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Why I can’t watch

Posted: Fri May 15, 2020 12:21 am
by GreenWeenie
Easy to keep track of THAT. ;)

Why I can’t watch

Posted: Fri May 15, 2020 12:46 am
by Bobster21
7D485F5F546D5F5F54535F3A0 wrote: Easy to keep track of THAT.  ;) 
:D :D :D

Why I can’t watch

Posted: Fri May 15, 2020 3:01 am
by GreenWeenie
13323A133830570 wrote: Hey Weenie, I hear ya!  We differ a bit on our opinions but one thing that I think you missed when some of us were dissing Snell is that he wants the year off not because of health reasons, but because he wants his money.  His reason for his outburst are cleverly disguised as being for the risk he would be taking buy playing ball this year.  Sure he could die!  Look at Kobe Bryant, Tyler Skags, Luis Valbuena, Jose Fernandez just to name a few.  None of them faced the COVIN-19 virus. 

I didn't miss the point about the money.  I thought the comment about "risking his health" to be a bit disingenuous. 

I've come to realize that some elite professionals- in different industries- tend to be a bit self-centered.  Not all of them are the nicest of guys.  I don't excuse the behavior or comments, by any means.  I just tend to ignore it.

I'm probably alone in this, but here's how I see this whole thing, right or wrong:

I wouldn't care what this Snell guy says even if he was a Pirate.  I don't listen much to what guys say, especially to reporters.  I don't put much into things that guys like Shelton, Cherrington, and especially BOB say.

I care about what people DO.

Snell isn't a Pirate, so I don't give a darn what he says....or does.

I care what people DO.  And, I can't care less what Snell does, either.

I care what the Pirates do.

Here's how it ends up with me:

Snell is one of about 780 MLB players.  So, he ***said*** something that hit the news.

That PALES in comparison to a guy like BOB Nutting lying to every Pirates fan alive when he says that he'll spend money when the time's right, only to see a star reliever dumped to a team within our own division (through the Phillies.)

Between BOB and Snell, BOB's the bigger a-hole.

And, both are greedy beyond belief, as far as I'm concerned.

I've never been annoyed by the money that MLB, actors, or anybody else makes.  Im annoyed that I don't make more myself.  :(((((   So, I don't get caught up with the "they should thank their stars" stuff.  Players make what they make because.....guys like BOB can afford to pay them.  BOB just chooses to keep it for himself.

I still set that stuff aside, and I'll watch the competition, if there is some. May the best greedy a-hole win, and may the best greedy a-holes be the Pirates. ;))))

Why I can’t watch

Posted: Fri May 15, 2020 11:47 am
by DemDog
073225252E1725252E2925400 wrote: Hey Weenie, I hear ya!  We differ a bit on our opinions but one thing that I think you missed when some of us were dissing Snell is that he wants the year off not because of health reasons, but because he wants his money.  His reason for his outburst are cleverly disguised as being for the risk he would be taking buy playing ball this year.  Sure he could die!  Look at Kobe Bryant, Tyler Skags, Luis Valbuena, Jose Fernandez just to name a few.  None of them faced the COVIN-19 virus. 

I didn't miss the point about the money.  I thought the comment about "risking his health" to be a bit disingenuous. 

I've come to realize that some elite professionals- in different industries- tend to be a bit self-centered.  Not all of them are the nicest of guys.  I don't excuse the behavior or comments, by any means.  I just tend to ignore it.

I'm probably alone in this, but here's how I see this whole thing, right or wrong:

I wouldn't care what this Snell guy says even if he was a Pirate.  I don't listen much to what guys say, especially to reporters.  I don't put much into things that guys like Shelton, Cherrington, and especially BOB say.

I care about what people DO.

Snell isn't a Pirate, so I don't give a darn what he says....or does.

I care what people DO.  And, I can't care less what Snell does, either.

I care what the Pirates do.

Here's how it ends up with me:

Snell is one of about 780 MLB players.  So, he ***said*** something that hit the news.

That PALES in comparison to a guy like BOB Nutting lying to every Pirates fan alive when he says that he'll spend money when the time's right, only to see a star reliever dumped to a team within our own division (through the Phillies.)

Between BOB and Snell, BOB's the bigger a-hole.

And, both are greedy beyond belief, as far as I'm concerned.

I've never been annoyed by the money that MLB, actors, or anybody else makes.  Im annoyed that I don't make more myself.  :(((((   So, I don't get caught up with the "they should thank their stars" stuff.  Players make what they make because.....guys like BOB can afford to pay them.  BOB just chooses to keep it for himself.

I still set that stuff aside, and I'll watch the competition, if there is some.  May the best greedy a-hole win, and may the best greedy a-holes be the Pirates.  ;))))

Weenie, You see we do think alike to some extent. Although I am not as vociferous in your moaning about Pennies as you are I certainly agree with your sentiment.

I really could give a rats anus about how much money Pennies spends on the Bucs, its just that he says one thing and then never follows through on what he says. You make that point well in your reply to me.

I hope you have a fun day today doing whatever you are doing to get by without baseball.

Why I can’t watch

Posted: Fri May 15, 2020 9:53 pm
by GreenWeenie
I'm selective in what I spend my time on.  As much as I enjoy watching sports, I enjoy participating in them more.

I have been happier than ever after I've made the following moves, not in any particular order:

*I no longer listen to "pre-game" and "post-game" programs.  This started maybe two or three years ago.  All it is  Most of the time, I don't hear anything that I can't see plainly with my own eyes and ears.  So, when it comes to things like Antonio Brown and this Snell guy, let people talk about them all they want.  I'll watch the games, if they ever get around to playing any.   

*I watch programs like "half-time" shows or ESPN see what the scores of all the games around the horn are; maybe some highlights.  But, I don't listen to a lot of non-stop talk about games.  I'll read it on-line if I want the details.

I DO listen to MLB Network radio for hours on end, though.  But, I listen to it mostly during the season or during the off-season free agency signings.  I haven't listened to it for a long time now since the pandemic.....

*I read the title of the articles, and if it says anything like BOB says....or Ben (Cherrington) says.....I skip right over it.  (But, I sometimes read things that people on here write about what they said.)  I don't care what BOB or Ben say.  I care what they do.....and, in most cases, what they DON'T do.  It got to the point where I just got so mad after reading the articles that I just had to stop.

*I don't do a great deal of hero worshipping.  More often than not, if they're a Pirate, they're going to get dumped.  Or, as in the case of guys like Marte or that PED guy, they have a fall from grace.  I am the son of a not-very-well-known (and, deceased for decades) professional athlete.  He raised my siblings and me to love sports, but to keep things in their proper perspective.  He wanted us to focus on our schoolwork, then we could enjoy sports. When you grow up in a home when his friends would sometimes visit, you see people as people, not idols.  So, I don't often get uptight when athletes say or do unusual things, and act like jerks  There are jerks (and great people, thankfully) in every occupation and income level. 

I just want to watch them play, and let their team's executives deal with their nonsense. 

I would care about Snell if he was a Pirate.  He's not.  So, I don't care what he says or does.  About all that enters my mind is- I hope we beat him. 

If he chooses not to play, then I don't even need to think about THAT!  ;)))

Why I can’t watch

Posted: Sat May 16, 2020 8:04 pm
by WildwoodDave
46676F466D65020 wrote: Hey Weenie, I hear ya!  We differ a bit on our opinions but one thing that I think you missed when some of us were dissing Snell is that he wants the year off not because of health reasons, but because he wants his money.  His reason for his outburst are cleverly disguised as being for the risk he would be taking buy playing ball this year.  Sure he could die!  Look at Kobe Bryant, Tyler Skags, Luis Valbuena, Jose Fernandez just to name a few.  None of them faced the COVIN-19 virus. 

I didn't miss the point about the money.  I thought the comment about "risking his health" to be a bit disingenuous. 

I've come to realize that some elite professionals- in different industries- tend to be a bit self-centered.  Not all of them are the nicest of guys.  I don't excuse the behavior or comments, by any means.  I just tend to ignore it.

I'm probably alone in this, but here's how I see this whole thing, right or wrong:

I wouldn't care what this Snell guy says even if he was a Pirate.  I don't listen much to what guys say, especially to reporters.  I don't put much into things that guys like Shelton, Cherrington, and especially BOB say.

I care about what people DO.

Snell isn't a Pirate, so I don't give a darn what he says....or does.

I care what people DO.  And, I can't care less what Snell does, either.

I care what the Pirates do.

Here's how it ends up with me:

Snell is one of about 780 MLB players.  So, he ***said*** something that hit the news.

That PALES in comparison to a guy like BOB Nutting lying to every Pirates fan alive when he says that he'll spend money when the time's right, only to see a star reliever dumped to a team within our own division (through the Phillies.)

Between BOB and Snell, BOB's the bigger a-hole.

And, both are greedy beyond belief, as far as I'm concerned.

I've never been annoyed by the money that MLB, actors, or anybody else makes.  Im annoyed that I don't make more myself.  :(((((   So, I don't get caught up with the "they should thank their stars" stuff.  Players make what they make because.....guys like BOB can afford to pay them.  BOB just chooses to keep it for himself.

I still set that stuff aside, and I'll watch the competition, if there is some.  May the best greedy a-hole win, and may the best greedy a-holes be the Pirates.  ;))))

Weenie,  You see we do think alike to some extent.  Although I am not as vociferous in your moaning about Pennies as you are I certainly agree with your sentiment. 

I really could give a rats anus about how much money Pennies spends on the Bucs, its just that he says one thing and then never follows through on what he says.  You make that point well in your reply to me. 

I hope you have a fun day today doing whatever you are doing to get by without baseball. 

When you said that you and Weenie think alike, I am glad that you mentioned to some extent

Why I can’t watch

Posted: Sun May 17, 2020 1:29 pm
by shedman
6B5550584B535358785D4A593C0 wrote: Hey Weenie, I hear ya!  We differ a bit on our opinions but one thing that I think you missed when some of us were dissing Snell is that he wants the year off not because of health reasons, but because he wants his money.  His reason for his outburst are cleverly disguised as being for the risk he would be taking buy playing ball this year.  Sure he could die!  Look at Kobe Bryant, Tyler Skags, Luis Valbuena, Jose Fernandez just to name a few.  None of them faced the COVIN-19 virus. 

I didn't miss the point about the money.  I thought the comment about "risking his health" to be a bit disingenuous. 

I've come to realize that some elite professionals- in different industries- tend to be a bit self-centered.  Not all of them are the nicest of guys.  I don't excuse the behavior or comments, by any means.  I just tend to ignore it.

I'm probably alone in this, but here's how I see this whole thing, right or wrong:

I wouldn't care what this Snell guy says even if he was a Pirate.  I don't listen much to what guys say, especially to reporters.  I don't put much into things that guys like Shelton, Cherrington, and especially BOB say.

I care about what people DO.

Snell isn't a Pirate, so I don't give a darn what he says....or does.

I care what people DO.  And, I can't care less what Snell does, either.

I care what the Pirates do.

Here's how it ends up with me:

Snell is one of about 780 MLB players.  So, he ***said*** something that hit the news.

That PALES in comparison to a guy like BOB Nutting lying to every Pirates fan alive when he says that he'll spend money when the time's right, only to see a star reliever dumped to a team within our own division (through the Phillies.)

Between BOB and Snell, BOB's the bigger a-hole.

And, both are greedy beyond belief, as far as I'm concerned.

I've never been annoyed by the money that MLB, actors, or anybody else makes.  Im annoyed that I don't make more myself.  :(((((   So, I don't get caught up with the "they should thank their stars" stuff.  Players make what they make because.....guys like BOB can afford to pay them.  BOB just chooses to keep it for himself.

I still set that stuff aside, and I'll watch the competition, if there is some.  May the best greedy a-hole win, and may the best greedy a-holes be the Pirates.  ;))))

Weenie,  You see we do think alike to some extent.  Although I am not as vociferous in your moaning about Pennies as you are I certainly agree with your sentiment. 

I really could give a rats anus about how much money Pennies spends on the Bucs, its just that he says one thing and then never follows through on what he says.  You make that point well in your reply to me. 

I hope you have a fun day today doing whatever you are doing to get by without baseball. 

When you said that you and Weenie think alike, I am glad that you mentioned to some extent

There just can't be another Greenweenie out there.

Why I can’t watch

Posted: Mon May 18, 2020 8:28 pm
by WildwoodDave
243F32333A3639570 wrote: Hey Weenie, I hear ya!  We differ a bit on our opinions but one thing that I think you missed when some of us were dissing Snell is that he wants the year off not because of health reasons, but because he wants his money.  His reason for his outburst are cleverly disguised as being for the risk he would be taking buy playing ball this year.  Sure he could die!  Look at Kobe Bryant, Tyler Skags, Luis Valbuena, Jose Fernandez just to name a few.  None of them faced the COVIN-19 virus. 

I didn't miss the point about the money.  I thought the comment about "risking his health" to be a bit disingenuous. 

I've come to realize that some elite professionals- in different industries- tend to be a bit self-centered.  Not all of them are the nicest of guys.  I don't excuse the behavior or comments, by any means.  I just tend to ignore it.

I'm probably alone in this, but here's how I see this whole thing, right or wrong:

I wouldn't care what this Snell guy says even if he was a Pirate.  I don't listen much to what guys say, especially to reporters.  I don't put much into things that guys like Shelton, Cherrington, and especially BOB say.

I care about what people DO.

Snell isn't a Pirate, so I don't give a darn what he says....or does.

I care what people DO.  And, I can't care less what Snell does, either.

I care what the Pirates do.

Here's how it ends up with me:

Snell is one of about 780 MLB players.  So, he ***said*** something that hit the news.

That PALES in comparison to a guy like BOB Nutting lying to every Pirates fan alive when he says that he'll spend money when the time's right, only to see a star reliever dumped to a team within our own division (through the Phillies.)

Between BOB and Snell, BOB's the bigger a-hole.

And, both are greedy beyond belief, as far as I'm concerned.

I've never been annoyed by the money that MLB, actors, or anybody else makes.  Im annoyed that I don't make more myself.  :(((((   So, I don't get caught up with the "they should thank their stars" stuff.  Players make what they make because.....guys like BOB can afford to pay them.  BOB just chooses to keep it for himself.

I still set that stuff aside, and I'll watch the competition, if there is some.  May the best greedy a-hole win, and may the best greedy a-holes be the Pirates.  ;))))

Weenie,  You see we do think alike to some extent.  Although I am not as vociferous in your moaning about Pennies as you are I certainly agree with your sentiment. 

I really could give a rats anus about how much money Pennies spends on the Bucs, its just that he says one thing and then never follows through on what he says.  You make that point well in your reply to me. 

I hope you have a fun day today doing whatever you are doing to get by without baseball. 

When you said that you and Weenie think alike, I am glad that you mentioned to some extent

There just can't be another Greenweenie out there.
We can certainly hope!!

Why I can’t watch

Posted: Sat May 23, 2020 10:47 am
by Lecom
537E73626574632320110 wrote: That's all fine for Blake. I know some retail chains and warehouses that are hiring. I'd put in a good word for him for a $12 an hour job.
And in just 533,333 hours he'd have his $7 million. Problem solved!  :D


Why I can’t watch

Posted: Sun May 24, 2020 8:04 pm
by steve49
You all do realize that the players had already agreed to be paid on a pro-rated bases. Other words Snell was going to be paid 3.5 million rather than the 7 million his contract called for. Cool ... sounds fair to me.

But now MLB comes in and adds a further reduction to that 1/2 pay players would receive . They want a 50-50 revenue split on top of that original 50% reduction.

Owners have been making 10's of millions and the value of their franchises have soared. So they take it a little but in the coulee on this ? I tend to agree with Snell and call BS on this one. The man had already more or less agreed to play for half pay .. I think he's being fair . Maybe he could have worded a little better.