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David Freese @ Matt Joyce

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2016 6:24 pm
by MaineBucs
This year's bench has performed well to date. That said, I would not offer either Joyce or Freese a contract next year. The Pirates have too many options for next year and both are likely to be too expensive and perhaps want multi-year deals.

The one I would consider bringing back is Rodriguez. He has shown that he can play all IF positions and be a corner OF reserve. He also has a surprising amount of pop. With Bell likely replacing Jaso and Freese next year at 1st, Rodriguez could serve as a late inning defensive replacement for Bell. Not sure what Rodriguez would command, but if it shy of $5 mil, it could be a reasonable value for 2 years.

I could see next year's bench looking something like the following: Rodriguez, Hanson, Frazier, (OF reserve from outside the organization with some pop), and Diaz or Fryer.

David Freese @ Matt Joyce

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2016 2:27 am
Funny how people want Rodriguez back next year. he sure has been a surprise. I don't know why he can't go for a multiple year deal too.

It wouldn't hurt to offer Freese a contract. I doubt he takes a one year deal. But Freese also might like being on a winner. Playing time and opportunity might matter more than money for him. Freese has made $16 million in his career.

I see Joyce trying to cash in. He is a little younger, only made $12 million (only). The Pirates also won't need Joyce next year.

I thinl the Pirates have to have one of the best benches in all of baseball. These three have been well over what anyone expected from them.

David Freese @ Matt Joyce

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2016 9:21 pm
by NCBuccofan
Wanting Rodriguez back, and thinking Rodriguez will be back are two completely different things.

David Freese @ Matt Joyce

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2016 9:25 pm
1419182F3939353C3B345A0 wrote: Wanting Rodriguez back, and thinking Rodriguez will be back are two completely different things.

I know the difference. Three posters (with a quick skimming) said they wanted him back.

David Freese @ Matt Joyce

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2016 9:50 pm
by NCBuccofan
5E555D5154554E0B0D7A435B5255551459553A0 wrote: Wanting Rodriguez back, and thinking Rodriguez will be back are two completely different things.

I know the difference.  Three posters (with a quick skimming) said they wanted him back.

So two people wanting him back is funny? Handing out multi year deals to aging role players is something they should not be doing. They are already stuck with a worthless catcher next year.

Hopefully Rodriguez does play himself out of the Pirates budget so Hurdle plays better players instead.

David Freese @ Matt Joyce

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2016 2:35 am
It was three people. Yes, I find it funny.

Rodriguez wasn't wanted by anyone come July 2015. Now, people want him back. Yes, I find it funny.

Why are you on my case? Geezus!

David Freese @ Matt Joyce

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2016 3:53 pm
by NCBuccofan
555E565A5F5E450006714850595E5E1F525E310 wrote: It was three people. Yes, I find it funny.

Rodriguez wasn't wanted by anyone come July 2015. Now, people want him back. Yes, I find it funny.

Why are you on my case? Geezus!

You are right, this is funny. Rodriguez is hitting well, but you claim he is only around for his fielding...

David Freese @ Matt Joyce

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2016 4:03 pm
I never claimed that. Are you spinning my statements again?


David Freese @ Matt Joyce

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2016 5:15 pm
by NCBuccofan
7A71797570716A2F295E677F767171307D711E0 wrote: I never claimed that.  Are you spinning my statements again?


If spinning means repeating what you said, yes.