Trade Deadline Thread


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Trade Deadline Thread

Post by ChitownBucco »

070C04080D0C175254231A020B0C0C4D000C630 wrote: Huntington has added every year at the deadline.

This is completely made up information.

2011 - Lee, Ludwick

2012 - Snider, Sanchez, Quails

2013 - Buck, Byrd, Morneau

2014 - Frieri, Axford, Nix

2015 - Happ, Morse, Soria

2016 - Rivero, Bastardo, Nova

also Wandy Rodriguez and Joe Blanton were in those years off the top of my head
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Trade Deadline Thread

Post by SammyKhalifa »

We have gotten some parts.

That 2014 haul though, blah.

Trade Deadline Thread

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0E252439223A230F382E2E224D0 wrote: Huntington has added every year at the deadline.

This is completely made up information.

2011 - Lee, Ludwick

2012 - Snider, Sanchez, Quails

2013 - Buck, Byrd, Morneau

2014 - Frieri, Axford, Nix

2015 - Happ, Morse, Soria

2016 - Rivero, Bastardo, Nova

also Wandy Rodriguez and Joe Blanton were in those years off the top of my head

Yes. Rodriguez in 2012 and Blanton in 2015.

(wrote them down, forget to include in my post)
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Trade Deadline Thread

Post by dave3BA »

202B232F2A2B307573043D252C2B2B6A272B440 wrote: I love the nit-picking on my posts.  Of course the new GM was going to rebuild in 2008-2010.  So, you still think Huntington hasn't added at the deadline?  I named 17 players in six years.  What was I thinking???

It's not about nit-picking your posts (why do you always think people are out to get you?). It's about stating the facts, and stating them correctly. Arguments lose validity when you claim something, don't back it up correctly, then generalize your original point.

Here, you started by saying Huntington "added every year since he's been the GM", then proceeded to cherry-pick some of his years, and cherry picked some of the players.

Now you're generalizing it by asking if I think he's added. Why does my opinion matter? I know that it's been stated in the media that the Pirates have taken on the most salary of any MLB team at the deadline at some point.

Also, by "adding" are you talking about baseball players, salary, what? What is the date you consider the "deadline"? I think these, and others, are good questions to help you formulate a good argument.

Trade Deadline Thread

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6D687F6C3A4B48090 wrote: I love the nit-picking on my posts.  Of course the new GM was going to rebuild in 2008-2010.  So, you still think Huntington hasn't added at the deadline?  I named 17 players in six years.  What was I thinking???

It's not about nit-picking your posts (why do you always think people are out to get you?). It's about stating the facts, and stating them correctly. Arguments lose validity when you claim something, don't back it up correctly, then generalize your original point.

Here, you started by saying Huntington "added every year since he's been the GM", then proceeded to cherry-pick some of his years, and cherry picked some of the players.

Now you're generalizing it by asking if I think he's added. Why does my opinion matter? I know that it's been stated in the media that the Pirates have taken on the most salary of any MLB team at the deadline at some point.

Also, by "adding" are you talking about baseball players, salary, what? What is the date you consider the "deadline"? I think these, and others, are good questions to help you formulate a good argument.

You are right, I shouldn't assume big baseball fans on a baseball board would understand the post.

It was said that I was "making this up". Like, I was lying. The term was "completely made up information" like it came out of nowhere. Being wrong and lying are two different things. I might have been technically wrong, but I wasn't lying. I think most knew what I meant. Do you really think I completely made up that information? Since one poster did, I backed it up with players who were added to the team at deadline time.

Yes, I want to know if you think he has added or not. This is a message board, we all ask each other their opinions. And again, I think we all know what is meant by the term "adding". That is also nit-picking.
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Trade Deadline Thread

Post by dave3BA »

202B232F2A2B307573043D252C2B2B6A272B440 wrote:

You are right, I shouldn't assume big baseball fans on a baseball board would understand the post. 

It was said that I was "making this up".  Like, I was lying.  The term was "completely made up information" like it came out of nowhere.  Being wrong and lying are two different things.  I might have been technically wrong, but I wasn't lying.  I think most knew what I meant.  Do you really think I completely made up that information?  Since one poster did, I backed it up with players who were added to the team at deadline time.

Yes, I want to know if you think he has added or not.  This is a message board, we all ask each other their opinions.  And again, I think we all know what is meant by the term "adding".  That is also nit-picking. 

No, what you shouldn't assume is that people will agree with you, when you don't clearly state your opinions and facts.

I'm being honest, when I saw you use the term 'adding', I thought you should specify what you meant. As far as I'm concerned, there are 4 good possibilities:

1. Payroll

2. Players

3. "impact" players (opinion, of course)

4. Both 1 and 3

Do I think he's added payroll at the deadline? Some years yes, some years no.

Do I think he's added players at the deadline? Yes, every time he's made a trade

Do I think he's added "impact" players? In hindsight - absolutely. However, if your definition of impact is "star" players at the time of the trade - no, he hasn't.

Obviously the answer to the 4th question is dependent on the answers to 1 and 3.

I tend to think of impact as superstar, maybe even star level additions since the time from August to the end of the year is not much time to make a big difference. So, I would say Huntington has been conservative, and has not made an impact trade at the deadline. That's not to say he hasn't tried to (I think of the Price deal).
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Trade Deadline Thread

Post by Wrathchild »

I'm not sure how you can call Rivero a deadline addition when he was acquired by trading away an All-Star closer. No matter how good Rivero has become, that was deadline subtraction last season. In fact, the irony of this discussion is that the most impactful player involved in any Pirates deadline deal in recent years is Melancon---a guy we traded away.
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Trade Deadline Thread

Post by dmetz »

18392C251D243F2C39284D0 wrote:

DEFENDING (which is very different than shrugging shoulders and saying "what can I do?") the owner for refusing to manage a "bad" contract like the rest of baseball, assigning zero value to the prospects, calling Larinio a "cancer" - that's not apologist?

Who managed that bad contract. Seriously, the owner? It fell on NH to manage it because of a bad owner -- and he is the General Manager after all. So, in your book, NH just quits doing anything as the GM until Nutting opens his purse up? That's the only acceptable way to deal with a bad contract. And if I, or anyone else, thinks NH had to act instead of wait for Nutting to change, then I'm apologizing for the owner?

NH deals with ridiculous restraints that a bad owner has given him and I don't like how he does it -- this is what he should have done!

NH does a pretty good job at the restraints he's been given despite a bad owner -- and I OK with it in this case and this is why!

Those are the two arguments.

I bristle at the idea that anyone thinks NH taking action to work within the restraints of bad ownership is a justification for that bad ownership.

What on Earth?? NH is the gm who signed Liriano. He offered him (rightly) a QO and then signed him for a good deal.

He's the GM that signed jHay, and the GM that extended Cervelli. Cutch, Polanco and Marte too.

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Trade Deadline Thread

Post by Jerseykc »

NY radio had ESPN Mark DeRosa on today and he was discussing the value that former Bucco Justin Wilson would be to the Brewers, Bucs or Cubs...arb eligible in 2018, FA in 2019
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Trade Deadline Thread

Post by Jerseykc »

7A55424355495B53300 wrote: NY radio had ESPN Mark DeRosa on today and he was discussing the value that former Bucco Justin Wilson would be to the Brewers, Bucs or Cubs...arb eligible in 2018, FA in 2019

Well DeRosa did mention a few teams...but looking at the news with a google search, every contender is looking at trying to get Wilson.
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