Official Game Thread - 7/2 - Bucs vs Brewers


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Official Game Thread - 7/2 - Bucs vs Brewers

Post by Surgnbuck »

Triolo not making the play (ruled a hit, what an effing joke) lends to the Brewers scoring another run,.

back to losing streak kind of play. Starting pitchers walk/hitting batters and they all score.....poor defense.....poor situational hitting....poor us Pirates fans

Official Game Thread - 7/2 - Bucs vs Brewers

Post by WildwoodDave2 »

517770656C60776169020 wrote: Well, Triolo hasn't exactly impressed me as a gold glove winning kind of third baseman so far
with you on that!

haven't been impressed with Borucki pitching or fielding either
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Official Game Thread - 7/2 - Bucs vs Brewers

Post by JollyRoger »

Borucki: You failed miserably in your try out with the Bucs. DFA the bum. Should not have been dumpster diving in the first place
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Official Game Thread - 7/2 - Bucs vs Brewers

Post by JollyRoger »

Was hoping we would at least take 2 of 3 with the Brewers before going to LA and the snake pit
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Official Game Thread - 7/2 - Bucs vs Brewers

Post by Surgnbuck »

Pirates totally gave away this series.

Official Game Thread - 7/2 - Bucs vs Brewers

Post by WildwoodDave2 »

0D2B2C39303C2B3D355E0 wrote: Pirates totally gave away this series.
Well Surg, you can take solace in the fact that you were there

for the only win of the series

Official Game Thread - 7/2 - Bucs vs Brewers

Post by WildwoodDave2 »

Not very optimistic about the next 7 games out West

Official Game Thread - 7/2 - Bucs vs Brewers

Post by WildwoodDave2 »

07222121341F222A283F4D0 wrote: Borucki: You failed miserably in your try out with the Bucs. DFA the bum. Should not have been dumpster diving in the first place
Hey J R, tell us how you really feel- don't sugar coat it :D ;D :D ;D
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Official Game Thread - 7/2 - Bucs vs Brewers

Post by ChillinStation »

5F797E6B626E796F670C0 wrote: Well, Triolo hasn't exactly impressed me as a gold glove winning kind of third baseman so far

I agree. Also Reynolds is a boring empty stats player. Need some splash from him as Coach Tomlin would say.

I had under 8.5 so this really is a bummer.
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Official Game Thread - 7/2 - Bucs vs Brewers

Post by Surgnbuck »

7B4540485B434348684D5A491E2C0 wrote: Pirates totally gave away this series.
Well Surg, you can take solace in the fact that you were there

for the only win of the series
No, I was at Saturday's game. You're thinking about the Thursday game I was at
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