Game thread - August 19 - vs Reds


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Game thread - August 19 - vs Reds

Post by Bobster21 »

123E36313A1D2A3C2C5F0 wrote: My respect for and confidence in Cherington just took a hit.

1)  Why announce in August that Shelton is coming back?  While I believe he should have been relieved of his duties quite a while ago, I assume that the Bucs will be using the last 40 games or so to evaluate their players.  The same, at a minimum, should apply to the manager.

2)  How can any general manager or manager continue to watch Rabelo at 3rd and allow him to trot out to the coach's box for even 1 more pitch.  Gamel almost made up for his stupidity last night.  BC should bring Rabelo into his office and make him watch his actions and ask him to respond to what he was doing.  He should then hand him a check for his pay for the rest of the year and tell him he's gone.  BC --- you regularly dash the dreams of ballplayers by releasing them or sending them to the minors.  Coaching accountability matters too.

3)  I clearly am not a baseball scout.  That said, I would like to see the team's internal evaluations of how the rookies are performing.  As I watch the games, I don't see much improvement, and some have crated at the plate, particularly Cruz and Madris (although it was great to see Madris have a good game at the plate last night).  If BC is going to make these kind of ridiculous statements, he should offer some support for his observations.

Nice win last night.  Lots of players contributed.  Wilson continues to press his case that he is one of the better pitching suspects on the team who should be considered for a starting role next year.  Time to see if this team can pull off a 3 game win streak.
I totally agree. First of all, the fact that BC would bring Shelton back destroys any benefit of the doubt I've given him. That, plus the subpar performance of every single prospect who has graced the roster this year. BC clearly is unable to reasonably assess the performance of a manager. Why should he be any better at assessing the talent of players? He tells us they are making progress they we cannot see. How convenient for him. The only progress that counts is the players improving. If that doesn't happen, then nothing else that he considers progress matters. And if the players being developed don't have the ability to be good major leaguers, then the battle is lost before it even begins. And I see no reason to believe a GM who would hire Shelton and bring him back after the atrocious job he's done, would have a keen eye for player talent in the draft and trades.

Game thread - August 19 - vs Reds

Post by ArnoldRothstein »

The recent revisions of the top 100 prospect lists had me a little concerned. After trading everything of value for minor leaguers and drafting very high for several years it seems you should have more than four or five of the top 100. And, on the other end, you need more than four of the top 100 if your competition can sign free agents and stuff.
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Game thread - August 19 - vs Reds

Post by GreenWeenie »

To be fair, he kept Reynolds and Bednar. They had and have value.

Probably next. But, he has them. They're for us to go from 2024 to 2026.
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