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Game day thread May 18. The Bad News Bucs in Chicago

Posted: Thu May 19, 2022 1:32 am
by MaineBucs
Keller. 55 pitches for 8 outs. Not the best, but, only gave up 1 run. Announcers were surprised he was lifted.

Shelton going to be asking a lot of the rest of the pen to try and hold a 1 run lead for 4.1 innings.

Game day thread May 18. The Bad News Bucs in Chicago

Posted: Thu May 19, 2022 1:38 am
by MaineBucs
Geez --- After the shout-out about Clay Holmes by the YouTube announcers I decided to look up his 2022 stats. 4-0 in 18 innings with 2 saves and a WHIP of .764 and an ERA of .49. Of course he could blow all of that up with 1 bad inning, but still, Geez.

Game day thread May 18. The Bad News Bucs in Chicago

Posted: Thu May 19, 2022 1:39 am
by 2drfischer@gmail.c
7B5D5A4F464A5D4B43280 wrote: Keller being Keller. At least the Cubs ran themselves into an out.
Did you see that stat about starters in MLB over the last couple of years?

Keller: WHIP, ERA, and some others (I think BA was another one, there were 4 or 5).  Rank: WORST

I think we are seeing him slip slowly out of the organization. He'll certainly bounce around some. But starter, to now going into a relief kind of role after an opener. Soon he'll probably be tried as a multi inning reliever exclusively before he's DFA.

The writing is on the wall, especially when uber optimist Shelton basically said they're about done with him

could Keller get the Onlybucs line up out with out giving up a couple runs.  I'm thinking odds are 50-50 as our line up is most likely pretty slow.
I've gone to the batting cages and played catch on the field at PNC with Doc. For an old guy, he's pretty spry. I think he could hit him.

As much as I’d like to believe I could, there’s no way I could hit a ball pitched by a major leaguer. A few times a year I’ll face a guy whose throwing in the low 80s and it’s tough to square up the ball. Maybe after facing a major leaguer everyday for a couple of weeks I could maybe foul off a pitch. They throw so hard it’s unfathomable for us regular guys. But I’d sure like to try, humbling as it may be.

Game day thread May 18. The Bad News Bucs in Chicago

Posted: Thu May 19, 2022 3:02 am
by MaineBucs
Nice win.

Good to see the pen deliver 7 innings of 1 run ball. Great to see Suwinski go deep in Chicago.

I agree with the sentiments that most of Shelton's moves make no sense. That said, I do like him using Bednar to face the bettter hitters in a tight game even though it is not the 9th, and to use Bednar for more than 3 outs (6 tonight) in a game.

Refreshing to watch/listen to the game on You - Tube on my desktop screen (even though it wasn't the big screen at home), where the announcers talked about the game as it unfolded, talked about what was coming up in the next inning, and managed to fold in a lot of stories/analysis without it being intrusive to the broadcast.

I have often liked Bob Walk, and Wehner is generally okay, but the rest of the crew could be gone tomorrow and I wouldn't miss any of them.

Game day thread May 18. The Bad News Bucs in Chicago

Posted: Thu May 19, 2022 11:46 am
by WildwoodDave2
Bednar delivers again!

Game day thread May 18. The Bad News Bucs in Chicago

Posted: Thu May 19, 2022 12:30 pm
by Bobster21
Despite getting his first win (because he blew the lead but was the pitcher of record when they got the lead back), Keller had his typically bad game and his typically good assessment of his performance.

“I thought I threw pretty well,” Keller said. “I thought I mixed a lot of my pitches in there. I thought I used all of them. I think that’s kind of what I need to do — keep rolling with that.” ... 2205180036

Keller faced 13 batters and 6 of them reached base. He was fortunate that they ran themselves into an out on one of those hits so that a 2nd and 3rd, 1 out situation became a runner only at 3rd and 2 outs.

He was fine upon entering in the 3rd inning with 2 Ks, a HBP and a ground out.

But in the 4th it was double, K, single, single (with baserunning blunder), SB, walk, deep fly out.

He was pulled in the 5th after a 2-out walk.

Giving up 1 run in 2.2 IP looks fairly good. But nearly half the batters he faced reached base and it could have been a lot worse if the Cubs had not blundered on the bases to exchange a runner at 2B for a 2nd out. But Keller thinks he "threw pretty well." He always does.

Game day thread May 18. The Bad News Bucs in Chicago

Posted: Thu May 19, 2022 2:09 pm
by GreenWeenie
I think I need to execute my posts better. ;)

Nice win in a tight game. Sweet SuWINski makes his parents' day.