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What are they thinkong???

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2020 7:56 pm
by WildwoodDave
673127333C26363D3027153238343C397B36550 wrote: Posters and pundits [just finished reading one] have implied, or plain stated that the Bucs last picks were signability/under slot picks so as to have more available to pay other picks over slot to help with their signings. Seems like decent strategy, if that's the thinking.  As such the picks were panned or at least downplayed. But, because this is how I think, glass half full, I think the Bucs approach is just more of the "let's see what we got" while still trying to field a reasonable MLB club. So here's how I see/hope they were thinking.  First 2 picks ready for MLB relatively soon. Garcia follows soon after, meaning 3 actual MLB ready players by 2022. Then Jones to be developed {I hope} for 2023/4.  Last 2 picks actually/maybe have close to ready specific skills for MLB level. If I'm even half right it seems the management team is just following their stated plan. What do you think?

If the guys who they drafted are capable of doing what you're projecting (and I've read several "experts" really liked the Pirates choices), then it's hard to find fault with what Cherington and his staff did.  I said it a couple of days ago, the best thing about the draft was that Huntington and his crew weren't involved, and that gives me hope. 

I'm willing to give this new Front Office a chance.  I know Nutting is still there but he doesn't decide who's drafted.  Now the next step is equally important, that being the proper development of the players chosen.  I feel pretty confident a better job will be done with that than it was under Huntington.
Since there will be no Minor League Baseball ( Maybe no Baseball period) player development will undoubtably be put on hold.

Also, I am sure that the board members have been reading all about the give and take between the players and ownership. Any thoughts on favoring either side?

What are they thinkong???

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2020 9:13 pm
by INbuc
I should probably be careful with what I say, for like Lebron points out, you should be educated on a subject before you open your mouth.   But what fun is that?

Really I am torn.  I do feel for the players.  When you have posses, and million dollar mortgages, you need steady income.  On the other hand, I see the owner's side.  How can you commit to large player salaries when you're not sure how many fans will be in the stands?  If you over expend on player salaries you might not be able to debt service outside interests... like resort properties.

Although I am concerned for both sides, I am comforted knowing there is a union involved.  For as we know, unions make every situation better.

I think it will all work out fine.  If the season is canceled, I will just keep watching the riots.   Funny, but not many of the Antifa's have good arms.

What are they thinkong???

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2020 12:24 am
by GreenWeenie
152B2E26352D2D2606233427420 wrote: Posters and pundits [just finished reading one] have implied, or plain stated that the Bucs last picks were signability/under slot picks so as to have more available to pay other picks over slot to help with their signings. Seems like decent strategy, if that's the thinking.  As such the picks were panned or at least downplayed. But, because this is how I think, glass half full, I think the Bucs approach is just more of the "let's see what we got" while still trying to field a reasonable MLB club. So here's how I see/hope they were thinking.  First 2 picks ready for MLB relatively soon. Garcia follows soon after, meaning 3 actual MLB ready players by 2022. Then Jones to be developed {I hope} for 2023/4.  Last 2 picks actually/maybe have close to ready specific skills for MLB level. If I'm even half right it seems the management team is just following their stated plan. What do you think?

If the guys who they drafted are capable of doing what you're projecting (and I've read several "experts" really liked the Pirates choices), then it's hard to find fault with what Cherington and his staff did.  I said it a couple of days ago, the best thing about the draft was that Huntington and his crew weren't involved, and that gives me hope. 

I'm willing to give this new Front Office a chance.  I know Nutting is still there but he doesn't decide who's drafted.  Now the next step is equally important, that being the proper development of the players chosen.  I feel pretty confident a better job will be done with that than it was under Huntington.
Since there will be no Minor League Baseball ( Maybe no Baseball period) player development will undoubtably be put on hold.

Also, I am sure that the board members have been reading all about the give and take between the players and ownership. Any thoughts on favoring either side?

Generally, I am pro-labor. I'm a working guy.

In this case, I don't favor either side.

I don't mind waiting an extra year to finish dead last.

What are they thinkong???

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2020 1:11 am
by steve49
032524332535460 wrote: BC was pretty straightforward about the draft strategy. He said they simply took their highest rated player available in each round. Doesn't sound like a plan for a particular year. 

could be but I find it hard to believe that Jack Hartman from Appalachian State was rated by the Bucs in the top 110 players eligible for the draft.

Maybe they found out a lot about his personality and or signability and gave him extra credit for that but he seems like a reach at pick 108 to me.


What are they thinkong???

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2020 1:13 am
by JulianJay
Pro labor...though sometimes harder to support millionaires even when they are underpaid...LOL

What are they thinkong???

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2020 1:18 am
by JulianJay
just read about a player rated 297 of 500 who got 900K or double his 'slot' why not our "who the heck are they?" picks. Have to bbelieve the new management knows what they are doing or at least pretend.

What are they thinkong???

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2020 1:38 am
by GreenWeenie
BOB and his like are BILLIONaires, and there is NO way that I support THAT guy.

What are they thinkong???

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2020 2:14 am
by shedman
5F6A7D7D764F7D7D76717D180 wrote: BOB and his like are BILLIONaires, and there is NO way that I support THAT guy.

I have always been a Management guy, but so long as BOB is part of that Management, I will side with the MLBPA.

What are they thinkong???

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2020 9:17 am
by GreenWeenie
I'm not surrounded by enough incompetence in my life, so I have to have it in my baseball team, too.

What are they thinkong???

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2020 11:12 am
by Bobster21
1B2E3939320B39393235395C0 wrote: I'm not surrounded by enough incompetence in my life, so I have to have it in my baseball team, too.
LOL. The Pirates will provide you with more than the minimum daily adult requirement of incompetence. It's the one thing they're really good at. :)