Cutch Hitting .211


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Cutch Hitting .211

Post by SammyKhalifa »

How about a foul out?

Cutch Hitting .211

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Ok, I gotcha. Dumb question. BABIP should be higher than BA, right?

Cutch Hitting .211

Post by Bobster21 »

3E353D3134352E6B6D1A233B3235357439355A0 wrote: Ok, I gotcha.  Dumb question.  BABIP should be higher than BA, right?
Yes. You eliminate the HRs but also all the strikeouts. So it gives an idea of whether the batter has good or bad luck on batted balls that theoretically might have been fielded.
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Cutch Hitting .211

Post by notes34 »

343F373B3E3F246167102931383F3F7E333F500 wrote: Ok, I gotcha.  Dumb question.  BABIP should be higher than BA, right?
Yes it should. After looking a his career numbers his BABIP is usually 40 to 50 points higher than his BA.

Cutch Hitting .211

Post by steve49 »

5A5B4051470700340 wrote: How much longer can Cutch and his .211 batting avg. hit 3rd in the order.  I would move Frazier to that spot and have Cutch lead off.  It might jump start him however I doubt it but him hitting 3rd is killing us.  He could then concentrate on getting on base.   Frazier is by far the best hitter on this team, and with him batting 3rd might actually score a couple of more runs.
Frazier is an ideal leadoff hitter. Good BA, gets on base. But the #3 slot is hisorically for the team's best overall hitter in terms of combination of BA and power. It's an RBI spot assuming the first 2 batters get on base as they're supposed to. Frazier and Harrison are doing their jobs in front of Cutch but he's failing miserably at #3. Moving him to #1 is little better than batting the pitcher there right now. And putting Frazier at #3 removes him from the spot he's perfect for and puts him in a spot he's ill-suited for since he's not one for driving the ball and knocking in runs even if Harrison was getting aboard with 1 out after Cutch bats.

Cutch should bat low in the order until and unless he rebounds. Ideally 7th but no higher than 6th. No one on the team is well-suited for #3. But Freese would be better than Cutch right now. Or bat Bell #3 and Freese #4. Cervelli had a little spurt from late April to early May so maybe he could hit #2 and move Harrison to #3. It's all a matter of putting square pegs in round holes since Bell is the only one worthy of a 3, 4 or 5 slot. But Frazier's hits play well at #1 but wouldn't be enough to drive in runs at #3.    

There was an article posted here recently about his high exit velocities and the poor correlating results.  I was at the game on Thursday and he hit every ball really hard.  Unfortunately, he only went 2-5.  I haven't been able to watch every at bat recently, but I think he deserves a little better lately.  I'm willing to give him a little rope at the moment.

I agree.  My experience from watching him on TV recently is similar to your in-person experience.  He hits the ball hard more often than not. 

Yep. In the game you were at he hit the ball at the following speeds, 98.6, and 92.4. He has hit the ball 95+ on 40.5% of his AB's. His BABIP is hovering around .200. It can't stay there.

I see most of the games and I frankly do not believe the guy I'm watching and you guys are talking about is hitting the ball hard. Simple as that.. he's terrible at the plate and stinks in CF.

Cutch Hitting .211

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i understand how the separation is very hard. So many thought he was an idiot for signing, now it's turning out to be a bad contract. Could you imagine if he got that $100 million deal with the Pirates or anyone else?

I didn't want to give him away either assuming he would bounce back. Now, you can't take that risk. What team would really want him at this point? It's sad as he is the face of the team and a nice guy. Just crazy al around.

Her certainly shouldn't be bating third.
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Cutch Hitting .211

Post by Quail »

Cutch has now officially reached the Mendoza line. He's also now trailing John Jaso (often justifiably criticized for his play) in BA,OBP, SLG, and OPS. Ouch! Even Jordy Mercer who has gotten off to a lousy start is batting 19 points higher and has a 54 point advantage in OBP.

This decline is really hard for me to comprehend.

Cutch Hitting .211

Post by johnfluharty »

He has looked terrible recently, trying to pull everything, even stuff off the plate outside.

Cutch Hitting .211

Post by Bobster21 »

Look at Cutch's current peers:

Osuna .206

Jaso .202

Cutch .200

Hanson .200

Ngoepe .200

LeBlanc .200

Maybe Hanson will bat third tonight.
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Cutch Hitting .211

Post by fjk090852-7 »

I know Cutch has never hit a grand slam home run, but during the past two years he has been awful whenever the bases are loaded. I am not sure if there is a stat indicating a players average whenever he bats with the bases loaded, but I am sure Cutch's average the past two years in those situations is about.150 or less.
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