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Buy-Low Trade Candidate: Chris Archer

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2019 11:48 pm
by Bobster21
083A36362210333A37323D3A5B0 wrote: So ---- If Searage (who swears he is not) is telling him to throw more two-seamers, then the pitching coach is using an out-moded approach to pitching in today's world.

But, if Archer is choosing to throw the 2 seamer against Ray's advice, and the result is a pitch that is getting pounded, then the Pirates have an even greater problem because Archer is following his own drummer instead of doing what may position him to win more games.   

Regardless, most of Archer's performances this year have been really substandard.  They need to fix the problem so Archer and the time have more of a likelihood of seeing some success.

I don't understand the Archer situation.  If his 2 seamer is getting pounded why does he want to keep throwing it?  Does he think it only gets hit hard when he misses his spot?  Does the evidence really show that his 2 seamer gets pounded?

Yeah, the whole thing sounds weird. 
So if we believe Searage is giving good advice that Archer refuses to follow despite Archer's consistently poor pitching, then we have to wonder why Searage can't get thru to his pitcher. Not trying to blast Searage but if a coach can't convince a player to do what works, then there's a problem.

Buy-Low Trade Candidate: Chris Archer

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2019 2:43 pm
by CTBucco
I noticed something possibly odd when looking at his splits. He gets absolutely mashed when there is a runner at 2nd. It's much worse than when there are no runners on or runners on 1st and/or 3rd. Are they getting their signs stolen?

Buy-Low Trade Candidate: Chris Archer

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2019 2:57 pm
by notes34
Anyone with a set of eyes and an unbiased opinion can watch Archer and instantly see that the talent and production levels don't add up. Its time to move on from Old Ray. Allow Archer to be himself and throw what he wants and see the results.

Buy-Low Trade Candidate: Chris Archer

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2019 3:16 pm
by SammyKhalifa
36372C3D2B6B6C580 wrote: Allow Archer to be himself and throw what he wants and see the results.

But by some reports that's exactly what he's doing now.

Buy-Low Trade Candidate: Chris Archer

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2019 5:51 pm
by Bobster21
6F5D51514577545D50555A5D3C0 wrote: Allow Archer to be himself and throw what he wants and see the results.

But by some reports that's exactly what he's doing now.

Yeah, I listened to that Searage interview you posted and he seems frustrated that Archer is doing his own thing and not listening to advice.

Buy-Low Trade Candidate: Chris Archer

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2019 8:00 pm
by notes34
30020E0E1A280B020F0A0502630 wrote: Allow Archer to be himself and throw what he wants and see the results.

But by some reports that's exactly what he's doing now.

Huh that's just odd. Why would a pitcher throw something that isn't one of his better offerings? That makes zero sense.

Buy-Low Trade Candidate: Chris Archer

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2019 11:46 pm
by dmetz
When the pitchers do well, it's Uncle Ray, when the same pitchers tank, they're doing their own thing. When they move on and become aces, it's because they didn't listen here and did listen after they left.

We haven't won the division in 27 years ;D. 14 different teams have WON a WS in that time. The big market Indians won 3 pennants in that time.

Buy-Low Trade Candidate: Chris Archer

Posted: Fri Jun 21, 2019 12:13 am
by IABucFan
5B525A4B453F0 wrote:

We haven't won the division in 27 years  ;D.   14 different teams have WON a WS in that time.   The big market Indians won 3 pennants in that time.   

This can’t be understated. 27 years since a division title. Every other team save two has at least one in that time span: the Marlins and Rockies. Both were expansion teams in 1993. However, in that time frame, the Rockies have been to a WS (but lost), and the Marlins have been to two and won them both. It’s long past time for the Pirates to win a division title.

Buy-Low Trade Candidate: Chris Archer

Posted: Fri Jun 21, 2019 2:27 am
by JollyRoger
And it’s been 40 years since the Bucs were in a World Series. Every team but the Mariners and the Montreal/Washington franchise has been in one since!

Buy-Low Trade Candidate: Chris Archer

Posted: Sun Jun 23, 2019 1:20 am
by maher.timothy20@gm
Getting back to the original post: Archer must have read that post because Stallings said postgame that Archer decided to ditch the two seam fastball completely for this start. The results were pretty good.