constant apologists for this Pirates team and management team and its starting to get old. It's not the fans fault this team stinks and won't try to get better. Tired of people acting like Hurdle and the front office are above criticism.
I feel the same, it's ridiculous, and if we put up with this garbage we're looking at another 20 years of losing. When will fans ever get it. It is very hard to watch this, we could be in 1st place if it wasn't for the absolute joke of a manager we have.
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