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Cherington says Pirates will spend when the time is right.

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2020 7:51 pm
by 2drfischer@gmail.c
645A5F57445C5C5777524556330 wrote: This looks like the official OBN Top Ten List of Fallacies!  All the stuff we have to do to be entertained while baseball is on hold!

Doc would understand that #10 is the biggest fallacy of them all.

Indeed it is.  My dreams have already died before I, myself, will pass from this mortal coil.

Like I have often said, if it hasn't happened after 57 years, it's not going to.

This is sad.  We've given up.  I refuse to.  I'm getting one this year.  Are you with me?
I'm with you,Doc- plus thousands oof yinzers

Ain't that nice, an'at.