Nutting unhappy with new CBA?


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Nutting unhappy with new CBA?

Post by Javy » ... e-payroll/

Can't believe this guy even opened his mouth. I cannot fathom what goes through his mind. He does nothing to upgrade the team, and is consistently in the bottom tier for payroll.

Then has the nerve to say the CBA didn't benefit him, but yet he voted for it because the team and the city would suffer if the CBA didn't pass?

Most of you guys live in the area and can read and hear much more than some of us. what do you think?

Nutting unhappy with new CBA?

Post by 2drfischer@gmail.c »

Nothing surprises me, Javy, with regard to what he says concerning the issue of the business side of his franchise.  He’s like a politician in that way, avoiding saying anything that goes against the party line. 

Nutting knows he’s profiting mostly because his Pirates are part of an exclusive club, one in which the large market franchises largely keep the small market clubs making money they couldn’t if left on their own.  He’s not going to rock that boat. 

So for him, voting in line with the wealthy owners is an easy thing to do in exchange for the money he makes.  The man takes no risks as long as he keeps his spending to a minimum.  Equity among the franchises is the answer but owners like Nutting, ones who put profit ahead of winning, have little incentive to work to change the status quo when it’s so easy to make the money they’re making now.

Nutting unhappy with new CBA?

Post by Bobster21 »

Nutting is such a POS. He comes out from hiding in spring training each year and then is never heard from during the seasons when his Dollar-Store team embarrasses itself.

He noted that he voted for the CBA -- rather than casting a "protest" vote against ratification -- because losing the 2022 season would have been bad for both the league and the city.

So he acknowledges that a no vote would have been nothing more than a protest vote since it had enough votes to pass anyway. But he still voted in favor of it for the sake of the league and the city. I guess we owe him a big ol' debt of thanks for being so civic minded. But he could have had his cake and ate it too. He could have shown MLB that he objects to the unfair economic playing field while the league and city were just fine because the CBA would pass even with his protest vote. There's just one problem: he doesn't really object. The system works fine for his purposes. But his fan base wants him to object to the system so he pretends he does, even when he failed to register an objection when the opportunity presented itself.

"There's no question that, a market like Pittsburgh, a salary cap would be advantageous," Nutting told the Associated Press in 2009. "And if that were a direction that the industry were moving, it would be advantageous to Pittsburgh, but it can't be the primary focus of how we're running our business this year and next year and the following year. We need to stay focused in the real world and not use that as an excuse."

I think he knows a cap could also involve a floor. And he certainly doesn't want to spend any more than he already does. And limiting what the big spenders at the top of the payroll ladder spend won't bring the Pirates any closer. They'll still spend as little as possible. But he's again saying what his fan base wants to hear. Nutting is just blowing smoke. He's trying to say the right things without doing the right things. What a scumbag.
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Nutting unhappy with new CBA?

Post by GreenWeenie »

I'm an out-of-towner. I want to make it clear that I am critical of BOB and his hired stooges, but not of Pirates fans.

This is only more evidence for why he seldom grants interview requests, and when he does, he shouldn't have.

I sense that BOB thinks that we are fools; that just because our team's owner says something, it must be.

We (should) know that BOB won't support a salary cap, anyway, unless one comes with a non-championship- level floor.

He knows that neither his fellow owners nor their players will agree to one....because of owners like him.

He knows that the CBA did benefit him. What makes MLB stronger makes its clubs stronger. It isn't meant to benefit one club or even five clubs, just like it isn't designed to help one player or even 20 players.

He can say whatever he wants. I go by what he does, which isn't much.
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Nutting unhappy with new CBA?

Post by MaineBucs » ... l-cba.html#

I believe the above link to the article on the MLB Trade Rumors site is even more revealing. Nutting clearly states that the Pirates are only one of his investments and that his expenditures on the Pirates depend on the 'bucket' of how other things are going.

I loath Bob Nutting. I don't expect the Pirates to spend like the Pirates, but he should be forced to spend enough to increase the competitiveness of the team.
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