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Mets to Sign Jay Bruce

Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2018 2:58 pm
by Bobster21
It's certainly been an odd off season in MLB. But not necessarily for Pirate fans because this is the norm for the Bucs. What we don't know is whether the Pirates are simply in line with the rest of MLB this year in some sort of effort to regain salary sanity or would the Pirates have done nothing anyway just as they did the previous 2 off seasons. So depending on your outlook you can say it's just another in a series of unproductive off seasons for the Pirates or you can say no one else is doing anything either. We can't know for sure so there's little reason to get upset about it.

Mets to Sign Jay Bruce

Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2018 4:17 pm
by SammyKhalifa
"At start of postseason, Jay Bruce reportedly was asking for 5-year, $80 million. Settled for 3 years and $39 million with Mets."

Mets to Sign Jay Bruce

Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2018 7:36 pm
Let’s be more blunt - we’ll never know if Cutch would sign a similar contract because the Pirates are not offering him anything approaching 3/$39.

The last example we have to go on is A.J. - Neal will offer Cutch a 1 year deal for $5M.

Mets to Sign Jay Bruce

Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2018 7:48 pm
And I don’t buy the rational that “no one is making a move”. First, there are deals being made. It’s wrong to leap all the way over to “no moves”.

Second, the slow offseason is actually creating bargains that should have the Pirates looking at a lot of opportunity. They need to act in a “contrarian” fashion - move opposite the league.

Third, I won’t accept the idea (although the Pirates might claim this) the Pirates are falling inline with MLB on this matter when they don’t participate with MLB on any other matter.

Fourth, if they can’t buy and they can’t sell then we are in the middle of one big noose around our necks.

Mets to Sign Jay Bruce

Posted: Sat Jan 13, 2018 4:49 am
by RichD
I just cant believe how JD Martinez is looking at 140 + mil and we can`t even move Cutch...WTF ! Seems like the redsox should take a low risk flyer on Cutch .I mean look at the money they have pissed away over the years on big FA. Hanley, Sandoval, that CF from TB etc. Cutch is cheap these days and zero risk. He will still get you 270+ 24+ 80+ and is a good clubhouse guy .They can test drive the guy for a whole season.