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August Trades

Posted: Wed Mar 13, 2019 10:19 pm
by BenM
133534233525560 wrote: Also am I wrong that this would mean that that late Giles for Jason Bay deal between two bad teams could never have happened?

yeah, that deal was made on  August 26, 2003.  I didn't realize until I looked at his record that he played more years in SD than Pittsburgh.  His defensive stats are terrible although I thought he was a decent outfielder. ... br02.shtml

his ops with Bucs was 1.018 and ops plus was 158. 426 oba and  591 slugging. 

Too bad he didn't come back this season.

i wonder if the bucs would have to clear a second roster spot for Giles' pharmacist

No roster spot for Giles' pharmacist.  Just add him to the training staff or the interpreting staff aka, Kang and some of the Latin players.   8-)  But I think your suggestion was great.

the Pirate Parrot was ahead of his time.  He could have made a lot more money with steroids vs. cocaine.

I'd forgotten about that. Did ESPN ever do a 30 for 30 on the drug trials? Even in the pre-internet era that was a pretty wild time. Can't imagine what it would be like in the era of social media.

August Trades

Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2019 5:08 am
by Roberto218
Stop busting on Brian Giles. On June 21, 2003, Giles made the catch of the year, tumbling into the leftfield seats. I remember, because on that date, I was in intensive care unit, recovering from a heart attack, with a 99 percent blockage of my left anterior descending coronary artery,aka the winemaker! I remember watching the game on ESPN. If he dropped, the ball, I would have probably died, because they didn't put the stent in for two days. The moral of the story is don't have a heart attack on a nice summer Saturday when all the cardiologists have their boats, on the lakes, and if you do, don't watch the Pirates game unless you feel real lucky!

August Trades

Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2019 8:38 am
by Roberto218
Widowmaker, not winemaker, darn autocorrect!