Pathetic Bickering


Moderators: SammyKhalifa, Doc, Bobster

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Pathetic Bickering

Post by sdimmick3 »

This site is my favorite site to visit to talk Bucco baseball. I value most of the opinions. What I find ridiculous is all the bickering going on lately. You can barely go through a topic without someone bashing or baiting someone else into an argument. Arguments are fine, but the bashing and baiting is getting annoying. The site rules don't seem to be put into affect very well, especially when moderators are doing some of it.

If you don't like what someone says, just ignore them. Kinda hard to share opinions and argue when nobody wants to associate with you right?
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Pathetic Bickering

Post by SammyKhalifa »

thank you. I had said something about this earlier on but thought better and deleted it.
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Pathetic Bickering

Post by sdimmick3 »

Rule I broke - playing moderator??
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Pathetic Bickering

Post by SammyKhalifa »

i don't think
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Pathetic Bickering

Post by Speedloader88 »

I have thought for a good while that a like or don't like feature or a thumbs up, thumbs down feature would allow people to agree and disagree without having to elaborate. I think it would lead to less bickering but still allow for people to express themselves.

I also think this could be a horrible idea as some might feel compelled to make outlandish arguments in order to get likes or dislikes. On balance, I guess I have no real position on this matter. :o
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Pathetic Bickering

Post by thessy »

Regardless of how little you think a particular post (or member) contributes to this community, a provocative, cynical, mocking response contributes even less. It dissuades others from getting involved in the topic thus decreasing board activity as a whole, is a turn-off for potential new members, and turns what is otherwise a great collection of Pirate fans into a toxic environment. Disagreeing with something said is not grounds for picking a fight or insulting the person who said it. If you feel the need to make your dissension or counter-point known, go after the post, not the poster.

I'm happy these forums are not over-moderated, but I do wish someone would take a more firm stance on enforcing the very clearly defined/displayed rules. Not trying to single anyone out, but moderators themselves abiding by those rules would probably be a good place to start. Everyone slips up once in a while, but come on guys - we are all on (or at least cheering for) the same team.
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Pathetic Bickering

Post by dmetz »

I couldn't disagree more with these calls for more censorship. 

All you're doing is pushing the board back to the trickle of posts daily that were made before this surge of activity. Perhaps it's better for some to see blank screens and rampant inactivity than some difficult arguing going on? I don't know

if YOU don't like the post, just ignore it.  How about that?   Doesn't that work too?
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Pathetic Bickering

Post by Docjon49 »

There does seem to be a lot more mean-spirited posts in the past few months. Many threads seem to deteriorate into attempts to trip up posters, getting them to say one thing now that contradicts something they've said in the past, then hammer them with that.

This board is a fairly small, tight community, and those that post a lot, we get to know pretty well. Positions are known, heated discussions are remembered. Maybe if everyone didn't get married to every last idea they have, these things wouldn't happen to the degree they are.

Many arguments seem to stem from what we THINK might be happening. What we THINK management might be doing, or deals they might be turning down. Maybe by approaching unknowable, nebulous subjects with the idea that we're making a best-guess based on incomplete info, we could get some interesting ideas without vitriol. For example: We can't know the specifics of the rumored Yankee's/Cole trade talks. Getting all angry because one party or another 'blew it' is getting angry at a guess.

OTOH, getting frustrated that the Bucs haven't made a move to shore up the 2018 season, or sold off assets to build the team for 2019 and beyond, that's based on observed behavior. I think most of us are getting anxious to see some movement one way or another. Speculating as to why, and what you think might be done, is something I always enjoy reading here. Trade ideas, FA signings and how they might help us, they're great thought experiments to get us by until REAL baseball starts - and over the course of our ignominious post-1992 seasons, often served us INSTEAD of real baseball. I always check in every day hoping to read of real news and progress, or some inventive ideas towards that goal.

I wish there wasn't quite so much thinly-veiled animosity sometimes, though. We're all fans. We all want to see our team succeed. The only difference is in how to do it: ownership spending more, a careful and 'realistic' management of 'small-market' resources, going all-in now, blowing it up and giving a youth movement a try, etc. All roads to the same goal, and if we weren't so ready to die on the hill of a particular mindset, we might see that most or all have merits of their own.

Here's hoping the Bucs give us something exciting to talk about soon. It's been a cold, cold hot-stove season so far.
Posts: 3631
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Pathetic Bickering

Post by SammyKhalifa »

4F464E5F512B0 wrote: I couldn't disagree more with these calls for more censorship.  

All you're doing is pushing the board back to the trickle of posts daily that were made before this surge of activity.  Perhaps it's better for some to see blank screens and rampant inactivity than some difficult arguing going on?  I don't know

if YOU don't like the post, just ignore it.  How about that?   Doesn't that work too?

I don't see calls for "censorship" as much as calls for "we can disagree without acting like a bunch of [your favorite term here]." I'm sure you can look around the forums lately and see the difference.

Pathetic Bickering

Post by johnfluharty »

One thing that's happening too much is members making disparaging comments about other members. That is a violation of the rules and needs to stop happening. Our rules state that we are to restrict our comments to the content of posts and not make mean-spirited (or just frustrated) comments about other board members (and their ability to see reason, etc). I think we have been lax in enforcing this of late.

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