7/31 Game Thread Liriano versus Brewers...


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7/31 Game Thread Liriano versus Brewers...

Post by SteadyFreddy »

The Pirates need to win today and pretty much better win today. Somebody needs to wake this offense up. Garza stinks so the Pirates should be able to score some runs today. Can someone please tell Cutch to get his head out of his @$$ as well and start showing some signs of life a little bit being the leader of this team because I'm just not seeing it at all right now from Cutch.
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7/31 Game Thread Liriano versus Brewers...

Post by dmetz »

What do you mean? Cutch is the coolest looking player on the field! So much swagger!

He's a old crafty vet now, at 29. Too established to be worried about fundamentals and running put of the box. Its perfectly normal for guys to lose all of their speed at 29. Guys like.... wait it will come to me.

I'll get back to you, but it's perfectly normal and definitely NOT about effort or hustle or mentality!

7/31 Game Thread Liriano versus Brewers...

Post by SteadyFreddy »

At times this season it does look like Cutch is more worried about showboating and looking cute in the outfield then staying focused and playing well. Hate to keep beating a dead horse with Cutch but this is not going to just go away for him. He needs to start playing better or it's going to continue to get even worse for him with both the fan base and the media.

7/31 Game Thread Liriano versus Brewers...

Post by CarolinaBucco »

Just a point of clarification on Freddy's initial post ... just because an opposing starting pitcher stinks, that does not mean the Pirates should score some runs. You would think it should mean that, but not with this club. We have long history of evidence showing the Pirates being completely shut down by garbage pitchers. Yesterday, for example.

7/31 Game Thread Liriano versus Brewers...

Post by SteadyFreddy »

Oh I'm aware of that Carolina for sure. We have seen the Pirates offense go in the toilet numerous times when facing a bad pitcher. This is another big game though for this team to continue to hang in there. You cannot get swept in this series when you are trying to jump 3-4 teams in the standings.

7/31 Game Thread Liriano versus Brewers...

Post by ArnoldRothstein »

735445414459665245444459200 wrote: At times this season it does look like Cutch is more worried about showboating and looking cute in the outfield then staying focused and playing well.

I obviously don't know what that's about, but my guess is that he's embarassed.

7/31 Game Thread Liriano versus Brewers...

Post by SteadyFreddy »

On a positive note from last night Taillon continues to look very impressive. You can already pencil him in next season as one of your top 3 starters I think. This kid has that "it" factor you can tell. When he puts it all together he is going be extremely good. I'm hoping Hurdle continues to leave him in games longer. I feel he has been pulled way too quick at times so far in some of the games he has been pitching well in.

7/31 Game Thread Liriano versus Brewers...

Post by dogknot17@yahoo.co »

I wish they didn't have to play from behind every game.

7/31 Game Thread Liriano versus Brewers...

Post by SteadyFreddy »

The suckiness of Cutch continues. Strikes out on a horrible pitch and makes a terrible throw to the plate on the Fryer throwing error. And Liriano looks as if he is ready to implode already.
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Joined: Sat Jul 02, 2016 11:16 pm

7/31 Game Thread Liriano versus Brewers...

Post by Tintin »

Y'all really don't think we're plying nonchalant baseball. Between Broxton's triple and their run in the first, I can't believe anyone thinks we can make the playoffs.
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