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El Toro OPs up to .808

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2016 1:45 pm
by DemDog
Good for Pedro. But we need to get realistic. Both the FO and the fans, yes the fans were down on Pedro after his horrific season in the field last few years. I think we were all glad that he was gone except for Dog :D

Seemed we liked Jaso alot early in the year but he has not really been the on base machine he was said to be. His defense although much better than expected and better than Pedro has not allowed Hurdle to use him with confidence there as he normally pulls him for SRod or Freeze in the late innings.

So what can I say, well, I am over Pedro. Do I wish we had him back yes if we had the DH in the NL. But not where he has to play in the field on a regular basis.

As for the O's hey they could win the WS without Pedro. He is not the guy who is carrying the O's he is just a part time DH and corner IF.

The loss of Pedro Alvarez is not what has caused the Bucs to stink up in 2016. That can be attributed to a few much better players having a normal "Pedro" season. You know, Cutch, Kang, Cervelli, J-Hay. And of course the true screw up with the starting pitching staff. Who expected Frankie to stink? And when he did there was really no one experience enough to lead the staff.

So you guys debate all you want about Pedro and the grevious mistake NH did in allowing him to leave. Me, I say, good luck Pedro and then I move on.

El Toro OPs up to .808

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2016 2:07 pm
I didn't say I wanted Alvarez back to start the season.

With all the guys struggling right now, Alvarez would be better than most. He is having a better offensive year (in limited time) than McCutchen, Kang, Harrison, Jaso, Cervelli and Mercer. You can't deny that. Of course, he had a better year than some last year that people could never accept.

I don't know why Alvarez is such a hot topic here. I still stand by that the 2015 Pirates didn't have anyone better to play 1B. That is all I ever said as he got bashed over and over.

El Toro OPs up to .808

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2016 2:41 pm
by Bobster21
4344525A5443040871565C50585D1F525E5C310 wrote: How much of Pedro's improvement is due to the DH?  Seriously, a lot of people thought that was his role.  Put him back at 1st or 3rd every night and who knows.  
I think it's probably due to less pressure than he had in Pittsburgh. Of course there was the pressure of being horrible defensively. But there was probably greater pressure in being billed as a franchise player since he was drafted. He was expected to be a main cog in the Pirate offense but came nowhere near that. He was a disappointment in that he couldn't hit LH pitching, struck out too often and didn't even hit RHP for a good average. In Baltimore, he's in a power laden offense where Machado, Jones, Davis, Trumbo, Wieters and Schoop lead the offense. Alvarez usually bats 7th and only against RHP. He's almost an afterthought in that lineup. Whatever he gives them is gravy. They've got plenty of other big bats to rely on. That might be helping him relax and focus without the pressure he felt as a Pirate.

El Toro OPs up to .808

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2016 2:45 pm
by Quail
Congrats to Pedro! He's where he needs to be; in the American League. He is not a National League player as his .675 fielding percentage in the 11 games he's played defense this year in Baltimore will confirm.

El Toro OPs up to .808

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2016 2:55 pm
634E43525544531310210 wrote: How much of Pedro's improvement is due to the DH?  Seriously, a lot of people thought that was his role.  Put him back at 1st or 3rd every night and who knows.  
I think it's probably due to less pressure than he had in Pittsburgh. Of course there was the pressure of being horrible defensively. But there was probably greater pressure in being billed as a franchise player since he was drafted. He was expected to be a main cog in the Pirate offense but came nowhere near that. He was a disappointment in that he couldn't hit LH pitching, struck out too often and didn't even hit RHP for a good average. In Baltimore, he's in a power laden offense where Machado, Jones, Davis, Trumbo, Wieters and Schoop lead the offense. Alvarez usually bats 7th and only against RHP. He's almoast an afterthought in that lineup. Whatever he gives them is gravy. They've got plenty of other big bats to rely on. That might be helping him relax and focus without the pressure he felt as a Pirate.

I wouldn't go that far and say he was a disappointment, but I agree that he was tagged as that "franchise player".  He had some solid years in Pittsburgh.  He is still doing well and holding a roster spot.  I am sure he will be around a little longer too with his power potential.

1337232B2E420 wrote: Congrats to Pedro! He's where he needs to be; in the American League. He is not a National League player as his .675 fielding percentage in the 11 games he's played defense this year in Baltimore will confirm.

It is even worse than that. His fielding is at .625 all at 3B (I thought he played some 1B in Baltimore too?). With that said, his team is still in first place. His bat matters more and he still plays some in the field.

El Toro OPs up to .808

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2016 3:51 pm
by Steve19981
2522343C3225626E17303A363E3B7934383A570 wrote: How much of Pedro's improvement is due to the DH?  Seriously, a lot of people thought that was his role.  Put him back at 1st or 3rd every night and who knows. 

Glad for Pedro.  He might get a WS. 

How much of his improvement is because he's in the midst of one of his hot streaks? I never judged him in the middle of a cold streak or the middle of one where he completely lit the world on fire.

El Toro OPs up to .808

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2016 8:16 pm
by iabucco
I like Pedro. I hope he continues to play well. I still would rather have Jaso playing first, even with the way he has been hitting. It has been a relief watching a first baseman be able to catch a pick off throw, to make plays consistently and to make contact. It was time for Pedro to move on and I think Jaso turned out to be a good bridge to Bell. My only complaint is that Bell should now be playing first.

El Toro OPs up to .808

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2016 8:25 pm
by BucsFaninGA
Don't miss Pedro. The guy was a black hole at 1st. Think a change of scenery was good for him. Much prefer Freese over at 1B. Jaso is a placeholder... I too look forward to Josh Bell's arrival... 8-)

El Toro OPs up to .808

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2016 8:48 pm
by UtahPirate
5166706055727D7A7D5452130 wrote: Don't miss Pedro. The guy was a black hole at 1st (not to mention embarrassing at 3rd) Think a change of scenery was good for him. Much prefer Freese over at 1B. Jaso is a placeholder... I too look forward to Josh Bell's arrival... 8-)

+1 -- with one addition ;)

El Toro OPs up to .808

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2016 9:41 pm
by Jonathan34
He's a part-time DH. I'm glad he's seeing a bit of success...but his role as a ML player is an extremely tenuous one at this point.