Game Thread 5/27/2022 Pirates vs. Padres


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Game Thread 5/27/2022 Pirates vs. Padres

Post by GreenWeenie »

I hope that one day, Ben will get around to finding guys who know....when to step on first. ;)
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Game Thread 5/27/2022 Pirates vs. Padres

Post by GreenWeenie »

6D3B2D39362C3C373A2D1F38323E3633713C5F0 wrote: Defeats like last night's always are the worst kind for me:  take an early lead, hold onto it until the late innings, and then lose it at the end.  I'll take a 15-0 drubbing over that kind of loss anytime.

Luckily for us, we get the best of both worlds. Something for everybody.

Game Thread 5/27/2022 Pirates vs. Padres

Post by WildwoodDave2 »

2375637778627279746351767C70787D3F72110 wrote: Defeats like last night's always are the worst kind for me:  take an early lead, hold onto it until the late innings, and then lose it at the end.  I'll take a 15-0 drubbing over that kind of loss anytime.
I tried to tell that ( 15-0 drubbing over that kind of a loss) and he completely disagreed.

Game Thread 5/27/2022 Pirates vs. Padres

Post by Bobster21 »

5C697E7E754C7E7E75727E1B0 wrote: I hope that one day, Ben will get around to finding guys who know....when to step on first.  ;)
VanMeter failed to read the instructions that came with the base. Last year the process was too complicated for Will Craig. They aren't even learning from Shelton's preseason classroom sessions. Here is some rare footage of Shelton teaching his team the fundamentals.


Game Thread 5/27/2022 Pirates vs. Padres

Post by WildwoodDave2 »

54727560696572646C070 wrote: Too many old guys probably asleep, too many young guys probably having fun.

Then there's me. Got this started late because I was binging the new season of Stranger Things.
Too many old guys - that be me. I knew I could count on you for

the play-by-play :D
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Game Thread 5/27/2022 Pirates vs. Padres

Post by GreenWeenie »

7B4540485B434348684D5A491E2C0 wrote: Defeats like last night's always are the worst kind for me:  take an early lead, hold onto it until the late innings, and then lose it at the end.  I'll take a 15-0 drubbing over that kind of loss anytime.
I tried to tell that ( 15-0 drubbing over that kind of a loss)  and he completely disagreed.

I can understand that, at YOUR age, it's easy to forget certain facts.

The fact is, that we weren't talking about your standard, run-of-the-mill 15-0 drubbing as you claim.

We were talking about the current roster that lost the most lop-sided game in the franchise's existence; the worst Pirates team performance of all time.  21-0, not 15-0.

To this point, anyway.

Last night, some guys did well. One messed up. At 0-21, everybody had a....hand in failure.
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Game Thread 5/27/2022 Pirates vs. Padres

Post by GreenWeenie »

I don't like losing, but if we lose, I want something to cheer about.

Guys hitting homers, I can cheer.

Guy pitched well, I can cheer (until July 31.)

At 0-21, the only thing to do is boo and boo hard. Every last one of them. Nutting, Cherington, Shelton, Players, until they get the message. It sucks.

I'll take cheering and a loss over a boo-worthy loss any day, all day.

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Game Thread 5/27/2022 Pirates vs. Padres

Post by UtahPirate »

VanMeter has a nice first base glove on his hand, gets some kudos from the announcers about his ability to play all these positions .... but doesn't know he has to have his foot on first base when he receives the ball to get an out?

That wasn't an error. That was a tragedy!

Heineman made a fantastic play, fired a bullet, and freaking VanMeter isn't on the bag! We get that out even with the HR we keep the lead. We get the out and there is a good case Quintana finishes the inning. I was stupidfied at his stupidity. So simple, so basic, and VanMeter can't pull it off.
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Game Thread 5/27/2022 Pirates vs. Padres

Post by skinnyhorse »

1F323F2E29382F6F6C5D0 wrote: Watched the first 4 innings. Watching the replay this morning. Great job by VanMeter to forget to step on 1B to take a throw. VanMeter just never ceases to amaze. No wonder Shelton loves him so much.

And of course Shelton looks for any reason to make a pitching change. Quintana holds SD scoreless into the 6th but gives up a lead off single. Gets Machado on an infield popup and gets Hosmer to dribble one that Heineman throws in time to 1B and gets the out call until it's realized that Shelton's love child forgot to stand on 1B to take the throw. But this is actually good news to Shelton because he was looking for any excuse to pull Quintana. And 2 runners on base, regardless of why that is, is the perfect excuse. So in comes Crowe and 2 batters later it's a 3-run HR and goodbye lead. And, oh by the way, the 3-run HR was by Luke Voit, hitting .198 and who struck out in both his previous ABs against Quintana. Good thing Shelton was smart enough to pull Quintana because someone reached on an error.
The guy never misses a opportunity to screw up the game for the Pirates. What really worries me is his boss apparently thinks he's doing a bang up job. If Cherington thinks Shelton is doing just great then no matter how much talent we have he will manage us to defeat. I have to question Cherington's baseball IQ.

Game Thread 5/27/2022 Pirates vs. Padres

Post by Bobster21 »

2D353730302736312C2D3B5E0 wrote: Watched the first 4 innings. Watching the replay this morning. Great job by VanMeter to forget to step on 1B to take a throw. VanMeter just never ceases to amaze. No wonder Shelton loves him so much.

And of course Shelton looks for any reason to make a pitching change. Quintana holds SD scoreless into the 6th but gives up a lead off single. Gets Machado on an infield popup and gets Hosmer to dribble one that Heineman throws in time to 1B and gets the out call until it's realized that Shelton's love child forgot to stand on 1B to take the throw. But this is actually good news to Shelton because he was looking for any excuse to pull Quintana. And 2 runners on base, regardless of why that is, is the perfect excuse. So in comes Crowe and 2 batters later it's a 3-run HR and goodbye lead. And, oh by the way, the 3-run HR was by Luke Voit, hitting .198 and who struck out in both his previous ABs against Quintana. Good thing Shelton was smart enough to pull Quintana because someone reached on an error.
The guy never misses a opportunity to screw up the game for the Pirates.  What really worries me is his boss apparently thinks he's doing a bang up job.  If Cherington thinks Shelton is doing just great then no matter how much talent we have he will manage us to defeat.  I have to question Cherington's baseball IQ.
Cherington probably realizes he's not looking too good right now. He hired Shelton, who seems to be a clueless disaster. He gave up on Clay Holmes only to see the Yankees immediately show him how to be lights-out reliever. And he completely misevaluated Tsutsugo and gave him 4 million Nutting dollars to be an absolute zero. Nutting can't be liking that. The Pirates have been mum on Holmes. It's as if he doesn't exist. No comments on how things changed for him as soon as he left the Pirates. Yoshi was conveniently diagnosed with an injury almost a week after Gamel started working out at 1B. Now they can sideline Yoshi without acknowledging how terrible he has been. So that leaves Shelton. Cherington can't admit what a failure his choice for manager has been. So he makes outlandish statements praising the same decisions that everyone can see are absurd and counterproductive. The Pirates management always act like they are the smartest ones in the room. We are just too dumb to see the amazing strategy of Derek Shelton. He make look like a clueless imbecile but--take it from the man who hired him--those decisions are great!
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