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Post by SammyKhalifa »

4050516670707C130 wrote: Since it seems the Cole talks with the Yankees is cooling off, lets take a look at what it would take to get this done.

What would make the Yankees include one of their "untouchable" prospects in this deal. Is it adding Harrison and having the Pirates pay some of his salary?(I know, I know it won't happen). I think Harrison would be an outstanding pickup for the Yankees. His versatility and defense make him valuable. Would they consider him a starter if one of the young guys is included on their end?

From the Pirates perspective would they move Cole and Harrison if Torres is the centerpiece over Frazier. Would they decide to hang onto Cutch until the deadline? Would Torres, Andujar and Adams get the job done with including JHay. Would they even consider adding money? I'm not sure what the deal would look like with Torres included. I doubt we get both Torres and Andujar in the same package.

We aren't getting both Torres and Andujar in the same package.  It's foolish to think we have a chance.  Why the continued insistence of asking for Torres.  This is the Victor Robles fiasco of a year ago.  Adams, Frazier, and Andujar for Cole and Harrison is fine with me.  If they want to throw in Tate or Cave, all the better.

They need to dump Cutch now as opposed to later.  What's exactly the point on holding onto him if you are trading Cole and Harrison?  Then again, its not like this franchise will reinvest the saved money, so ...

But at the same time what's the need to "dump" him if you're not getting anything?


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55454473656569060 wrote: I'm guessing that the Yankees are refusing to include either Andujar or Torres in any deal.

I think NH can be picky, he has still has plenty of opportunities to move Cole and get a prospect as good as Frazier.
I just read another rumor that the hold up is JHay. The Yankees want him included in the deal. If it was just Cole I think it would already be done.

I don't trust NH to get anything done.  He is supposedly motivated to deal Cole, but hasn't.  If he were truly motivated, the deal would get done.

Huntington still won't just give Cole away since he wants to trade him. And he shouldn't either.
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Post by SCBucco »

62505C5C487A59505D585750310 wrote: Since it seems the Cole talks with the Yankees is cooling off, lets take a look at what it would take to get this done.

What would make the Yankees include one of their "untouchable" prospects in this deal. Is it adding Harrison and having the Pirates pay some of his salary?(I know, I know it won't happen). I think Harrison would be an outstanding pickup for the Yankees. His versatility and defense make him valuable. Would they consider him a starter if one of the young guys is included on their end?

From the Pirates perspective would they move Cole and Harrison if Torres is the centerpiece over Frazier. Would they decide to hang onto Cutch until the deadline? Would Torres, Andujar and Adams get the job done with including JHay. Would they even consider adding money? I'm not sure what the deal would look like with Torres included. I doubt we get both Torres and Andujar in the same package.

We aren't getting both Torres and Andujar in the same package.  It's foolish to think we have a chance.  Why the continued insistence of asking for Torres.  This is the Victor Robles fiasco of a year ago.  Adams, Frazier, and Andujar for Cole and Harrison is fine with me.  If they want to throw in Tate or Cave, all the better.

They need to dump Cutch now as opposed to later.  What's exactly the point on holding onto him if you are trading Cole and Harrison?  Then again, its not like this franchise will reinvest the saved money, so ...

But at the same time what's the need to "dump" him if you're not getting anything?

I don't know.  This is an inept franchise we are talking about.  JayHay is probably the most valuable player on this roster (not to be confused with best) due to his versatility.  He can play 2B, 3B, OF ... we have a void at 3B.  But, yet, they want to unload him and his 10.3 million (not a bad count) for what reason?  To let Adam Frazier be our starter?  This is a mess.

Again, what is Harrison's return value? I have no idea. It is probably better to deal Cole to the Yanks and separate Harrison to somewhere else, like Toronto? Have no idea what his return value would be.
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Post by SCBucco »

2E252D2124253E7B7D0A332B2225256429254A0 wrote: I'm guessing that the Yankees are refusing to include either Andujar or Torres in any deal.

I think NH can be picky, he has still has plenty of opportunities to move Cole and get a prospect as good as Frazier.
I just read another rumor that the hold up is JHay. The Yankees want him included in the deal. If it was just Cole I think it would already be done.

I don't trust NH to get anything done.  He is supposedly motivated to deal Cole, but hasn't.  If he were truly motivated, the deal would get done.

Huntington still won't just give Cole away since he wants to trade him.  And he shouldn't either.

He has been offered a more than fine deal for Cole (we know the names that have been offered or available in that deal and the names are more than fine), but yet, he refuses.  So much for motivation.

Watch the Yanks sign Darvish ad we lose a chance at adding some very good young talent for the farm system for a guy that is overvalued, but people will still throw talent our way and a guy that we won't be able to resign in two years. There are very few farm systems that have this amount of talent.
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Post by SammyKhalifa »

4353526573737F100 wrote: Since it seems the Cole talks with the Yankees is cooling off, lets take a look at what it would take to get this done.

What would make the Yankees include one of their "untouchable" prospects in this deal. Is it adding Harrison and having the Pirates pay some of his salary?(I know, I know it won't happen). I think Harrison would be an outstanding pickup for the Yankees. His versatility and defense make him valuable. Would they consider him a starter if one of the young guys is included on their end?

From the Pirates perspective would they move Cole and Harrison if Torres is the centerpiece over Frazier. Would they decide to hang onto Cutch until the deadline? Would Torres, Andujar and Adams get the job done with including JHay. Would they even consider adding money? I'm not sure what the deal would look like with Torres included. I doubt we get both Torres and Andujar in the same package.

We aren't getting both Torres and Andujar in the same package.  It's foolish to think we have a chance.  Why the continued insistence of asking for Torres.  This is the Victor Robles fiasco of a year ago.  Adams, Frazier, and Andujar for Cole and Harrison is fine with me.  If they want to throw in Tate or Cave, all the better.

They need to dump Cutch now as opposed to later.  What's exactly the point on holding onto him if you are trading Cole and Harrison?  Then again, its not like this franchise will reinvest the saved money, so ...

But at the same time what's the need to "dump" him if you're not getting anything?

I don't know.  This is an inept franchise we are talking about.  JayHay is probably the most valuable player on this roster (not to be confused with best) due to his versatility.  He can play 2B, 3B, OF ... we have a void at 3B.  But, yet, they want to unload him and his 10.3 million (not a bad count) for what reason?  To let Adam Frazier be our starter?  This is a mess.

Again, what is Harrison's return value?  I have no idea.  It is probably better to deal Cole to the Yanks and separate Harrison to somewhere else, like Toronto?  Have no idea what his return value would be.

Yeah I think they need to be dealt separately if at all.

My thinking on moving Harrison is that if we like him, then other teams probably will too.  I don't trade him because I have a replacement, that's no reason, but because I like the return.

But like you I think that just because he's valuable that doesn't mean he's valuable trade-wise.  He might be worth more to us than to other teams or maybe not.
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Post by notes34 »

I think Harrison would be extremely valuable to the Yankees. With the 2 young guys in the infield Harrison could spell them at any time and/or start until they are acclimated. He can also move to the OF. The best thing he is very good on defense no matter where you put him.
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Post by SammyKhalifa »

55544F5E48080F3B0 wrote: I think Harrison would be extremely valuable to the Yankees. With the 2 young guys in the infield Harrison could spell them at any time and/or start until they are acclimated. He can also move to the OF. The best thing he is very good on defense no matter where you put him.

Yeah, I understand why they want him. And that's why I wouldn't just include him as a throw in.

Sorry, but on general principle i don't want to see us give them two guys we will miss in exchange for three spare parts that the yankees will not. I say too bad if they don't want to give up any of their top three prospects.


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15050433252529460 wrote: I'm guessing that the Yankees are refusing to include either Andujar or Torres in any deal.

I think NH can be picky, he has still has plenty of opportunities to move Cole and get a prospect as good as Frazier.
I just read another rumor that the hold up is JHay. The Yankees want him included in the deal. If it was just Cole I think it would already be done.

I don't trust NH to get anything done.  He is supposedly motivated to deal Cole, but hasn't.  If he were truly motivated, the deal would get done.

Huntington still won't just give Cole away since he wants to trade him.  And he shouldn't either.

He has been offered a more than fine deal for Cole , but yet, he refuses.  So much for motivation.(we know the names that have been offered or available in that deal and the names are more than fine)

Watch the Yanks sign Darvish ad we lose a chance at adding some very good young talent for the farm system for a guy that is overvalued, but people will still throw talent our way and a guy that we won't be able to resign in two years.  There are very few farm systems that have this amount of talent.

No, we don't. It is all speculation.

If the Yankees are worried about the Luxury Tax, then they can't sign Darvish. But there is certainly a risk in calling their bluff. Why trade anyone if they can just sign Darvish, the better pitcher?

Fun story that might relate to this: I recently put a tailgating grill on Craig's List. I bought it for around $200 (not really sure). I posted it for $150 in hopes I get $100 for it. Some man/woman offered me $50. I said No. They upped it to $60. I still said No. Trust me, I am motivated to sell it. I just didn't like the offer(s).


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25243F2E38787F4B0 wrote: I think Harrison would be extremely valuable to the Yankees. With the 2 young guys in the infield Harrison could spell them at any time and/or start until they are acclimated. He can also move to the OF. The best thing he is very good on defense no matter where you put him.

I totally agree.

Starting two rookies to make a WS run is a tough decision. Harrison would start for the Yankees and they can either ease the rookies in or keep one of them in the minors. Harrison gives the Yankees options.
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Post by SCBucco »

48495243551512260 wrote: I think Harrison would be extremely valuable to the Yankees. With the 2 young guys in the infield Harrison could spell them at any time and/or start until they are acclimated. He can also move to the OF. The best thing he is very good on defense no matter where you put him.

I don't think anyone would disagree with you on this. I don't. Again, curious as to what is his value. I think if you are trading both, you send them in separate deals.
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