A Story from Today's Game


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A Story from Today's Game

Post by IABucFan »

So, I broke down and did the one-week trial of MLB.tv and watched a few innings of today's game. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I still can't stand the new rules. But, that's not the point of this post.

Here's the story. Many of you know that I'm a Roman Catholic priest. A good friend of mine is a former AAA umpire. He quite literally wrote the book on the rules of baseball. His book is used as the rules textbook at the two major umpiring schools.

One of his best friends is Mark Wegner, who worked home plate in the Pirates/Reds game today. Mark is a strong Catholic and has organized a sort of Bible study among MLB umpires. He reached out to me to write four reflections for them during the season. So, I'm going to be writing Scripture reflections for MLB umpires. Maybe I'll come back and be a fan after all. We'll see. It's just one game, but I watched, and it wasn't terrible.
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A Story from Today's Game

Post by SyrBucco »

030B083F290C2B244A0 wrote: So, I broke down and did the one-week trial of MLB.tv and watched a few innings of today's game. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I still can't stand the new rules. But, that's not the point of this post.

Here's the story. Many of you know that I'm a Roman Catholic priest. A good friend of mine is a former AAA umpire. He quite literally wrote the book on the rules of baseball. His book is used as the rules textbook at the two major umpiring schools.

One of his best friends is Mark Wegner, who worked home plate in the Pirates/Reds game today. Mark is a strong Catholic and has organized a sort of Bible study among MLB umpires. He reached out to me to write four reflections for them during the season. So, I'm going to be writing Scripture reflections for MLB umpires. Maybe I'll come back and be a fan after all. We'll see. It's just one game, but I watched, and it wasn't terrible.
Good on ya, Iowa! Welcome back, you're gonna love the faster pace!
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A Story from Today's Game

Post by GreenWeenie »

4A4241766045626D030 wrote: So, I broke down and did the one-week trial of MLB.tv and watched a few innings of today's game. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I still can't stand the new rules. But, that's not the point of this post.

Here's the story. Many of you know that I'm a Roman Catholic priest. A good friend of mine is a former AAA umpire. He quite literally wrote the book on the rules of baseball. His book is used as the rules textbook at the two major umpiring schools.

One of his best friends is Mark Wegner, who worked home plate in the Pirates/Reds game today. Mark is a strong Catholic and has organized a sort of Bible study among MLB umpires. He reached out to me to write four reflections for them during the season. So, I'm going to be writing Scripture reflections for MLB umpires. Maybe I'll come back and be a fan after all. We'll see. It's just one game, but I watched, and it wasn't terrible.

I dnk your "story/background", IA. I just know you to be a good guy and among my favorites of all baseball fans whom I've not had an opportunity to meet.

I bet that your four sermons will be special, and I mean this when I say that I would love to read them someday if you're incline to share with regular guys like me.

Your love for baseball will return someday, I know it. It just has to come at the right time for you.

TY for sharing this for us. GW.

A Story from Today's Game

Post by DemDog »

Thanks for sharing the story about Wegner and the umpire Bible Study. I am thrilled that you were chosen to do 4 of the meditations they will be using in their study. Please reach out to Wegner and tell him that I appreciate his willingness to not just share his faith but to put it into action.

A Story from Today's Game

Post by WildwoodDave2 »

57767E577C74130 wrote: Thanks for sharing the story about Wegner and the umpire Bible Study.  I am thrilled that you were chosen to do 4 of the meditations they will be using in their study.  Please reach out to Wegner and tell him that I appreciate his willingness to not just share his faith but to put it into action. 
I think it would be wise for all of us to watch

our language on here from now on. :D

A Story from Today's Game

Post by Bobster21 »

457B7E76657D7D765673647720120 wrote: Thanks for sharing the story about Wegner and the umpire Bible Study.  I am thrilled that you were chosen to do 4 of the meditations they will be using in their study.  Please reach out to Wegner and tell him that I appreciate his willingness to not just share his faith but to put it into action. 
I think it would be wise for all of us to watch

our language on here from now on.  :D
That reminds me of a story from Pirates fantasy camp. After the former Pirates selected their teams, I was on Kent Tekulve's team and one of my teammates was a priest. Teke called a team meeting on the field and he was sitting on a heavy nylon bag of baseballs. Someone on the team joked that we should win because we had a priest on our team. Teke replied, "I don't think God cares who wins the game."

No sooner had those words left his mouth when the bag of balls he was sitting on burst, baseballs went rolling everywhere and Teke ended up on his butt. "I stand corrected," said Teke. ;D
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A Story from Today's Game

Post by UtahPirate »

Great story! And welcome back as I would love to see you posting more as well.

It's a good year to come back as it just can't be as bad as the past 3, which were torture.
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A Story from Today's Game

Post by Surgnbuck »

IDK you were a man of the cloth. But good to see you're at least dipping your toes back in the water. I posted to someone, might even have been you, that it's still baseball at its roots. I have pointed out to people over the years the massive changes in the game, yet people will pick a jumping off point and say it's not baseball to them. I guess I keep proselytizing for the game. I keep hoping to bring people back by just simply watching the games for a while before rendering judgement.

But the ghost runner is bad. I say go 12 and call it a tie if not settled.
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