The next CBA and the future of MLB


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The next CBA and the future of MLB

Post by WildwoodDave2 »

785558494E5F48080B3A0 wrote: From various sources there was little progress made with the labor negotiations today. The sides are scheduled to meet again tomorrow, and one would hope that we would begin to hear that progress is being made. If an agreement is not reached by the February 28th date, I could see the sides not getting back to the bargaining table for a few weeks. This would not be good for the sport.

the biggest part of the negotiations is that none of the topics discussed are going to help the Pirates.  [highlight]Having a desire to win, no matter the obstacles is what is going to push the Pirates to the top.  The question is whether Bob Nutting wants that enough to go for it.[/highlight]

With all I've read about Cherington and the people he's hired, I believe the management within the organization has that necessary desire to succeed.  But, as you pointed out, the roadblock will be Nutting. 
I agree. Nutting doesn't want to lose. But he draws the line at spending money. Ideally for him, he would hire a Cherington who would make significant and necessary improvements throughout the system and create a winning team despite the lack of funding provided by Nutting. Nutting thought Huntington could be that guy but ultimately decided he needed an upgrade over Huntington. If Nutting didn't care, there would have been no reason to replace him. We may never know Cherington's motives for taking the job but I suspect he saw a challenge of building an organization from the ground up with minimal financial support. I think he and the people he has brought on want to win. The problem is that their desire to win is stronger than Nutting's and at some point he will become a roadblock when the team needs to increase payroll enough to retain and/or add more talent to get over the hump.
To simplify things, Most teams spend with the idea of improving their team. Nutting just hopes that the team will improve with what he has.
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The next CBA and the future of MLB

Post by GreenWeenie »

I remember a member of the previous board writing something that I thought is poignant:

"If you're not trying to win, you're trying to lose."

I think that there's an amount of truth to that.

I agree with Dave. BOB tries to win with what he has. But, he is only willing to have so much.

That's true for every team. It's the "amount that they're willing to have" that's different.

The next CBA and the future of MLB

Post by WildwoodDave2 »

7C42474F5C44444F6F4A5D4E192B0 wrote: I remember a member of the previous board writing something that I thought is poignant:

"If you're not trying to win, you're trying to lose."

I think that there's an amount of truth to that.

I agree with Dave.  BOB tries to win with what he has.  But, he is only willing to have so much.

That's true for every team.  It's the "amount that they're willing to have" that's different.

When you agree with me, I get scared ;D
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The next CBA and the future of MLB

Post by GreenWeenie »

That goes for me. Double.

The next CBA and the future of MLB

Post by WildwoodDave2 »

163B36272031266665540 wrote: From various sources there was little progress made with the labor negotiations today. The sides are scheduled to meet again tomorrow, and one would hope that we would begin to hear that progress is being made. If an agreement is not reached by the February 28th date, I could see the sides not getting back to the bargaining table for a few weeks. This would not be good for the sport.

the biggest part of the negotiations is that none of the topics discussed are going to help the Pirates.  [highlight]Having a desire to win, no matter the obstacles is what is going to push the Pirates to the top.  The question is whether Bob Nutting wants that enough to go for it.[/highlight]

With all I've read about Cherington and the people he's hired, I believe the management within the organization has that necessary desire to succeed.  But, as you pointed out, the roadblock will be Nutting. 
I agree. Nutting doesn't want to lose. But he draws the line at spending money. Ideally for him, he would hire a Cherington who would make significant and necessary improvements throughout the system and create a winning team despite the lack of funding provided by Nutting. Nutting thought Huntington could be that guy but ultimately decided he needed an upgrade over Huntington. If Nutting didn't care, there would have been no reason to replace him. We may never know Cherington's motives for taking the job but I suspect he saw a challenge of building an organization from the ground up with minimal financial support. I think he and the people he has brought on want to win. The problem is that their desire to win is stronger than Nutting's and at some point he will become a roadblock when the team needs to increase payroll enough to retain and/or add more talent to get over the hump.
Just in- Baseball Season will be shortened if an agreement is not reached by Monday Feb.28th
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The next CBA and the future of MLB

Post by GreenWeenie »

That's what the owners said.

Players' response? Fine. No expanded playoffs.

Look for agreement by Monday. All between is just posturing. A whole bunch of nothing.
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The next CBA and the future of MLB

Post by fjk090852-7 »

261304040F3604040F0804610 wrote: That's what the owners said.

Players' response?  Fine.  No expanded playoffs.

Look for agreement by Monday.    All between is just posturing.  A whole bunch of nothing.
I hope you are correct that an agreement will be done by Monday. This lockout really hurts players like Cruz, or Peguero who are on the 40 man roster. These players lost an entire Minor League Season in 2020 due to Covid-19, and now they could miss some valuable minor league time due to the lockout. I am very annoyed that these two sides cannot come to an agreement. I liked a comment Jason Mackey made yesterday, he said “ get a few wives into the meeting an camps will open in 48 hours”. I kind of agree with him because the wives will miss those paychecks when the season doesn’t begin.
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The next CBA and the future of MLB

Post by GreenWeenie »

575B5A0108010904031C06310 wrote: That's what the owners said.

Players' response?  Fine.  No expanded playoffs.

Look for agreement by Monday.    All between is just posturing.  A whole bunch of nothing.
I hope you are correct that an agreement will be done by Monday. This lockout really hurts players like Cruz, or Peguero who are on the 40 man roster. These players lost an entire Minor League Season  in 2020 due to Covid-19, and now they could miss some valuable minor league time due to the lockout. [highlight]I am very annoyed that these two sides cannot come to an agreement.[/highlight] I liked a comment Jason Mackey made yesterday, he said “ get a few wives into the meeting an camps will open in 48 hours”. I kind of agree with him because the wives will miss those paychecks when the season doesn’t begin.

A- freakin'- men to that, brother.  Amen to that.

I don't care if you're the richest owner in the business....or, the lowest-paid LMG there is.  It doesn't matter.  Those significant others (and, some owners & players themselves) aren't shy about spending the money. Cribs, rides, toys, you name it.

I don't know all the issues and where the sides stand, but it seems to me that calmer minds should be able to reach some way to live with something.

Sometimes the pursuit of perfection stands in the way of things that would still be pretty darned good (relative to the status quo.)

Lockouts, strikes, threats, giving fans less than expected- those things are very bad looks, IMO. 

I hope that I'm right about coming to the agreement by Monday, but I'm not completely confident.  This weekend is as important as it gets.

The next CBA and the future of MLB

Post by 2drfischer@gmail.c »

646869323B323A37302F35020 wrote: That's what the owners said.

Players' response?  Fine.  No expanded playoffs.

Look for agreement by Monday.    All between is just posturing.  A whole bunch of nothing.
I hope you are correct that an agreement will be done by Monday. This lockout really hurts players like Cruz, or Peguero who are on the 40 man roster. These players lost an entire Minor League Season  in 2020 due to Covid-19, and now they could miss some valuable minor league time due to the lockout. I am very annoyed that these two sides cannot come to an agreement. I liked a comment Jason Mackey made yesterday, he said “ get a few wives into the meeting an camps will open in 48 hours”. I kind of agree with him because the wives will miss those paychecks when the season doesn’t begin.

A new CBA will change little for franchises like the Pirates.  I'd rather they shut the game down for a year or two than return to the status quo.  Yes, it would be nice to have a baseball season, but my interest becomes less and less each year as the futility of watching the Pirates try to compete grows.  I'd rather they not reach an agreement, tear everything down, and get it right by making the 30 franchises equal.
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The next CBA and the future of MLB

Post by Ecbucs »

2375637778627279746351767C70787D3F72110 wrote: That's what the owners said.

Players' response?  Fine.  No expanded playoffs.

Look for agreement by Monday.    All between is just posturing.  A whole bunch of nothing.
I hope you are correct that an agreement will be done by Monday. This lockout really hurts players like Cruz, or Peguero who are on the 40 man roster. These players lost an entire Minor League Season  in 2020 due to Covid-19, and now they could miss some valuable minor league time due to the lockout. I am very annoyed that these two sides cannot come to an agreement. I liked a comment Jason Mackey made yesterday, he said “ get a few wives into the meeting an camps will open in 48 hours”. I kind of agree with him because the wives will miss those paychecks when the season doesn’t begin.

A new CBA will change little for franchises like the Pirates.  I'd rather they shut the game down for a year or two than return to the status quo.  Yes, it would be nice to have a baseball season, but my interest becomes less and less each year as the futility of watching the Pirates try to compete grows.  I'd rather they not reach an agreement, tear everything down, and get it right by making the 30 franchises equal.

I would rather have each franchise equal but neither side is trying to bargain for that.

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