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Ben Cherington say . . .

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2020 2:32 am
by 2drfischer@gmail.c
75544148704952415445200 wrote: I want to see a floor and a cap that are about $3 million apart so that all teams are spending about the same amount.  Only then will it be equitable.

;D ;D

Please explain.

Ben Cherington say . . .

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2020 11:48 am
by NewMexicoLobo
All of us Pirates fans would like it to become like the NFL. It will not. Too much greed on all sides.

Ben Cherington say . . .

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2020 3:14 pm
by shedman
In utopia, I would like to see a salary floor and a salary cap very close together, but the chances of it ever being enacted are slim and none. I would be happy to just see a stricter enforcement of revenue sharing to ensure that each team is spending the money on player salaries rather than using the money to enrich the owner.

Ben Cherington say . . .

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2020 3:32 pm
by SammyKhalifa
6843516B435E4F45496A494449260 wrote: All of us Pirates fans would like it to become like the NFL. It will not. Too much greed on all sides.
Which is strange because just look at how rich the NFL and everyone involved has become.

Ben Cherington say . . .

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2020 3:45 pm
by UtahPirate
7C2A3C28273D2D262B3C0E29232F2722602D4E0 wrote: I want to see a floor and a cap that are about $3 million apart so that all teams are spending about the same amount.  Only then will it be equitable.

;D ;D

Please explain.

I assumed with a line that tight that you were joking. That would sure make things equal across the board. Perhaps you weren't? But with all the complexities in market sizes, etc., I just figured it was a funny wish. Made me smile.

Ben Cherington say . . .

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2020 3:50 pm
by 2drfischer@gmail.c
I know that my wish is unlikely to happen but, if true equity is the goal, then that's the type of system that has to be adopted.

The Pirates have had four winning seasons since 1992. Some of that has to do with poor management from the owner on down through the scouting and development staff. But even with capable people in place, like in Tampa and Oakland, the chances of getting to the World Series are seriously stacked against about 10 of the teams, a third of MLB. How can that be preferable?

Ben Cherington say . . .

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2020 4:01 pm
by 2drfischer@gmail.c
1B3A2F261E273C2F3A2B4E0 wrote: I want to see a floor and a cap that are about $3 million apart so that all teams are spending about the same amount.  Only then will it be equitable.

;D ;D

Please explain.

I assumed with a line that tight that you were joking. That would sure make things equal across the board. Perhaps you weren't? But with all the complexities in market sizes, etc., I just figured it was a funny wish. Made me smile.

Nope, not joking. An owner like Nutting will intentionally spend at the bottom with both a cap and floor in place. If there's a spread of, say, $25 million, he'd always spend to the level of the floor and no more and the team would continue to be noncompetitive. With a tight situation like I'm suggesting, there's no reason why he can't spend to the cap like other teams will. That would create true equity among all of the teams.

The differences in market sizes are a problem but can be rectified with a better revenue sharing program. If the owners want 30 franchises, they'll have to make concessions in that regard. If not, we'll continue to get what we get which, for us Pirates fans, is four winning seasons over a nearly 30 year period.

Ben Cherington say . . .

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2020 4:33 pm
by Ecbucs
386E786C637969626F784A6D676B636624690A0 wrote: I know that my wish is unlikely to happen but, if true equity is the goal, then that's the type of system that has to be adopted. 

The Pirates have had four winning seasons since 1992.  Some of that has to do with poor management from the owner on down through the scouting and development staff.  But even with capable people in place, like in Tampa and Oakland, the chances of getting to the World Series are seriously stacked against about 10 of the teams, a third of MLB.  How can that be preferable?

the problem with this is that neither owners or players care if there is true equity. Maybe if they were just starting to form a league that would be one of the goals.

As a Pirate fan it would be nice if changes were made to move toward equity.

Ben Cherington say . . .

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2020 5:04 pm
by IABucFan
Conversely, the Yankees have had 27 consecutive winning seasons, and will almost certainly get #28 this year. Some of that is good management, but some of it is ensured by the unbalanced playing field of MLB.

Ben Cherington say . . .

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2020 7:14 pm
by Bobster21
292122150326010E600 wrote: Conversely, the Yankees have had 27 consecutive winning seasons, and will almost certainly get #28 this year. Some of that is good management, but some of it is ensured by the unbalanced playing field of MLB.
I'd credit good management only in the sense that management spent for talent. The worst record in those 27 years was 84-78 so they were never hurting for talent or had to barely eke out a winning season against the odds. In those 27 years they finished 1st or 2nd 24 times in a tough division. When the rosters come out each year it's a foregone conclusion that the Yankees will be among the top spenders, have top talent and win a lot of games. About half the teams in MLB are looking for a window of about 3 years to have what the Yankees, Red Sox and Dodgers have on a never ending basis. MLB doesn't care. Even Nutting doesn't care. He's doing just fine.