Kang accused of sexual assault in Chicago


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Kang accused of sexual assault in Chicago

Post by SammyKhalifa »

Man, "innocent until proven guilty" is a thing for sure; but on the same hand I'm also not going to assume that the accuser is guilty, which sadly sounds like is happening a lot here. High profile sports are filled with stories of a teams' fans not wanting to accept the truth of what their guys might really be like. Again, I don't really know what to think of this yet, but try to keep in mind that most us have an initial knee jerk reaction of what they think happened that probably isn't fair.
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Kang accused of sexual assault in Chicago

Post by PirateGold »

565F574648320 wrote:

Its possible that a millionaire baseball player has trouble getting laid to the point that he needs to drug a woman.

You are making the broad and incorrect assumption that the majority of rapists commit their heinous acts out of a sexual urge. According to most studies, the strongest motivators for rapists - especially those that rape strangers - are power or control.

I'll repeat what I said earlier: some people need to think twice before they hit 'post message'. It's getting ugly in here and I'm not sure which is more astounding - the ignorance or the misogynistic leanings.
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Kang accused of sexual assault in Chicago

Post by dmetz »

You can post that 100 times and it won't silence me so might as well stop wasting your time.   Call me a misogynistic dummy.  Whatever makes you feel high and mighty and better than me.

I never said it wasn't possible that Kang was a serial rapist, hell-bent on exerting his control over an unsuspecting, helpless female who fell for his internet nice-guy trap.

I'm leaving all possibilities open. Including that it was aliens

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Kang accused of sexual assault in Chicago

Post by PirateGold »

404941505E240 wrote:

I'm leaving all possibilities open.   Including that it was aliens

Making light of a rape allegation is always classy. Well done.
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Kang accused of sexual assault in Chicago

Post by BucAndEer »

I've been thinking and thinking about this for the past 24+ hours and all I know for sure is that I don't know anything.

I think what I want more than anything is for there to be an honest, thorough, complete investigation with conclusive results. I want to be able to trust the investigation. If he's guilty, rebrand him as Jung Ho Kasby and ship him back to Seoul. If he's truly innocent, I want to be able to cheer for the guy and feel good about doing so.

But what I absolutely don't want is for there to be an incomplete investigation that leaves room for doubt. Moral ambiguity is the absolute worst.
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Kang accused of sexual assault in Chicago

Post by dmetz »

764F5447524361494A42260 wrote:

I'm leaving all possibilities open.   Including that it was aliens

Making light of a rape allegation is always classy. Well done.

Ah yes. Shaming some more. Peons like myself just don't have the cultural training to understand the complex speech rules of higher class people, like yourself.

I blame my male privilege and public schooling in general. Then again, I'm not ruling out aliens
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Kang accused of sexual assault in Chicago

Post by Aaron »

4D464E4247465D181E695048414646074A46290 wrote: I think that is worse than the actual act at times.

I'd be saddened by this comment if I weren't so disgusted by it.

False accusation of rape is worse than rape? What type of person believes this? One I truly hope never becomes a parent. Good Lord.

Kang accused of sexual assault in Chicago

Post by dogknot17@yahoo.co »

1030233E3F510 wrote: I think that is worse than the actual act at times.

I'd be saddened by this comment if I weren't so disgusted by it.

False accusation of rape is worse than rape?  What type of person believes this?  One I truly hope never becomes a parent.  Good Lord.

Sorry, but maybe it is bad wording. But women accusing men of a sexual crime is extremely bad in my opinion and there should be consequences. Big time.

Kang will never have the same image again. I have never been to a Steeler's game (home or away) and not hear it about Big Ben.

Maybe I didn't word it very well, but accusing someone of a sexually act that can ruin their life is extremely high on my list of wrong doing. This happens way too much and could happen to anyone.
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Kang accused of sexual assault in Chicago

Post by NCBuccofan »

143934252233246467560 wrote:

When does sexual assault ever "add up?"

When I woman agrees to meet a man from out of town whom she's never met before in his hotel room at 10 pm.

So there are acceptable times for a woman to be sexually assaulted? I guess that is why Big Ben got a pass.
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Kang accused of sexual assault in Chicago

Post by NCBuccofan »

5F7A697C606B6061646C080 wrote: I am definitely not passing judgment on Kang based upon what has been reported because the alleged crime doesn't make much sense to me.  If someone is going to use a hookup ap that requires the female to initiate communication and the female comes up to my hotel room, why do I need to immediately drug her?  Even if someone is a predator that is prepared to use these means, there is absolutely nothing reported so far that would make a guy think he would need to resort to this tactic.  It just isn't really believable to me on the facts reported.

I thought the same thing. Unless there's more to the story than we know, this just doesn't add up.

When does sexual assault ever "add up?" Did it for Darren Sharper? Or Bill Cosby? The Stanford kid?

There's a difference between making sense of sexual assault and making sense of the allegation.  My point is that, if I am on Bumble and a woman engages me and comes up to my hotel room, I'm feeling pretty confident that I'm getting some action. I'm not reaching for my medical bag while she's on the elevator up to my room.  Now, I guess there could be some evidence from other sources that show this as a non-isolated encounter like Sharper or Cosby but, right now, I'm going with the theory that he just wanted to score.  The facts as reported indicated that was going to happen even if she stayed conscious.  Therefore, I'm skeptical of her story.

I think it is fine to be skeptical based on what we know now, but some of what is being said in this thread is alarming.
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