My Changes


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My Changes

Post by SteadyFreddy »

0E3C30302416353C31343B3C5D0 wrote: For the umpteenth time, Kang cannot play everyday.  This has nothing to do with his stats.  NH said, before the season, that Kang injury was so severe, that it would keep him from being an every day starter this year.  They were hoping for 2/3 games per series.  Can we put this one to bed?

I certainly agree with moving McCutchen down in the lineup.  Once he is back from this series on the bench, he needs to start every day.  He can't lose at bats to Joyce.  Joyce will be gone next year and McCutchen the future.  They need to figure out what's going on with him.

If you bring up Bell, Brault and Kuhl, what are the corresponding moves?  Those sound like nice ideas, but they are a lot more complicated when you start talking about DFA'ing guys and cutting people from the clubhouse. That's Huntington's job to figure out and whether he is trying to trade guys like Locke or Jaso who shouldn't be on this roster he is not doing a very good job of it. You bring up Bell, Brault, and Kuhl for Locke, Jaso and Moroff. Moroff has absolutely no business being on this roster over a guy like Bell none. I know the Pirates aren't just going to DFA both Locke and Jaso cause you know they aren't going to eat 7 million dollars after what we saw the other day with what happened with Liriano. But maybe they should at this point because it's what is best for the team and can make them better moving forward if Bell is up here for Jaso and both Brault and Kuhl are on the roster over Locke.

Sometimes in business you have to admit you made a mistake and take a little bit of a hit and cut your losses. The Pirates should do that with Jaso and Locke but myself and everybody else on here knows they probably wont.

To be clear, NH has taken responsibility and admitted poor decisions.

Bringing up Bell for Moroff is stupid.  Do you want Bell on the bench taking one at bat per game (Moroff isn't even getting that)?  When he comes up, he has to start.  Which leads to the real reason why that isn't a clear issue...Jaso.  Jaso is signed through next year has been underwhelming.  However, I think they'd like to keep him as a bench piece/back up to Bell for next year.  His stats this year are below is career norms (esp BA and OBP).  If he can return to normalize, he'd be a nice guy to have off the bench next year. Having Moroff on the roster is stupid period. What does he add?? What can he do well that can help this team still make a playoff push? Did you see what Josh Bell did when he came up about a month ago in his 4 at-bats and the jolt he gave the Pirates that weekend series against the Cubs. He hit a grand slam, got his first hit off Arietta, and was able to draw two walks against two pretty damn good pitchers in Strasburg and Lackey. Yes I would rather have him on the bench then a stiff like Moroff. I don't have a problem keeping Jaso around next season if they want to use him off the bench but that is it. If Hurdle or Huntington dare pencil him in as the starter next season at 1st over Bell then they both should have their heads examined.

What on earth freddie.  Moroff and Bell are two different players that fill two completely different roles.  And for what he does Moroff has been okay coming up.  Would your opinion of him really have changed if he got a hit in his first at bat?  Moroff is a place holder to go down when McCutchen is "back."  They've said as much. He isn't a place holder Block said the other day during the broadcast when he batted that he was up here for awhile and that Hurdle liked him and they were going to take a long look at him. Cutch isn't on the DL, and he isn't taking a roster spot for him. They already have a guy like Moroff on the roster who can play multiple positions  in Adam Frazier and also Sean Rodriguez. So no they don't really need a guy like him on the roster. John Jaso is Mark McGwire and Albert Pujols according to Hurdle at 1st base which is why Bell isn't up here yet.

My Changes

Post by Bobster21 »

1D3A2B2F2A37083C2B2A2A374E0 wrote: I know the Pirates aren't just going to DFA both Locke and Jaso cause you know they aren't going to eat 7 million dollars after what we saw the other day with what happened with Liriano.
Actually, if they did that (which I doubt) they would be eating about 2.5 million since 65 percent of the 7 mil tied up between Locke and Jaso has already been paid.

My Changes

Post by SteadyFreddy »

527F72636475622221100 wrote: I know the Pirates aren't just going to DFA both Locke and Jaso cause you know they aren't going to eat 7 million dollars after what we saw the other day with what happened with Liriano.
Actually, if they did that (which I doubt) they would be eating about 2.5 million since 65 percent of the 7 mil tied up between Locke and Jaso has already been paid.

I thought they still owed Jaso another 4 million dollars for next season.

My Changes

Post by Bobster21 »

5C7B6A6E6B76497D6A6B6B760F0 wrote: I know the Pirates aren't just going to DFA both Locke and Jaso cause you know they aren't going to eat 7 million dollars after what we saw the other day with what happened with Liriano.
Actually, if they did that (which I doubt) they would be eating about 2.5 million since 65 percent of the 7 mil tied up between Locke and Jaso has already been paid.

I thought they still owed Jaso  another 4 million dollars for next season.

Sorry. You're right. I didn't realize he was signed thru next year.

My Changes

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Moroff is just a bench player. He is there for that extra bat off the bench. The Pirates are playing short handed with some injuries. Moroff will be down soon in my opinion. Aren't they short a pitcher right now?

Bell would not fill that role. He will play when called up. I know he sat the bench his first time around, but we knew that going in as it was a larger roster going into the break.

If Bell comes up, it will be at the expense of Frazier. I just don't see anyone else being released to make room for him.
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Joined: Sun Jul 03, 2016 9:29 pm

My Changes

Post by PMike »

5F78696D68754A7E696868750C0 wrote: For the umpteenth time, Kang cannot play everyday.  This has nothing to do with his stats.  NH said, before the season, that Kang injury was so severe, that it would keep him from being an every day starter this year.  They were hoping for 2/3 games per series.  Can we put this one to bed?

No, because his knee is not an issue.  There has never been a report that he is sore after a start or back to back starts.  The way he is playing, he looks to be 100%. 

I understand when he first came back to not play him every day, but that was a long time ago.  He needs to play more.  If there is a good match up for him, he can play that third game in a row.  Things change.  Health changes.

I'd have no problem with this as well I think his health and his knee is not that big of an issue anymore. I don't think Kang is playing that much because he has looked terrible in the last month in a half since the sexual assault charges came into play.

Sorry, I didn't realize there were doctors on the board. If you think he "looks" fine. He must be. We'll just ignore what the doctors and FO said before the season about his long term prognosis and go with your professional opinions.
Posts: 835
Joined: Sun Jul 03, 2016 2:48 pm

My Changes

Post by Quail »

John Jaso would be a lousy bench option next year (and certainly not a good candidate to platoon at first base). He's a no power replacement level player when hitting exclusively against right hand pitching and just plain horrible against lefties, his defense is average at best and he can only play one position. In short he sucks, and to waste a roster spot on him or to have him take ABs away from Josh Bell in 2017 would be foolish. Whatever the Pirates owe him next year is too much.

My Changes

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574A6E6C62070 wrote: For the umpteenth time, Kang cannot play everyday.  This has nothing to do with his stats.  NH said, before the season, that Kang injury was so severe, that it would keep him from being an every day starter this year.  They were hoping for 2/3 games per series.  Can we put this one to bed?

No, because his knee is not an issue.  There has never been a report that he is sore after a start or back to back starts.  The way he is playing, he looks to be 100%. 

I understand when he first came back to not play him every day, but that was a long time ago.  He needs to play more.  If there is a good match up for him, he can play that third game in a row.  Things change.  Health changes.

I'd have no problem with this as well I think his health and his knee is not that big of an issue anymore. I don't think Kang is playing that much because he has looked terrible in the last month in a half since the sexual assault charges came into play.

Sorry, I didn't realize there were doctors on the board.  If you think he "looks" fine.  He must be.  We'll just ignore what the doctors and FO said before the season about his long term prognosis and go with your professional opinions.

Are there reports of swelling or soreness? I have no seen one. He has pinched hit and played in the field a few times on his rest days.

I am not a doctor. I do have some doctor friends who follow the Pirates. I also have a cousin in that field of surgery who follows the Pirates. With today's media, no report has ever been leaked. Things can change. Injuries can get better. At least, that is what my friends say. I sure hope the Pirates medical staff knows more. I just think it would be reported if his knee was an issue.
Posts: 4220
Joined: Thu Jun 30, 2016 9:53 pm

My Changes

Post by Ecbucs »

212A222E2B2A317472053C242D2A2A6B262A450 wrote: For the umpteenth time, Kang cannot play everyday.  This has nothing to do with his stats.  NH said, before the season, that Kang injury was so severe, that it would keep him from being an every day starter this year.  They were hoping for 2/3 games per series.  Can we put this one to bed?

No, because his knee is not an issue.  There has never been a report that he is sore after a start or back to back starts.  The way he is playing, he looks to be 100%. 

I understand when he first came back to not play him every day, but that was a long time ago.  He needs to play more.  If there is a good match up for him, he can play that third game in a row.  Things change.  Health changes.

I'd have no problem with this as well I think his health and his knee is not that big of an issue anymore. I don't think Kang is playing that much because he has looked terrible in the last month in a half since the sexual assault charges came into play.

Sorry, I didn't realize there were doctors on the board.  If you think he "looks" fine.  He must be.  We'll just ignore what the doctors and FO said before the season about his long term prognosis and go with your professional opinions.

Are there reports of swelling or soreness?  I have no seen one.  He has pinched hit and played in the field a few times on his rest days.

I am not a doctor.  I do have some doctor friends who follow the Pirates.  I also have a cousin in that field of surgery who follows the Pirates.  With today's media, no report has ever been leaked.  Things can change.  Injuries can get better.  At least, that is what my friends say.  I sure hope the Pirates medical staff knows more.  I just think it would be reported if his knee was an issue.

it could be his knee isn't an issue because he is being rested enough. Pmike has pointed out this was Pirates plan from beginning of season. I certainly would like him to play every day but if it is risky he shouldn't do it.

My Changes

Post by SteadyFreddy »

767D75797C7D662325526B737A7D7D3C717D120 wrote: Moroff is just a bench player.  He is there for that extra bat off the bench. The Pirates are playing short handed with some injuries.  Moroff will be down soon in my opinion.  Aren't they short a pitcher right now?

Bell would not fill that role.  He will play when called up.  I know he sat the bench his first time around, but we knew that going in as it was a larger roster going into the break. 

If Bell comes up, it will be at the expense of Frazier.  I just don't see anyone else being released to make room for him. Yep that seems to be the Pirates philosophy this year if you perform well which Frazier has done and a guy like Chad Kuhl you get sent down to the Minors. If you suck and continue to suck like Jeff Locke and John Jaso you continue to start games every 5th day, and bat leadoff every night for the most part and play 1st base. I would still rather have Bell up here right now then a guy like Moroff. At least you can start Bell a few times a week if you're not going to play him everyday, and he is also a threat off the bench as well if you want to use him in that role when he doesn't start. Moroff is neither and doesn't make the team or the bench better.
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