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4/22 Game thread Bucs vs Cubs

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2022 1:03 pm
by Bobster21
5C7D755C777F180 wrote: The comedy team of Brown and Walk is ignoring the game. :(

I used to hate listening to Block but I am beginning to like him over Brown and Walk.  Both of them seemed to be very lazy by assuming that viewers can see the count on their screens and watch the action. 

There are certainly issues with Block's nonstop yammering but Brown and Walk have gotten worse the last few years. I find their constant attempts at comedy annoying. I don't tune in to be entertained by them. I just want them to broadcast the game. I don't see broadcasters of other teams taking this approach. When Perez homered last night, it interrupted a long, drawn out bit with the camera on them as they played around taking pictures with a phone while the game was being played on the field below them.

Of course, this isn't just on them. It has to be the desire of the producers of the broadcast to have the camera frequently on them as they clown around in the booth. This is probably the result of the team being so bad for so long that the producers feel the viewers need to be entertained by the announcers in a variety of ways. Brown/Walk attempt comedy. Block tries to educate the audience about whatever topic pops into his head. Walker, Young, Capps and McKenry tell us all about things they experienced during their own careers as much or more than they analyze what's happening in the game they are watching. But I really don't believe fans tune in for the broadcasters. If they're not interested in the game, they won't tune in. And if they are interested in the game, the constant shenanigans of the broadcasters is an annoying distraction.

4/22 Game thread Bucs vs Cubs

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2022 2:25 pm
by skinnyhorse
785558494E5F48080B3A0 wrote: The comedy team of Brown and Walk is ignoring the game. :(

I used to hate listening to Block but I am beginning to like him over Brown and Walk.  Both of them seemed to be very lazy by assuming that viewers can see the count on their screens and watch the action. 

There are certainly issues with Block's nonstop yammering but Brown and Walk have gotten worse the last few years. I find their constant attempts at comedy annoying. I don't tune in to be entertained by them. I just want them to broadcast the game. I don't see broadcasters of other teams taking this approach. When Perez homered last night, it interrupted a long, drawn out bit with the camera on them as they played around taking pictures with a phone while the game was being played on the field below them.

Of course, this isn't just on them. It has to be the desire of the producers of the broadcast to have the camera frequently on them as they clown around in the booth. This is probably the result of the team being so bad for so long that the producers feel the viewers need to be entertained by the announcers in a variety of ways. Brown/Walk attempt comedy. Block tries to educate the audience about whatever topic pops into his head. Walker, Young, Capps and McKenry tell us all about things they experienced during their own careers as much or more than they analyze what's happening in the game they are watching. But I really don't believe fans tune in for the broadcasters. If they're not interested in the game, they won't tune in. And if they are interested in the game, the constant shenanigans of the broadcasters is an annoying distraction.
I believe it's because the team is so bad and the manager makes no sense in his moves. I personally tune in to the opposition network and listen to them. It's frustrating to listen to the other teams partisan announcers and then I switch back. Believe it or not some other team announcers are a pleasure to listen to even with their bias. Hopefully as our team gets more competitive Brown will start paying more attention to what's going on, on the field. They payed more attention to the fan who made a good catch than the plays being made on the field. Back to the game, Reynolds, Yoshi are struggling mightily, wish they could get going and maybe we could put together a win streak.

4/22 Game thread Bucs vs Cubs

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2022 3:38 pm
by Bobster21
I'm not worried about Reynolds. Just 5 games ago he was at .270. A 4 game slump in the middle of the season barely gets noticed. But with this few ABs, he drops to .212. That's what a 1 for 15 stretch will do at this point. But over a larger stretch prior to that he was 10 for 37 for .270 and no one seemed concerned.

Prior to the first 2 games of the Cubs series, Perez was at .185 (5 for 27). In 2 games since, he has raised his BA 57 points to .242. Three games ago Yoshi was at .241. Since then, he's is a 1 for 12 drought that dropped his BA 46 points to .195. Unless someone is hitting consistently (Hayes) or consistently not hitting (Tucker), BAs this early don't tell us much. I would like to see Vogelbach bat behind Yoshi. Maybe the threat of his power would get Yoshi better pitches to hit. Pitchers don't seem to have much to fear from the variety of #5 batters Shelton has used while letting Vogelbach clog the basses batting leadoff where his HRs will occur following the bottom of the order.

4/22 Game thread Bucs vs Cubs

Posted: Sat Apr 23, 2022 7:33 pm
by GreenWeenie
Agree. We're not even at the 1/10 pole yet. Percentages will fluctuate much more pronounced-ly. It's April.