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Posted: Fri Nov 30, 2018 9:06 pm
by DemDog
7A4D5B4B7E595651567F79380 wrote: I thought Possum used to coach Honus and Tommy Leach?

Close but no cigar. I actually taught Connie Mack how to manage baseball! ;D But since I did not play for the Pirates I am not eligible to be the oldest living Pirate.

Note: I am surprised that I was not the first guess just so you guys could rag me about my age.


Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2018 1:07 pm
by BucsFaninGA
Good one Possum! But you did show Smokey Burgess how to hit a back door curve ball right? 8-)


Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2018 2:42 pm
by DemDog
152234241136393E391016570 wrote: Good one Possum! But you did show Smokey Burgess how to hit a backdoor curveball right? 8-)

Yep! And he was among the best all time! ;D


Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2018 2:25 pm
by Osushawn
Not quite sure about the Cervelli love versus what we get from Diaz. Diaz hits for higher average last year, HR's were about the same, and a smidge less RBI if you were to give Diaz the extra AB's Cervelli got. I would be happy to trade Cervelli and not worrry about Diaz being the main guy behind the plate. I am sure they can find a better version of Stallings somewhere else as a backup


Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2018 3:14 pm
by mouse
The sense I have is that Diaz doesn't square up behind the plate, with the result that a lot of balls that bounce in the dirt and should bounce off him and end up right in front, to be picked up, instead deflect at an angle and become pass balls or wild pitches. Aside from that, I would be happy to see Diaz catch 60% of the time and Cervelli the rest. I do think they need to spell each other - catching is a grueling position and you get better results if the job is shared.


Posted: Wed Dec 12, 2018 2:31 pm
by Piratefanbill
7B77762D242D25282F302A1D0 wrote: Just because they are shopping him, does not mean they will trade him. If they would find a match for a deal, they may want a catcher in return as part of the package. the census is that the buccos are listening to offers, but will probably keep Cerveli