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Twins Have Spoken To Bucs About Cole

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2017 2:43 am
by IABucFan
7D5B5A4D5B4B380 wrote: Isn't Newman ranked in the Top 50? I'd have a hard time including Newman with Cole. Cole is the prize. He is young, proven, and cost friendly.

BA has him at #88. In my mind, it's a fair trade. If the Twins give up a top SS, they'll want another SS prospect back in return, I'd think.

still, the Bucs should get more.  One established major league starter and a top 100 prospect should yield more than two prospects.

I think you guys are overestimating Cole's value. I think we'll be very underwhelmed in a potential Cole trade. It's nothing against Cole...I think he was pretty unlucky with the gopher ball last year. But, I also think that he's not the ace he was projected when picked at #1 overall. He's a #2 starter.

Here is Jose Quintana's WAR since 2014:





Total: 19.4

Here is Cole's:





Total: 13.4

In short, Quintana has been much better than Cole. Quintana is under contract for three more years, ages 29-31.

Cole is under contract for two more years, 28-29.

The White Sox got Eloy Jimenez (BA #5), Dylan Cease (BA #83), plus two other guys who, as far as I can tell, were throw-ins. Do we really think Cole will get something comparable to that, when he has been a worse pitcher over the last four years, and is under contract for one less year? I don't. I'm thinking one top 100 prospect, plus another guy. Maybe take Newman out of my proposal. Still...prepare to be underwhelmed.

Twins Have Spoken To Bucs About Cole

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2017 3:13 am
by Ecbucs
look at Sonny Gray deal, he brought back:

James Kaprielian, (Yankees picked him 16th overall in 2015), Jorge Mateo, 22 year old infielder in high A and AA, from A's write up after deal:

Since coming to the A’s, Mateo is slashing .262/.323/.440 with a home run and 10 RBI in Double-A Midland.

Prior to being traded, Mateo was slashing .300/.381/.525

Speed is Mateo’s greatest strength and led the minor leagues in steals back in 2015 with 82. Through 19 games with Midland, Mateo has collected 11 stolen bases. Mateo has 50 stolen bases overall this year while splitting time in Single-A and Double-A.

Defensively, Mateo needs to work on a few things before he makes a debut with Oakland. He has committed 37 errors this year at short. Last year he committed 26 errors at short and 48 in 2015.

Offensively, Mateo does not possess a ton of power. He should have enough raw power, though, to provide the occasional home run. The focus, however, should remain on Mateo’s speed and ability on the base paths.

A's also received outfielder Dustin Fowler who is listed on as the A's third best prospect. (Mateo is rated 4th) and Kapriealian 10th.

The A's farm system is weaker than the Bucs but it seems like the Bucs should get at least one player who would crack their top 6 or 7 prospects plus two others that would be in top 15. The A's did send some international signing bonus money too.

Was surprised to see how close Cole and Gray's overall stats are.

Twins Have Spoken To Bucs About Cole

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2017 3:35 am
by dmetz
If you trade Cole, you might as well trade Cutch and Rivero

If we are selling off, I wish the FO would be replaced before we do it.   We've been losers for the past two years and with a sale are all but guaranteed to be losers for another 2, maybe 3.   That's 4-5 years of losing. Again.

Losers gonna lose.   Try to win, or let somebody else try

Twins Have Spoken To Bucs About Cole

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2017 3:58 am
I agree.

If you are going to trade Cole, might as well trade everyone and rebuild. If this isn't the window of opportunity then you have to build for the next one. Trading McCutchen wouldn't necessarily mean a rebuild, but trading Cole would be in my opinion.

Twins Have Spoken To Bucs About Cole

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2017 12:12 pm
by mouse
I see the chances of them trading Cole this off-season as very slight. I think NH will do what he can to compete this season, but within the budget he has. Cole will be important to that effort. If they are out of it at the trade deadline, then he gets traded, and most likely in the next off-season. A low budget team has to get whatever value it can from the assets it has. That's why I put the odds very high that Cutch gets traded this off-season.

Twins Have Spoken To Bucs About Cole

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2017 12:44 pm
by dmetz
We're still in wait and see time.   We have to sit around and "wait and see" what happens this offseason before we start complaining that nothing substantial happened.

Then, when nothing substantial does the start of spring training, we immediately move into "there was nothing really available that would improve the team"

Mixed in with a dash of "minor league talent is almost ready and don't want to block them"

with a dash of "bad luck" and "it takes two to make a trade"

Then fast forward 162 games and we've won somewhere between 70-80 games and it will be too early to complain again.

Twins Have Spoken To Bucs About Cole

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2017 1:24 pm
by notes34
393B212731540 wrote: I see the chances of them trading Cole this off-season as very slight. I think NH will do what he can to compete this season, but within the budget he has. Cole will be important to that effort. If they are out of it at the trade deadline, then he gets traded, and most likely in the next off-season.  A low budget team has to get whatever value it can from the assets it has. That's why I put the odds very high that Cutch gets traded this off-season.
I can't see how NH is going to try to compete and trade Cutch in the off season. There is no way to replace his offense.

Twins Have Spoken To Bucs About Cole

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2017 2:10 pm
by Quail
4F464E5F512B0 wrote: We're still in wait and see time.   We have to sit around and "wait and see" what happens this offseason before we start complaining that nothing substantial happened.

Then, when nothing substantial does the start of spring training, we immediately move into "there was nothing really available that would improve the team"

Mixed in with a dash of "minor league talent is almost ready and don't want to block them"

with a dash of "bad luck" and "it takes two to make a trade"

Then fast forward 162 games and we've won somewhere between 70-80 games and it will be too early to complain again.

With NH and Hurdle in place for 4 more years, and your prescient post above I'm having a Nutting "Groundhog Day" instead of a Thanksgiving. :(

Twins Have Spoken To Bucs About Cole

Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2017 5:05 am
by SCBucco
4D767C775B1F0 wrote: I want Buxton ! He is ready to breakout and throw in Matt Hague too. He can be a nice bench piece 1st /3rd /LF . I want Hague to get a real chance the guy deserves a fair shake we scrwed him.All he does is hit a consistent way 280+ 12-15 hr lots of walks and doubles.You cant tell me we cant use some of that.Find a place for him.

Cole isn't worth Buxton. Don't kid yourself.

Twins Have Spoken To Bucs About Cole

Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2017 2:16 pm
by Jerseykc
I don't think Cole is going to be happy in Minnesota. It is closer to California but we all know he wants to be able to see the Pacific.