Some thoughts after great first month…


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Some thoughts after great first month…

Post by WildwoodDave2 »

0D2B2A3D2B3B480 wrote: The Litmus Test for us to really get a feel for this team and the remainder of the season is coming up.

Rays - 3

Jays - 3

Rockies - 3

O's -3

So 9 against the best of the AL East right now. It will be very interesting to see how we do. We really haven't been tested yet.

I'll be very pleased if they go 6-6 in this stretch. I'd love to see 7-5 or 8-4, but I also think that's a lot to realistically ask. 6-6 puts them at 26-15, a 103 win pace. Yeah, we can definitely live with that.

Also, we're three weeks closer to getting Cruz and to a lesser extent Choi back. Cruz is supposed to be healthy in early July, probably go on a minor league rehab assignment, then potentially be up in Pittsburgh in early August. Let's just say for the sake of argument that they hang around until then. Adding Cruz could potentially be like adding a legit middle of the order bat at the trade deadline. Just saying...and dreaming...

pretty amazing start, in NL the Pirates are second in runs, 4th in batting average, second in oba, slugging and ops, first in steals.

Pitching is: second in ERA, first in fewest homers allowed.

There are some up and downs to come but at least getting off to such a good start has to help these players see what they are capable of doing (and it is a lot more than I expected this season)

A lot more than most of us expected!
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Some thoughts after great first month…

Post by Javy »

As a pre-season doubter, I continue to be pleasantly surprised by the hot start. The coming 2 weeks will give more insight into this team and its make-up and/or ability to sustain their success going forward. Here's hoping it continues!

Realistically though, I never expected the production they're getting from the likes of Santana, Joe, Suwinski, etc. The starting pitching, particularly Velasquez and Hill, is surprisingly good. I had basically zero expectations for Velasquez, and not much more for Hill, given his age.

i thought the bullpen would get overworked and exposed early, like last year, but Keller and Contreras have been especially good, and Oviedo has been sound (until his last start) and Velasquez and Hill have exceeded expectations.

I hope the bottom doesn't drop out like in years past, but I'll continue to enjoy the ride for as long as it lasts, my pre-season prediction be dammed. Go Bucs!!

Some thoughts after great first month…

Post by DemDog »

Holy shit guys, I can't believe the positive attitude we have about the 2023 Bucs.

Yes, we have some real ancient players but they are performing fairly well and are encouraging the young guys to not look back but ahead toward what they can do with their talent.

I love the baseball smarts of Hedges. He can't hit worth a crap but he is teaching the young pitchers and at some point, this year or next Rodriguez and Davis will arrive.

What can I say about Suwinski and the way he has changed his swing and hitting approach thanks to Andy Haines?

Finally, I love that Shelty's managerial style has changed now that he has some players. He is insisting on the players playing hard. He wants them to hustle.
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Some thoughts after great first month…

Post by MaineBucs »

First, talking about winning sure is a lot more fun than talking about losing.

I don't doubt that there is some danger and heartbreak ahead, because few teams, particularly one that lost 100 games the previous season, can sustain a pace of winning 2 of every 3.

That said, there is reason for optimism. What could be the core of the starting pitching staff for the next 2 - 4 seasons, Keller, Contreras, and Oviedo are performing well, Velasquez's start resembles how Nova unexpectedly came out of the gate several season's back, and Hill has been serviceable (even though a 5 run inning appears to be on the horizon every time he pitches).

While its still very early, Suwinski is starting to look like the real deal. Reynolds and Suwinski could give the Bucs an outfield with at least 2 players who can pop one of out the park while maintaining a decent batting average. Castro is also holding his own and is actually outperforming most of his minor league stats, and while both Bae and Marcano appear to have some warts, they also are showing promise.

Santana has been much better than I expected, and his defense at first has been a welcomed addition. I particularly admire how hard he consistently plays. If the Bucs could convince him to do double duty as a 3rd base coach when he is not hitting or on the base-paths, maybe we could overcome some of Rabello's blunders.

All-in-all, what an unexpected start to the season. The Rays demonstrated against the White Sox that they are no infallible. Hoping that the Bucs can make a statement by taking 2 of 3 from the Rays in their home park.

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Some thoughts after great first month…

Post by Surgnbuck »

Who would have thought the Pirates coming in to Tampa Bay to play the Rays would feature the two teams with the current best record in their respective leauges?

Apparently not much outside the two fan bases. Been watching MLB network most of the day, admittedly through some slumber. No one seems to be talking about it. Biggest story going today was Bryce Harper. The Phillies PBP guy was on High Heat, and their GM was on the show afterwards.

I like the continued flying under the radar. Seems most are just waiting for the collapse to happen, then they can jump all over it.

Let's just keep on enjoying the ride. As someone posted, going 6-6 in the next 12 game stretch would be great. Of course, we want more ;) ;) ;)
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Some thoughts after great first month…

Post by GreenWeenie »

I dnk how much the TV side's different from MLBNR, but I don't get that impression from the radio side, and I listen to a lot of it; almost the entire work day.  I recall only one host who expects right now for the Pirates to eventually fade in the division.  But, even if we'll fade, it will be a better team than last season.

All say that- The Pirates are This Year's Feel Good Story So Far.  And, "so far" is all that anyone has to go by.

Obviously, no one knows how things will shake out until the time comes.  So, in times like this, I've found it good to ask- "What's The Worst That Can Happen?"

OK, The Worst That Can Happen is that we DO eventually fade.  The Orioles faded last season.  Sure, Birds fans were disappointed.

And, like the O's last year, no one really expected them to reach the playoffs before last season began.

Let's examine The Worst That Can Happen To The Pirates This Year.  The Worst That Can Happen To The Pirates This Year is that we win maybe 78 games.   

A) That's a significant improvement over 2022.

B) We had an exceptional start to the season; one that no one, and I mean no one expected.

C) The Return Of Andrew McCutchen

D) A far better spirit throughout the club.  The outlook seems to be a lot more optimistic.  The fact that we have this specific thread proves that.

E) Though an awkward process and uncomfortable at times, Reynolds was extended long-term.  That's not a common occurrence with the Pirates.

G) Maybe a reach, but The Maggi Story.

H) People aren't making fun of us; not calling us negative names.

There could be more.  There could be more coming. I don't know the shelf life of magic dust.

So, even if The Worst should happen, there are plenty of things that we can choose to be pleased with.

Contrast that against a few other years when the team essentially played itself out of the season by the end of Aprils or Mays. 

Before, the worst case......meant that we should be grateful that it wasn't even worse. 

Now, the worst case is....we might not be as happy as we wanted to be....but, we'll still be happy. 
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