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D/H Game Thread - 4/4 Games 1 2 Bucs @ Tigers

Posted: Wed May 04, 2022 8:41 pm
by Surgnbuck
436E63727564733330010 wrote: This game was lost the moment the lineup was set. But I guess no one cares less than Shelton. They got 2 runs and those were on 1 swing. Every other swing from this noncompetitive lineup resulted in 0 runs. What a shame because they got good pitching. But 3 errors gave the tigers 3 runs and that weas enough. As usual, Shelton wasn't trying to win. Worst manager I've ever seen. :(
We all bitch about the lineups, but fact of the matter is, it's no longer VanMeter, Tucker, etc. hurting the offense. It's the bigger money guys. Case in point, top of the first second game. Reynolds couldn't even move the guy over.

Reynolds, Tsutsugo are the real culprits on this team. They are doing NOTHING

D/H Game Thread - 4/4 Games 1 2 Bucs @ Tigers

Posted: Wed May 04, 2022 8:52 pm
by Surgnbuck
VanMeter with a little league error, right under his glove and legs, now not only can't he Pirates hit the ball, they can't catch it either

D/H Game Thread - 4/4 Games 1 2 Bucs @ Tigers

Posted: Wed May 04, 2022 8:58 pm
by WildwoodDave2
496F687D74786F79711A0 wrote: VanMeter with a little league error, right under his glove and legs, now not only can't he Pirates hit the ball, they can't catch it either
You beat me to it on Van Meter

D/H Game Thread - 4/4 Games 1 2 Bucs @ Tigers

Posted: Wed May 04, 2022 9:15 pm
by Surgnbuck
first and third no outs, Reynolds will come through this time

D/H Game Thread - 4/4 Games 1 2 Bucs @ Tigers

Posted: Wed May 04, 2022 9:16 pm
by Surgnbuck
No he won't, GIDP to kill the rally, but Bucs get 1

D/H Game Thread - 4/4 Games 1 2 Bucs @ Tigers

Posted: Wed May 04, 2022 9:18 pm
by Surgnbuck
I remember on this board when so many were slamming the FO about the arbitration hearing.

While we criticize the bottom of the barrel type players, seems I'm the only one calling out the biggest anchor to the offense.

D/H Game Thread - 4/4 Games 1 2 Bucs @ Tigers

Posted: Wed May 04, 2022 9:19 pm
by Surgnbuck
I see this ump crew is letting Vogelbach go with the wrist bands open

D/H Game Thread - 4/4 Games 1 2 Bucs @ Tigers

Posted: Wed May 04, 2022 9:23 pm
by Surgnbuck
Two singles, a walk, a double in the inning and only one run as Reynolds and Chavis choke

D/H Game Thread - 4/4 Games 1 2 Bucs @ Tigers

Posted: Wed May 04, 2022 9:26 pm
by WildwoodDave2
795F584D44485F49412A0 wrote: I remember on this board when so many were slamming the FO about the arbitration hearing.

While we criticize the bottom of the barrel type players, seems I'm the only one calling out the biggest anchor to the offense.
Keep waiting for him to snap out of it. Glad to see him show some emotion after hitting into the DP

D/H Game Thread - 4/4 Games 1 2 Bucs @ Tigers

Posted: Wed May 04, 2022 9:32 pm
by Bobster21
133532272E2235232B400 wrote: I see this ump crew is letting Vogelbach go with the wrist bands open
Altho that seemed petty when the other umps made him fasten them, the explanation made sense. The ump said gloves are considered part of the body and if the loose flaps on unfastened gloves get grazed by a pitch, it's a HBP. So fastening them eliminates that possibility. Shelton asked about the Brewers wearing fanny packs while batting and the ump said those are not considered part of the body and it's not a HBP if a pitch grazes a fanny pack.